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Ti.Geolocation Example
* @class Lib.TiGeo
* This library is a helper for geolocation
* @author Steven House <>
* @example
var geo = require('ti.geolocation.helper');
function success(_location) {
console.warn("location callback success");;
function error(_error) {
console.error("Location error: " + _error);
geo.getLocation({success: success, error: error});
// Exported functions
exports.getLocation = getLocation;
exports.getCompass = getCompass;
exports.getLocationUpdates = getLocationUpdates;
exports.forwardGeocode = forwardGeocode;
exports.reverseGeocode = reverseGeocode;
* @function handlePermissions
* @summary Handle permissions for geolocation
* @param {function} _success The success callback
* @returns {void}
function handlePermissions(_success) {
// The first argument is required on iOS and ignored on other platforms
var hasLocationPermissions = Ti.Geolocation.hasLocationPermissions(Ti.Geolocation.AUTHORIZATION_ALWAYS);'Ti.Geolocation.hasLocationPermissions', hasLocationPermissions);
if (hasLocationPermissions) {
Ti.Geolocation.requestLocationPermissions(Ti.Geolocation.AUTHORIZATION_ALWAYS, function(_e) {'Ti.Geolocation.requestLocationPermissions', _e);
if (_e.success) {
// Instead, probably call the same method you call if hasLocationPermissions() is true
alert('You granted permission.');
} else if (OS_ANDROID) {
alert('You denied permission for now, forever or the dialog did not show at all because it you denied forever before.');
} else {
// We already check AUTHORIZATION_DENIED earlier so we can be sure it was denied now and not before
title: 'You denied permission.',
// We also end up here if the NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription is missing from tiapp.xml in which case e.error will say so
message: _e.error
* @function handlePermissions
* @summary Start the geolocation
* @param {Object} _args
* @param {Function} _args.success Success callback
* @param {Function} _args.error Error callback
* @return {Object} Returns something similar to:
"accuracy": 100,
"altitude": 0,
"altitudeAccuracy": null,
"heading": 0,
"latitude": 40.493781233333333,
"longitude": -80.056671
"speed": 0,
"timestamp": 1318426498331
function getLocation(_args) {
function getLoc() {
if (Ti.Geolocation.locationServicesEnabled) {
Titanium.Geolocation.purpose = 'Get Current Location';
Titanium.Geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(_e) {
if (_e.error) {
console.error('Error: ' + _e.error)
_args.error && _args.error(_e.error);
} else {
_args.success && _args.success(_e.coords);
} else {
alert('Please enable location services');
* @function handlePermissions
* @summary Get the compass
* @param {Object} _args
* @param {Function} _args.success Success callback
* @param {Function} _args.error Error callback
* @return {Object} The console output of your program will contain the heading information, which will be sent continuously from the heading event. The data for each heading entry will be structured in the following manner.
"accuracy": 3,
"magneticHeading": 34.421875, // degrees east of magnetic north
"timestamp": 1318447443692,
"trueHeading": 43.595027923583984, // degrees east of true north
"type": "heading",
"x": 34.421875,
"y": -69.296875,
"z": -1.140625
function getCompass(_args) {
function getComp() {
// Use the compass
if (Ti.Geolocation.locationServicesEnabled) {
Ti.Geolocation.purpose = 'Get Current Heading';
// make a single request for the current heading
Ti.Geolocation.getCurrentHeading(function(_e) {;
_args.success && _args.success(_e.heading)
// Set 'heading' event for continual monitoring
Ti.Geolocation.addEventListener('heading', function(_e) {
if (_e.error) {
console.warn('[ti.getlocation.helper] compass error: ' + _e.error)
_args.error && _args.error(_e.error);
} else {
_args.success && _args.success(_e.heading);;
} else {
alert('Please enable location services');
* @function handlePermissions
* @summary Get Location Updates
* @param {Object} _args
* @param {String} _args.purpose
* @param {Const} _args.accuracy
* @param {Number} _args.distanceFilter
* @param {Const} _args.preferredProvider
* @param {Function} _args.callback
function getLocationUpdates(_args) {
function getLocUpdates() {
// Configure Location Service Properties
if (Ti.Geolocation.locationServicesEnabled) {
Ti.Geolocation.purpose = _args.purpose ? _args.purpose : 'Get Current Location';
Ti.Geolocation.accuracy = _args.accuracy ? _args.accuracy : Ti.Geolocation.ACCURACY_BEST;
Ti.Geolocation.distanceFilter = _args.distanceFilter ? _args.distanceFilter : 10;
Ti.Geolocation.preferredProvider = _args.preferredProvider ? _args.preferredProvider : Ti.Geolocation.PROVIDER_GPS;
Ti.Geolocation.addEventListener('location', function(e) {
if (e.error) {
log.error('[Geo] Error: ' + e.error);
_args.callback && _args.callback(e);
} else {
log.error('[Geo] Error: ' + e.error);
_args.callback && _args.callback(e);
} else {
alert('Please enable location services');
* @function handlePermissions
* @summary Forward Geocode
* @param {String} _address
* @param {Object} _args
* @param {Function} _args.success Success callback
* @param {Function} _args.error Error callback
* @returns {Object}
{ "accuracy": 1, "latitude": 37.389071, "longitude": -122.050156, "success": 1 }
function forwardGeocode(_address, _args) {
function fwdGeo() {
if (!_address || !_callback) { log.error('[Geo] You must provide address and callback.'); return false; }
// Forward and Reverse Geocoding
Ti.Geolocation.forwardGeocoder(_address, _args.success);
* @function handlePermissions
* @summary Reverse Geocode
* @param {String} _lat
* @param {String} _lng
* @param {Function} _args
* @return {Object}
"places": [{
"address": ", 418020 Dzhany-Kuduk, , Kazakhstan", "city": "Oral", "country": "Kazakhstan",
"country_code": "KZ", "latitude": 50.0, "longitude": 50.0, "street": "", "zipcode": 418020
"success": 1
function reverseGeocode(_lat, _lng, _callback) {
function revGeo() {
if (!_lat || !_lng || !_callback) {
log.error('[Geo] You must provide address and callback.'); return false;
Ti.Geolocation.reverseGeocoder(_lat, _lng, _callback);
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d3V1L-sg commented Aug 9, 2017

Line 193 should be handlePermissions(fwdGeo);
Line 218 should be handlePermissions(revGeo);

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shouse commented Aug 17, 2017

Updated, thanks.

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