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Last active May 20, 2017 21:37
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# Exports all .org files in argument dirs as HTML.
# Usage: rake -f export-org-dirs.rb DIR+ [sync_mobile]
# sync_mobile (if not a dir) will fire off org-mobile-push and -pull if the
# mobile index is out of date wrt org files in dirs. This happens in the
# server so it saves your work and updates locally instead of behind your back
# and demanding a revert. It is advised to set this up to run only when the
# computer is idle so it doesn't go crazy while you're editing.
# Export could be done easily with the org project system if you didn't mind
# storing and loading the elisp somewhere and invoking emacs every time the
# script is run.
# (defun publish-org-dir (dir)
# (let* ((dir-exp (expand-file-name dir))
# (org-publish-project-alist
# `(("PROJECT"
# :base-directory ,dir-exp
# :publishing-directory ,(concat dir-exp "/html")))))
# (org-publish-project (assoc "PROJECT" org-publish-project-alist))))
INDEX = File.join(ENV['HOME'], 'dropbox', 'apps', 'mobileorg', '')
ARGV.each do |dir|
next unless Dir.exist? dir
dir_exp = File.expand_path(dir) # Correct slashes
org = FileList["#{dir_exp}/*.org"]
file INDEX => org
html = org.ext('html')
task dir => html
rule '.html' => ['.org'] do |t|
load_org = "
(require 'package)
(require 'org)
(message \\\"Using org-version %s\\\" org-version)
(setq make-backup-files nil))".delete("\n")
cmd = "emacs --batch --eval \"#{load_org}\" " +
"--visit \"#{t.source}\" --funcall org-html-export-to-html"
puts cmd
system cmd
file INDEX do
cmd = "emacsclient --eval \"(org-mobile-push)\" --eval \"(org-mobile-pull)\""
system cmd
task :sync_mobile => INDEX
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