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Created March 30, 2017 21:52
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Nagios plugin for checking that all AWS IAM login userhave MFA
# for debugging:
# aws iam generate-credential-report
# NOTE: generate will work only once every 4 hours -
# aws iam get-credential-report --output text | awk '{print $1}' | base64 -d | head -1 | sed 's#,#\n#g' | cat -n
# aws iam get-credential-report --output text | awk '{print $1}' | base64 -d | awk -F, '{print $1, $4, $5, $8, $9, $14, $19, $21}' | column -t
aws iam generate-credential-report &>/dev/null
#sleep 10
read report rep_time mime <<< "`aws iam get-credential-report --output text`"
rep_age=$((`date +%s`-`date -d "$rep_time" +%s`))
table=`echo "$report" | base64 -d | sed 's#<root_account>#ROOT#' | awk -F, '$5!="N/A"{print $1, $5, $8}'`
cnt=0; bad=0
while read user last_login mfa; do
[ "$mfa" != true ] && no_mfa+=" $user" && bad=$(($bad+1))
done < <(echo "$table" | sed 1d)
no_mfa=${no_mfa/ /}
table="<pre>`echo \"$table\" | column -t`</pre>"
perf_data="| no_mfa=$bad;1;1; login_user=$cnt; report_age_minutes=$(($rep_age/60));$(($max_rep_age/60));$(($max_rep_age/60));"
if [ $bad -ne 0 ]; then
echo "CRITICAL - Scanned $cnt login users, found $bad without MFA: ${no_mfa// /, } (report age is $(($rep_age/60)) minutes) $perf_data"
echo "$table"
exit 2
if [ $rep_age -lt $max_rep_age ]; then
echo "OK - Scanned $cnt login users, all have MFA (report age is $(($rep_age/60)) minutes) $perf_data"
echo "$table"
exit 0
echo "Critical - Scanned $cnt login users, all have MFA (report age is older than $(($max_rep_age/60))m - $(($rep_age/60)) minutes) $perf_data"
echo "$table"
exit 2
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