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Last active August 21, 2022 17:11
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Statiq Pipelines
using Statiq.Minification;
namespace HighlightHelp.pipelines
public class JavaScript : Pipeline
public JavaScript()
InputModules = new ModuleList
new ReadFiles("help/**/*.js")
PostProcessModules = new ModuleList
new MinifyJs(),
new SetDestination(".js")
OutputModules = new ModuleList
new WriteFiles()
using Statiq.Minification;
namespace HighlightHelp
class Program
public static async Task<int> Main(string[] args) =>
await Bootstrapper
/* ** HACK ** Clearing the file list for all the standard pipelines.
* Was unable to get existing piplines to minifi JS or HTML without acting on the wrong file types
* Was unable to stop analyzers - All the links were generating relative link errors.
.AddSetting(WebKeys.InputFiles, "")
//.ModifyPipeline(nameof(Statiq.Web.Pipelines.Assets), p => p.PostProcessModules.Add(new MinifyJs()))
//.AddSetting(Keys.ValidateRelativeLinks, false)
using HighlightHelp.Modules.HLTemplate;
using Statiq.Minification;
using Statiq.Razor;
using Statiq.Yaml;
namespace HighlightHelp.pipelines
public class RazorPages : Pipeline
public RazorPages()
InputModules = new ModuleList
new ReadFiles("help/**/{!_,}*.cshtml")
ProcessModules = new ModuleList
new ExtractFrontMatter(new ParseYaml()),
new HLTemplate(),
new RenderRazor(),
new SetDestination(".html")
PostProcessModules = new ModuleList
new MinifyHtml()
OutputModules = new ModuleList
new WriteFiles()
namespace HighlightHelp.pipelines
public class Resources : Pipeline
public Resources()
InputModules = new ModuleList
new ReadFiles()
ProcessModules = new ModuleList
// Images
new CopyFiles("help/**/*.{png,gif,svg,jpg}"),
// Documents
new CopyFiles("help/**/*.pdf"),
new CopyFiles("help/**/*.xl{t,s}x"),
// Other
new CopyFiles("**/*web.config"),
new CopyFiles("help/favicon.ico")
using Statiq.Sass;
namespace HighlightHelp.pipelines
public class Sass : Pipeline
public Sass()
InputModules = new ModuleList
new ReadFiles("help/styles/main.scss")
ProcessModules = new ModuleList
new CompileSass()
OutputModules = new ModuleList
new WriteFiles()
using Statiq.Lunr;
namespace HighlightHelp.pipelines
public class SearchIndex : Pipeline
public SearchIndex()
PostProcessModules = new ModuleList
new ReplaceDocuments(nameof(RazorPages)),
new GenerateLunrIndex()
.WithField("Description", FieldType.Result)
.WithField("Tags", FieldType.Result)
OutputModules = new ModuleList
new WriteFiles()
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