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Created February 13, 2011 13:48
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A simple watch script for symfony
def run_unit_test(file)
system("php5 symfony test:unit #{file}")
def run_functional_test(app, controller)
system("php5 symfony test:functional #{app} #{controller}Actions")
def build_schema
system("php5 symfony doctrine:build --all-classes")
def run_all_tests
system("php5 symfony test:all")
watch( 'lib/(.*)\.class\.php' ) {|m| run_unit_test m[1]}
watch( 'apps/(.*)/modules/(.*)/actions/(.*)\.class\.php' ) {|m| run_functional_test m[1],m[2]}
watch( 'apps/(.*)/modules/(.*)/templates/(.*)\.php' ) {|m| run_functional_test m[1],m[2]}
watch( 'test/functional/(.*)/(.*)ActionsTest\.php' ) {|m| run_functional_test m[1],m[2]}
watch( 'test/unit/(.*)Test\.php' ) {|m| run_unit_test m[1]}
watch( 'config/doctrine/(.*)\.yml' ){ build_schema }
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