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Last active March 4, 2020 14:06
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Utility script to wipe disks and report Wearout (Wearout for SSD Only)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Built for
# This script wipes disk partition tables via wipefs(8) and reports Wearout via smartctl(8).
# Mainly built for SSDs, hence the Wearout reporting.
# Currently Supports Intel, Kingston, and Micron
# If you wish to add support for a disk that isn't listed
# run smartctl -A /dev/disk/sdx, where sdx is the disk you want to add.
# Look for the attribute that is for reporting disk wear, this differs per manufacturer and not every disk reports wear.
# Add that attribute in the egrep command where the "wear" variable is being assiged.
# This script is built with the idea of a general server in service at CloudSouth
# C6220 Gen1 with a LSI 9265-8i running the latest firmware and JBOD enabled
# This script also requires LSI's StorCli package installed and a softlink of the exec in the path
# example; ln -s /bin/storcli /opt/MegaRaid/storcli/storcli64
# It will try to clear any forign configs then force set all disks to UGood, minus the bootdisk, if any.
# Once in JBOD, we can read smart, pull the needed info regarding wear and wipe the disk with wipefs.
shopt -s nullglob;
echo "Wiping forign configs, if any.";
if ! storcli /call/fall delete > /dev/null; then
echo "Failed to wipe forign configs.";
exit 1;
echo "Forcing disks to UGood.";
ubadDisks=$(storcli /c0/e18/sall show j | jq --raw-output '.Controllers[0]."Response Data"."Drive Information"[] | select(.State == "UBad") | ."EID:Slt"' | awk -F ':' '{print $2}');
for badDisk in ${ubadDisks[@]}; do
if [ ! "${badDisk}" = ' ' ]; then
echo "Setting bad config diskID 18:${badDisk} to good.";
if ! storcli /c0/e18/s${badDisk} set good force > /dev/null; then
echo "Failed to convert disk to UGood";
exit 1;
unset ubadDisks;
echo "Converting disks to JBOD.";
ugoodDisks=$(storcli /c0/e18/sall show j | jq --raw-output '.Controllers[0]."Response Data"."Drive Information"[] | select(.State == "UGood") | ."EID:Slt"' | awk -F ':' '{print $2}');
for goodDisk in ${ugoodDisks[@]}; do
if [ ! "${goodDisk}" = ' ' ]; then
echo "Setting good config diskID 18:${goodDisk} to JBOD.";
if ! storcli /c0/e18/s${goodDisk} set jbod > /dev/null; then
echo "Failed to convert disk to JBOD.";
exit 1;
unset ugoodDisks;
echo "Waiting for Kernel to refresh SMART data.";
sleep 15;
if [ ${#disks[@]} -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Couldn't find any disks.";
echo "Check LEDs!!";
exit 0;
if [ ${#disks[@]} -lt 22 ]; then
echo "Found less disks than 22."
echo "Got ${#disks[@]} instead of 22.";
read -p "Contiune? [y/N] " -n 1 -r;
echo "";
if [[ "${REPLY}" =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
echo "Continuing...";
exit 0;
echo "Wiping ${#disks[@]} disks...";
for disk in "${disks[@]}"; do
# This is to hide the disks with software RAID, since wiping the underlying disk will remove the raid
if [[ ! "${disk}" == *"-part"* ]]; then
echo "Wiping disk ${disk##*/}";
if ! wipefs -af "${disk}" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "Failed to wipe disk.";
exit 1;
echo "Gathering Health...";
healthStatus+=$(smartctl -i "${disk}" | egrep '(Device Model|Serial Number|User Capacity)');
wear=$(smartctl -A "${disk}" | egrep '(Media_Wearout_Indicator|Percent_Lifetime_Remain|SSD_Life_Left)' | awk '{printf "%d%\n", $4}');
healthStatus+="\nWear: ${wear}\n";
unset wear;
echo "Waiting for the Kernel to re-read the disks.";
# sleep 15;
echo "Wipe Complete.";
echo "Printing Heath of wiped disks.";
sleep 3;
echo -e "${healthStatus}";
echo "";
# sometimes when you freshly convert a disk to JBOD, smartctl doesn't see the attributes yet, seems a rerun would fix it
echo "If there are blank health status for disks, please rerun 'wipedisks'.";
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