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Created November 22, 2022 19:33
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1926. Nearest Exit from Entrance in Maze
class Node:
def __init__(self, location: list[int] = None):
self.location = location
self.north: Node = self
self.east: Node = self
self.south: Node = self
self.west: Node = self
class Solution:
adding_nodes_traveled_path = []
getting_nodes_traveled_path = []
max_hight = 0
max_width = 0
def __test_step(
self, maze, location: list[int], visited: list
) -> tuple[bool, list]:
if location[0] == -1 or location[1] == -1 or location in visited:
return (False, visited)
if maze[location[0]][location[1]] == ".":
return (True, visited)
return (False, visited)
return (False, visited)
def __add_nodes(
self, maze: list[list[str]], current_node: Node, visited: list = []
) -> Node:
location = current_node.location
north = [location[0] - 1, location[1]]
(available, visited) = self.__test_step(maze, north, visited)
if available:
current_node.north = self.__add_nodes(maze, Node(north), visited)
east = [location[0], location[1] + 1]
(available, visited) = self.__test_step(maze, east, visited)
if available:
current_node.east = self.__add_nodes(maze, Node(east), visited)
south = [location[0] + 1, location[1]]
(available, visited) = self.__test_step(maze, south, visited)
if available:
current_node.south = self.__add_nodes(maze, Node(south), visited)
west = [location[0], location[1] + 1]
(available, visited) = self.__test_step(maze, west, visited)
if available:
current_node.west = self.__add_nodes(maze, Node(west), visited)
print(current_node.location, end=" ")
return current_node
def __bfs(self, current_node: Node):
steps = 1
queue = [(current_node, int(steps))]
# steps need to be inside queue to avoid extra steps
while queue:
(queue_node, steps) = queue.pop(0)
for neighbor_node in [
if neighbor_node.location not in self.getting_nodes_traveled_path:
print(neighbor_node.location, end=" ")
y = neighbor_node.location[0]
x = neighbor_node.location[1]
if y <= 0 or y >= self.max_hight or x <= 0 or x >= self.max_width:
return steps if not steps == 0 else -1
queue.append((neighbor_node, int(steps + 1)))
return -1
def nearestExit(self, maze: list[list[str]], entrance: list[int]) -> int:
self.adding_nodes_traveled_path = [entrance]
self.max_hight = len(maze) - 1
self.max_width = len(maze[0]) - 1
start_node = Node(entrance)
print("adding nodes")
self.__add_nodes(maze, start_node)
print("\nsearching nodes")
return self.__bfs(start_node)
# Expected 1
maze = [["+", "+", ".", "+"], [".", ".", ".", "+"], ["+", "+", "+", "."]]
entrance = [1, 2]
# Expected 2
maze = [["+", "+", "+"], [".", ".", "."], ["+", "+", "+"]]
entrance = [1, 0]
# Expected -1
# maze =[[".","+"]]
# entrance = [0,0]
# Expected 12
# maze = [
# ["+",".","+","+","+","+","+"],
# ["+",".","+",".",".",".","+"],
# ["+",".","+",".","+",".","+"],
# ["+",".",".",".","+",".","+"],
# ["+","+","+","+","+",".","+"]
# ]
# entrance = [0,1]
# result should be -1
# maze = [
# ["+",".","+","+","+","+","+"],
# ["+",".","+",".",".",".","+"],
# ["+",".","+",".","+",".","+"],
# ["+",".",".",".","+",".","+"],
# ["+","+","+","+","+","+","."]
# ]
# entrance = [0,1]
# result should be 7
# maze = [
# ["+",".","+","+","+","+","+"],
# ["+",".","+",".",".",".","+"],
# ["+",".","+",".","+",".","+"],
# ["+",".",".",".",".",".","+"],
# ["+","+","+","+",".","+","."]
# ]
# entrance = [0,1]
print(Solution().nearestExit(maze, entrance))
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