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Last active February 15, 2021 23:45
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  • Save shouth/1d40c814231ad712725b97eeb78c62ab to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save shouth/1d40c814231ad712725b97eeb78c62ab to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// ==UserScript==
// @name AtCoder Better Highlighter
// @name:en AtCoder Better Highlighter
// @namespace
// @version 0.5.4
// @description highlight.jsを使用してAtCoderの提出コードの表示を置き換えるUserScriptです.
// @description:en Better syntax highlighting for AtCoder using highlight.js.
// @author shouth
// @resource css
// @require
// @include /^https:\/\/atcoder\.jp\/contests\/[^\/]+\/submissions\/[0-9]+
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @grant GM_getResourceText
// ==/UserScript==
(async () => {
'use strict';
const getHighlightName = (str) => {
switch (str) {
case "Ada2012": return "ada";
case "Awk": return "awk";
case "Bash": return "bash";
case "Brainfuck": return "brainfuck";
case "C": return "c";
case "C#": return "csharp";
case "C++": return "cpp";
case "C++14": return "cpp";
case "COBOL - Fixed": return "";
case "COBOL - Free": return "";
case "Clojure": return "clojure";
case "Common Lisp": return "lisp";
case "Crystal": return "crystal";
case "Cython": return "python";
case "D": return "d";
case "Dart": return "dart";
case "Dash": return "";
case "Elixir": return "elixir";
case "Erlang": return "erlang";
case "F#": return "fsharp";
case "Forth": return "";
case "Fortran": return "fortran";
case "Go": return "go";
case "Haskell": return "haskell";
case "Haxe": return "haxe";
case "Java": return "java";
case "JavaScript": return "javascript";
case "Julia": return "julia";
case "Kotlin": return "kotlin";
case "Lua": return "lua";
case "Nim": return "nimrod";
case "OCaml": return "ocaml";
case "Objective-C": return "objectivec";
case "Octave": return "";
case "PHP": return "php";
case "Pascal": return "pascal";
case "Perl": return "perl";
case "Prolog": return "prolog";
case "PyPy2": return "python";
case "PyPy3": return "python";
case "Python": return "python";
case "Racket": return "";
case "Raku": return "";
case "Ruby": return "ruby";
case "Rust": return "rust";
case "Scala": return "scala";
case "Scheme": return "scheme";
case "Sed": return "";
case "Standard ML": return "sml";
case "Swift": return "swift";
case "Text": return "";
case "TypeScript": return "typescript";
case "Unlambda": return "";
case "Vim": return "vim";
case "Visual Basic": return "vbnet";
case "Zsh": return "";
case "bc": return "";
case "dc": return "";
default: return "";
const lang = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("tr"))
.find(e => [ "言語", "Languages" ].includes(e.children[0]?.textContent));
const result = /.+(?= \(.+\))/g.exec(lang?.children[1]?.textContent);
const name = result ? getHighlightName(result[0]) : "";
if (!name) return;
if (!hljs.getLanguage(name)) {
// const response = await fetch(`${name}.min.js`);
// eval(await response.text());
const style = document.createElement("style");
style.textContent = `
.submission-code {
padding: 0 !important;
.line-number {
padding: 0 10px;
width: 50px;
text-align: right;
.line-number::before {
opacity: 0.3;
content: attr(data-line-number);
.line {
padding: 0 10px;
.lines {
width: 100%;
const original = document.querySelector("#for_copy0").textContent;
const lines = hljs.highlight(name, original, true).value.split("\n");
const code =, i) => `
<td class="line-number" data-line-number=${i + 1}></td>
<td class="line">${e}</td>
const pre = document.createElement("pre"); = "submission-code";
pre.className = "submission-code";
pre.innerHTML = `<table class="hljs lines"><tbody>${code}<tbody></table>`
const sub = document.querySelector("#submission-code");
sub.parentNode.replaceChild(pre, sub);
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