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Last active December 15, 2015 20:29
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view template rspec file - working. Switched to factory girl for data
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :user do
login "login"
firstname Faker::Name.first_name
lastname Faker::Name.last_name
require 'spec_helper'
require 'will_paginate/array'
describe "users/index" do
before(:each) do
# i need this because i use a private model method as a helper method so I have to expose this
# i don't remember exactly was in one of ryan's railcasts though (sorting)
controller.singleton_class.class_eval do
def sort_column
helper_method :sort_column
# use timecop freeze as soon as it is available - just to be sure
# Timecop.freeze
@user1 = create(:user)
@user2 = create(:user, :login => "keimchri")
assign(:users, [@user1, @user2])
it "renders a list of users" do
# rendered.should contain("TEXT") <-- also possible
#i dunno yet what i really want to test here
assert_select "tr>td", :text => "login".to_s, :count => 1
assert_select "tr>td", :text => "keimchri".to_s, :count => 1
# faker generates same name when called in same test WHY?
assert_select "tr>td", :text => @user1.firstname, :count => 2
assert_select "tr>td", :text => @user1.lastname, :count => 2
# created at is the same for both created users
assert_select "tr>td", :text => l(@user1.created_at.in_time_zone, :format => :standard).to_s, :count => 2
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Probably not what you want to hear, but I avoid view specs whenever possible. They're too brittle and I find that I have to go look at the page in a browser anyway to confirm. If you have to test it, though, I think you should be able to use Factory Girl's build_stubbed to create your users, then assign the stubbed users to :users as you do in line 23.

One other thing I like to do is always assign an ID in the DOM for whatever I'm iterating through. So in this case each would have a unique ID, then I use Capybara to test that within that element, my page has whatever content I'm looking for. I like the flexibility of this--if I switch from a table to an unordered list or straight

tags, for example, my test still passes.

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