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Created October 22, 2018 19:15
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use Data::Dumper;
my $mapping_table = {
'Exemplare' => 'copies',
'Seiten' => 'pages',
'Statushinweis' => 'status',
'Serie von' => 'number_of',
'ISBN/Barcode-Nr.' => 'ISBN_barcode',
'Status' => 'status',
my $data = [
'Exemplare' => '1',
'Seiten' => '0',
'Statushinweis' => 'Statushinweis',
'ISBN/Barcode-Nr.' => '3-551-01561-9',
'Serie von' => '4',
'Status' => 'Gesucht'
'Exemplare' => '4',
'Seiten' => '111',
'Statushinweis' => '',
'ISBN/Barcode-Nr.' => '3-551-01561-9',
'Serie von' => '4',
'Status' => 'Vorhanden'
my $mapped_data = [];
foreach my $issue ( @$data ) {
my %tmp_hash;
foreach my $key (sort keys %$mapping_table) {
$tmp_hash{$mapping_table->{$key}} = $issue->{$key};
push @$mapped_data, \%tmp_hash;
print Dumper $mapped_data;
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