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Created March 27, 2023 18:53
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(* Source code for ⌗ by Clayton Shonkwiler, available at *)
flow = Block[{r = 10, t, cols = RGBColor /@ {"#BC002D", "#FFFFFF"}},
t = 4 Tan[s];
Im[(t + x + I y) + 1/(t + x + I y)], {x, -r, r}, {y, -r, r},
Contours -> Table[i, {i, -3.45, 3.45, .3}],
ContourShading -> None,
RegionFunction -> ((#1 + t)^2 + #2^2 > 1 &),
ContourStyle -> Directive[Thickness[.004], cols[[1]]],
ImageSize -> 270, Frame -> False, PlotRangePadding -> None,
PlotPoints -> 200],
Re[(t + x + I y) + 1/(t + x + I y)], {x, -r, r}, {y, -r, r},
Contours -> Table[i, {i, t - 3.9, t + 3.9, .3}],
RegionFunction -> ((#1 + t)^2 + #2^2 > 1 &),
ContourStyle -> Directive[Thickness[.004], cols[[1]]],
ContourShading -> None, PlotPoints -> 200],
Graphics[{cols[[1]], Disk[{-t, 0}, 1]}], PlotRange -> 3,
Background -> cols[[2]]],
{s, -\[Pi]/2 + .001, \[Pi]/2 - .001, (\[Pi] - .002)/150}]
Export[NotebookDirectory[] <> "flow.gif", flow,
"AnimationRepetitions" -> Infinity, "DisplayDurations" -> 1/50];
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