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Created April 18, 2024 07:48
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laravel console command file to update settings in meillisearch engine, specifically the maxTotalHits value to increase beyond 1000
namespace App\Console\Commands;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Meilisearch\Client;
class MeillisearchSettings extends Command
* The name and signature of the console command.
* @var string
protected $signature = 'meillisearch:settings {--index_name=? : index to apply settings} {--maxTotalHits=? : Change pagination.maxTotalHits value} {--model= : model to apply settings to}';
* The console command description.
* @var string
protected $description = 'Update Meilisearch settings for a model';
* Execute the console command.
public function handle()
$index_name = $this->option('index_name');
if(empty($index_name)) {
$model = resolve($this->option('model'));
if (empty($model)) {
$this->error('Index or Model is required');
return 1;
$index_name = $model->searchableAs();
$maxTotalHits = (int) $this->option('maxTotalHits');
$settings = [];
if($maxTotalHits) {
data_set($settings, 'pagination.maxTotalHits', $maxTotalHits);
$client = new Client(config(''), config('scout.meilisearch.key'));
$this->info('Settings updated for ' . $index_name . ' index to ' . $maxTotalHits);
return 0;
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example usage:

 php artisan meillisearch:settings --index_name="aws_files_index" --maxTotalHits=20000000

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