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Created November 2, 2018 18:43
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  • Save shopifypartners/d20caa5136ab79109fae63f4c3ea75fd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"text": "{\"query\":\"# Mutations are the equivalent to REST’s POST actions, and allow you to create and modify objects.\\n# They aren't tied directly to resources, so identifying what they will do usually comes down to naming convention and reading the documentation.\\n\\n# As with queries, in GraphQL, you always have to select what data you want returned.\\n# Usually mutations will return the object that was created/modified, giving you a great opportunity to select the GraphQL ID (especially after a create), as well as verify any key data.\\n\\n# Finally, mutations always include a \\\"userErrors\\\" field. This field lets you know if anything is wrong with your mutation, and why it may not have been processed as expected.\\n\\n# You should ALWAYS be selecting the userErrors field to help with your own troubleshooting. If nothing went wrong, the “userErrors” field will be empty.\\n\\n# This mutation creates a new customer.\\n# We're also passing in the input, which is a JSON object that contains the data we want our customer to have.\\n# Mutations generally require inputs, and you can see which fields you can add to this input hash by checking the docs.\\n# First, look at the mutation and see what type of input it is expecting.\\n# Second, check that input's docs for all available fields. Here's an example:\\n# -\\n\\n# Note: If you get an \\\"Access Denied\\\" error message, make sure your app has the Customer Read/Write Permission.\\n\\n# We'll select these fields as well, to confirm that they've been properly set.\\nmutation {\\n customerCreate (\\n input: {\\n firstName: \\\"GraphQL\\\",\\n lastName: \\\"Customer\\\",\\n email: \\\"\\\"\\n }\\n ) \\n {\\n customer {\\n id\\n firstName\\n lastName\\n email\\n }\\n userErrors {\\n field\\n message\\n }\\n }\\n}\\n\"}"
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"text": "{\"query\":\"# With the cursor, we're fully prepared to iterate through our whole connection.\\n\\n# On every connection, you can specify the \\\"after\\\" argument, which tells the server to return results to you after this specific cursor. \\n# Use the value that was returned for “cursor” in the previous query as the “after” argument in this query to get the next set of edges.\\n# Don’t forget to replace the included cursor variable value with your own.\\n\\n# Note: This is essentially equivalent to using \\\"since_id\\\" on the REST Admin API.\\n\\n# Let's take another look at our previous query, and also ask for the current edge's cursor.\\n\\nquery getFirstOrdersWithCursor($numOrders: Int, $numLineItems: Int, $cursor: String)\\n{\\n\\torders(first:$numOrders, after:$cursor) {\\n\\t\\tpageInfo {\\n\\t\\t\\thasNextPage\\n\\t\\t}\\n\\t\\tedges {\\n\\t\\t\\tcursor\\n\\t\\t\\tnode {\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tid\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tlineItems (first:$numLineItems) {\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tedges {\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tnode {\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tid\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t}\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t}\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t}\\n\\t\\t\\t}\\n\\t\\t}\\n\\t}\\n}\",\"variables\":{\"numOrders\":10,\"numLineItems\":5,\"cursor\":\"eyJsYXN0X2lkIjo2OTA1NzE5MzU4MTcsImxhc3RfdmFsdWUiOiIyMDE3LTExLTIxIDE0OjE3OjAzIn0=\"},\"operationName\":\"getFirstOrdersWithCursor\"}"
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"text": "{\"query\":\"# GraphQL Variables allow you to re-use the same queries / mutations with different arguments. \\n\\n# In Insomnia, query variables are separated into the lower section of the editor.\\n# For every example that follows, you'll have to add your values to the variables.\\n# Failure to do so means you'll be attempting to query my shop's data, and you should receive a \\\"null\\\" response.\\n\\n# For our example, let's find the draftOrder we just created, and use the ID that was returned to us as part of the variables.\\n\\n# Let's step through, line by line, and see how the variables get pulled into the query.\\n# 1. Declare the type, query or mutation\\n# 2. Optional: give it a name. This let's you identify what a query does at a glance.\\n# 3. Specify the variable names as well as their data type.\\n# -> In this query, we’re saying we’ll use a variable named “id”, which has a type of ID...\\nquery getDraftOrderByID($id: ID!) {\\n\\t# Get the draft order directly by ID.\\n\\t# 1. the \\\"id\\\" is a parameter of the draftOrder query.\\n\\t# 2. the \\\"$id\\\" is our variable, which contains the GraphQL ID of the draftOrder we want to retrieve.\\n\\t# -> ... and this is where we actually use the variable!\\n\\tdraftOrder (id: $id) {\\n\\t\\t# Select which data we want returned\\n\\t\\t# Let's get the total price, which we could compare to what we expected all the line items to cost, just to be sure.\\n\\t\\ttotalPrice\\n\\t\\tlineItems (first: 5) {\\n\\t\\t\\tedges {\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tnode {\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\toriginalUnitPrice\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tquantity\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t}\\n\\t\\t\\t}\\n\\t\\t}\\n\\t}\\n}\",\"variables\":{\"id\":\"gid://shopify/DraftOrder/135477690441\"},\"operationName\":\"getDraftOrderByID\"}"
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"text": "{\"query\":\"# Fragments are a GraphQL concept that allow you to build some flexibility directly into your query.\\n\\n# They are marked by the \\\"... on <TYPE>\\\" syntax.\\n\\n# Using the \\\"node\\\" field on the QueryRoot, we can ask for specific objects by their ID. \\n# This returns us the object (under the “node” field or as edges under the “nodes” connection) as a node object with a basic type, which won't allow us to request any deeper info.\\n# However, using a fragment, we can ask for more specific type data IF the node is of that type.\\n\\n# This is especially useful on nodes that don't have an easy access point through the QueryRoot, such as a single lineItem.\\n\\n# Let's use everything we've learned so far to find out where a lineItem is stocked, so that we can fulfill it from that location.\\n\\n# This query uses the node QueryRoot field.\\n# We ask for an ID that we obtained from somewhere, such as a line item from our previous order / cursors query.\\n\\nquery getLineItemLocationId($id: ID!) {\\n\\t# Get a node from the queryroot node, type ????\\n node(id: $id) {\\n\\t\\t# Fragment on LineItem (IF lineItem THEN)\\n ... on LineItem {\\n id\\n\\t\\t\\t# What is the lineItem's variant?\\n variant {\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t# What is the variant's inventoryItem?\\n inventoryItem {\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t# What is the first level this item is stocked at?\\n inventoryLevels(first: 1) {\\n edges {\\n node {\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t# Finally, what is the location ID of this level?\\n location {\\n id\\n name\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n}\",\"variables\":{\"id\":\"gid://shopify/LineItem/1588425490505\"},\"operationName\":\"getLineItemLocationId\"}"
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"text": "{\"query\":\"# You can submit multiple queries / mutations in a single GraphQL request.\\n\\n# This doesn't really have any rate-limiting benefits, as the query complexities are still added together, but for any other constraint that makes it easier for you to just send 1 multi-request, this is how to do it.\\n\\n# The key points are\\n# 1. Declare the type at the top, query or mutation.\\n# 2. Each individual query must be named. \\n# \\t<your-custom-name>: <query/mutation-name-you-are-invoking>\\n# 3. The queries do not have to be the same\\n# 4. Each individual query must select which fields it wants back\\n\\n# This multi-mutation sets 3 different tags on 3 different customers.\\n\\nmutation {\\n VipGold: customerUpdate(\\n\\t\\tinput: {\\n\\t\\t\\tid: \\\"gid://shopify/Customer/870935789641\\\", \\n\\t\\t\\ttags: [\\\"Gold\\\"]\\n\\t\\t}\\n\\t) \\n\\t{\\n customer {\\n tags\\n }\\n }\\n VipPlatinum: customerUpdate(\\n\\t\\tinput: {\\n\\t\\t\\tid: \\\"gid://shopify/Customer/870602047561\\\", \\n\\t\\t\\ttags: [\\\"Platinum\\\"]\\n\\t\\t}\\n\\t) \\n\\t{\\n customer {\\n tags\\n }\\n }\\n VipDiamond: customerUpdate(\\n\\t\\tinput: {\\n\\t\\t\\tid: \\\"gid://shopify/Customer/870602014793\\\", \\n\\t\\t\\ttags: [\\\"Diamond\\\"]\\n\\t\\t}\\n\\t) \\n\\t{\\n customer {\\n tags\\n }\\n }\\n}\\n\"}"
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