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Last active December 19, 2015 17:58
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// Origonally from
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mapType : Indicates what type of map should be displayed.(Ti.Map.STANDARD_TYPE, Ti.Map.SATELLITE_TYPE and Ti.Map.HYBRID_TYPE ).
region : This is an object that contains the 4 properties defining the visible area of the MapView.(latitude and longitude of a region can be represented with a different level of zoom using latitudeDelta and longitudeDelta properties).
animate : A boolean that indicates whether or not map actions, like opening and adding annotations, should be animated.
userLocation : A boolean that indicates if the map should attempt to fit the MapView into the region in the visible view.
userLocation : A boolean that indicates if the map should show the user's current device location as a blue dot on the map.
There are 2 more components annotations and routes. They allow us to add places of interest to our maps as well as plot paths between them.
var win = Ti.UI.createWindow();
var mapView = Titanium.Map.createView({
mapType : Titanium.Map.STANDARD_TYPE,
region : {latitude:37.389569, longitude:-122.050212,latitudeDelta:0.1, longitudeDelta:0.1},
animate : true,
regionFit : true,
userLocation : false
Annotations :
Annotations, created with the Ti.Map.createAnnotation() function, allow us to mark places on MapViews
with pins, images, and text.
We can add number of annotation in a MapView by using array.Let'smodify the basic MapView example.
var win = Ti.UI.createWindow();
var annotations1 = Ti.Map.createAnnotation({
latitude: 37.389569,
longitude: -122.050212,
title: 'Title A',
subtitle: 'Subtitle A',
animate: true,
leftButton: 'google.jpg'
var annotations2 = Ti.Map.createAnnotation({
latitude: 37.422502,
longitude: -122.0855498,
title: 'Title B',
subtitle: 'Subtitle B',
animate: true,
var annotations = [annotations1, annotations2];
var mapview = Titanium.Map.createView({
mapType: Titanium.Map.STANDARD_TYPE,
region: {latitude:37.389569, longitude:-122.050212, latitudeDelta:0.02, longitudeDelta:0.02},
annotations: annotations
Routes(iOS only)
Routes are an iOS-only feature. They allow us to draw paths between locations on a MapView.
These paths can be driving directions, walking paths etc, to connect point A to point B.
var win = Ti.UI.createWindow();
var annotations1 = Ti.Map.createAnnotation({
latitude: 37.389569,
longitude: -122.050212,
title: 'Title A',
subtitle: 'Subtitle A',
animate: true,
leftButton: 'google.jpg'
var annotations2 = Ti.Map.createAnnotation({
latitude: 37.422502,
longitude: -122.0855498,
title: 'Title B',
subtitle: 'Subtitle B',
animate: true,
var annotations = [annotations1, annotations2];
var mapview = Titanium.Map.createView({
mapType: Titanium.Map.STANDARD_TYPE,
region: {latitude:37.389569, longitude:-122.050212, latitudeDelta:0.02, longitudeDelta:0.02},
annotations: annotations
var socure = [37.389569, -122.050212];
var destination = [37.422502, -122.0855498];
var mode = "d";
var url = ""+socure+"&daddr="+destination+"&f=d&sensor=true&doflg=ptm&hl=en&dirflg="+mode+"&output=kml";
var xhr = Titanium.Network.createHTTPClient();'GET',url);
xhr.onload = function()
var xml = this.responseXML;
var coords = xml.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("LineString");
var points = [];
for(var cc=0; cc < coords.length; cc++)
var line = coords.item(cc);
var str = line.firstChild.text.split(" ");
for(dd = 0; dd < str.length; dd++)
var loc = str[dd].split(',');
if(loc[0] && loc[1])
points.push({latitude: loc[1],longitude: loc[0]});
var route = {name:'mapRoute', points:points, color: "blue", width:4};
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