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Created April 18, 2011 21:58
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Save sholsinger/926288 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A JavaScript module to extend the Date prototype to provide an easy method for adding to or subtracting from a Date instance in business days.
if(Number.prototype.mod === undefined)
Number.prototype.mod = function(n) {
return ((this%n)+n)%n;
if(Date.prototype.addBusinessDays === undefined)
Date.prototype.addBusinessDays = function(dd) {
var weeks = (dd >= 0) ? Math.floor(dd/5): Math.ceil(dd/5);
var days = dd % 5;
var day = this.getDay();
if (day === 6 && days > -1)
if (days === 0)
day -= 5;
if (day === 0 && days < 1)
if (days === 0)
day += 5;
if (day + days > 5){days += 2};
if (day + days < 1){days -= 2};
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My primary contribution to this piece of history from can be found on line 10. The original implementation just did a Math.floor() on dd/5 which works great until you're subtracting business days and now all of a sudden the "next business day" is 1 day past your target. floor() behaves differently for negative numbers. For this we want more of a ceil() effect in that situation. Oddly enough, VBScript's Fix() method behaves as JS's ceil() for negative numbers and like JS's floor() for positive.

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