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ryandotsmith /
Created January 22, 2012 01:42
Backbone demo app with sinatra backend

A Backbone.js demo app (Sinatra Backend)

Oct 16 2010


  • 04/10/2011 - Updated application.js and application.rb thanks to @rebo's comments

In this article, I will walk through some simple steps to get a [demo app][2] up and running with [Backbone.js][3] and [Sinatra][4] on [Heroku][5].

alotaiba /
Created February 3, 2012 13:20
Google Speech To Text API

Google Speech To Text API

Base URL:
It accepts POST requests with voice file encoded in FLAC format, and query parameters for control.

Query Parameters

The client's name you're connecting from. For spoofing purposes, let's use chromium

Speech language, for example, ar-QA for Qatari Arabic, or en-US for U.S. English

ericrallen / js-ua-checker
Created August 1, 2012 18:16
JavaScript UA Checker, modified from to represent ipad, as well.
//check for mobile devices
//modified from
var ua = navigator.userAgent;
var checker = {
iphone: ua.match(/(iPhone|iPod)/),
ipad: ua.match(/(iPad)/),
blackberry: ua.match(/BlackBerry/),
android: ua.match(/Android/)
desandro / transition-scroll-to.js
Created December 4, 2012 16:50
Use CSS transitions to scroll to element
( function( window, undefined ) {
'use strict';
// helper function
function capitalize( str ) {
return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
// ========================= getStyleProperty by kangax ===============================
[[ -s "$HOME/.profile" ]] && source "$HOME/.profile" # Load the default .profile
[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" # Load RVM into a shell session *as a function*
## git completion (run brew install bash-completion first)
if [ -f `brew --prefix`/etc/bash_completion ]; then
. `brew --prefix`/etc/bash_completion
## branch name in prompt
jbranchaud /
Last active July 15, 2021 12:36
Resources on writing testable JavaScript

Testable JavaScript Resources

Testing JavaScript isn't just a thing you can read about in children's fairy tales.

This is just a scratch pad of everything I find. As the really good resources start to float to the top, I'll transition them to a more permanent GitHub repo.


R = React.DOM
nations = ['britain', 'ireland', 'norway', 'sweden', 'denmark', 'germany',
'holland', 'belgium', 'france', 'spain', 'portugal', 'italy', 'switzerland']
Typeahead = React.createClass
getInitialState : -> {input: ""}
handleChange : -> @setState input: @refs.field.getDOMNode().value
handleClick : (nation)-> @setState input: nation
matches : (input)->
lopespm / .bash_profile
Last active June 5, 2020 02:37 — forked from natelandau/.bash_profile
Show git branch
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sections:
# 1. Environment Configuration
# 2. Make Terminal Better (remapping defaults and adding functionality)
# 3. File and Folder Management
# 4. Searching
# 5. Process Management
# 6. Networking
# 7. System Operations & Information
chantastic / on-jsx.markdown
Last active May 30, 2024 13:11
JSX, a year in

Hi Nicholas,

I saw you tweet about JSX yesterday. It seemed like the discussion devolved pretty quickly but I wanted to share our experience over the last year. I understand your concerns. I've made similar remarks about JSX. When we started using it Planning Center, I led the charge to write React without it. I don't imagine I'd have much to say that you haven't considered but, if it's helpful, here's a pattern that changed my opinion:

The idea that "React is the V in MVC" is disingenuous. It's a good pitch but, for many of us, it feels like in invitation to repeat our history of coupled views. In practice, React is the V and the C. Dan Abramov describes the division as Smart and Dumb Components. At our office, we call them stateless and container components (view-controllers if we're Flux). The idea is pretty simple: components can't

mdriesch /
Last active November 6, 2022 13:55
Python Class for LiFo, FiFo and AVCO Accounting of bonds
Copyright (C) 2017 Michael von den Driesch
This file is just a simple implementation of a python class allowing for various
*booking* types (LIFO, FIFO, AVCO)
This *GIST* is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the BSD-2-Clause (
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT