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Last active January 23, 2024 20:02
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  • Save shorefall/776d8392f49901983894f5e50cfb41c2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save shorefall/776d8392f49901983894f5e50cfb41c2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Bash zond setup script
green_echo() {
echo -e "${GREEN}$1${RESET}"
green_echo "[+] Currently not zsh compatible run as bash"
green_echo "[+] This currently assumes Go is not already installed on the system"
# Check if ~/theQRL directory exists
if [ -d "$HOME/theQRL" ]; then
echo "Directory ~/theQRL already exists. Removing it to start fresh."
rm -rf "$HOME/theQRL"
screen -X -S crysm quit
screen -X -S zond quit
mkdir -p ~/theQRL
cd ~/theQRL
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential screen
green_echo "[+] Installed build essentials and screen"
command -v wget &>/dev/null && echo "wget is already installed, continuing..." || { echo "wget not found, installing..."; sudo apt-get install -y wget; }
command -v gobrew &>/dev/null && echo "gobrew is already installed." || { echo "gobrew is not installed. Installing now."; wget -O - | sh; }
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.gobrew/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.gobrew/current/go/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
export PATH="$HOME/.gobrew/bin:$PATH"
export PATH="$HOME/.gobrew/current/go/bin:$PATH"
gobrew install 1.21.5
gobrew install 1.20.12
green_echo "[+] Finished installing gobrew"
command -v git &>/dev/null && echo "git is already installed, continuing..." || { echo "git not found, installing..."; sudo apt-get install -y git; }
git clone
git clone
green_echo "[+] Cloned latest version of zond"
gobrew use 1.21.5
cd go-zond/
make gzond
cp build/bin/gzond ../
cd ..
green_echo "[+] Finished building the go-zond Execution Engine"
cd qrysm/
gobrew use 1.20.12
go build -o=../qrysmctl ./cmd/qrysmctl
go build -o=../beacon-chain ./cmd/beacon-chain
go build -o=../validator ./cmd/validator
cd ..
green_echo "[+] Finished building the Qrysm Consensus Engine"
green_echo "[+] Pulling zond Config Files"
wget -P ~/theQRL
wget -P ~/theQRL
green_echo "[+] Zond node starting in screen session."
screen -dmS zond ./gzond \
--log.file gozond.log \
--nat=extip: \
--betanet \
--http \
--http.api "web3,net,personal,zond,engine" \
--datadir=gzonddata \
--syncmode=full \
green_echo "[+] Zond started"
green_echo "[+] Sleep for 10 seconds and launch ze crysm"
for i in {1000..1}; do
printf "\r%.2f" $(bc <<< "scale=2; $i/100")
sleep 0.01
green_echo "[+] Crysm consensus engine now starting"
screen -dmS crysm ./beacon-chain \
--log-file crysm.log --log-format text \
--datadir=beacondata \
--min-sync-peers=1 \
--genesis-state=genesis.ssz \
--chain-config-file=config.yml \
--config-file=config.yml \
--chain-id=32382 \
--execution-endpoint=http://localhost:8551 \
--accept-terms-of-use \
--jwt-secret=gzonddata/gzond/jwtsecret \
--contract-deployment-block=0 \
--minimum-peers-per-subnet=0 \
--p2p-static-id \
--bootstrap-node "enr:-MK4QB1-CQAEPXFwD0D_tS08YXWPsKuaWdCzentML2JhAJnvXUR4lSPHCRXHCjudviKciwBmbPirHjyL_kmI0T1ti6qGAY0sF6hgh2F0dG5ldHOIAAAAAAAAAACEZXRoMpDeYa1-IAAAk___________gmlkgnY0gmlwhC1MJ0KJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQN_5eo8D8pFGWUX1SMAT7kMbY2a9Ryb6Bu2oAW8s28kyYhzeW5jbmV0cwCDdGNwgjLIg3VkcIIu4A" \
--bootstrap-node "enr:-MK4QOiaZeOWRnUyxfJv0lTbvjh-Re4zfDBW7vNWl9wIW7n8OWzMmxhy8IVHgRF7QZrkm7OGShDogEYUtdg8Bt1nIqaGAY0sFwP7h2F0dG5ldHOIAAAAAAAAAACEZXRoMpDeYa1-IAAAk___________gmlkgnY0gmlwhC0g6p2Jc2VjcDI1NmsxoQK6I2IsSSRwnOtpsnzhgACTRfYZqUQ1aTsw-K4qMR_2BohzeW5jbmV0cwCDdGNwgjLIg3VkcIIu4A"
green_echo "[+] Setup complete screens running, exiting script."
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Logs are placed in ~/home/theQRL/zond.log and ~/home/theQRL/crysm.log

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