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Created October 29, 2010 17:01
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CANVAS.init({ canvasElement : 'canvas' });
// setting the lineWidth globally
CANVAS.ctx.lineWidth = 0.5;
/* you can add a CanvasItem to a new Layer instantly.
* Again, only objects are passed
* */
CANVAS.layers.add( {
id : 'background'
} ).add({
id : 'content',
x : 0,
y : 0,
w : 600,
h : 400,
events : {
onDraw : function(ctx){
ctx.fillStyle = '#aaf';
ctx.fillRect(this.x,this.y, this.w, this.h);
/* the next item receives no initial properties because they
* will be passed by the onDraw-function of another item (wave0/item)
* */
var wave0 = CANVAS.layers.add({ id : 'wave0' });
CANVAS.layers.add({ id : 'wave0bg'}).add({
id : 'item',
events : {
onDraw : function(ctx)
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.1)';
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(this.cxa, this.cya, this.exa, this.eya);
ctx.lineTo(this.exb, this.eyb);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(this.cxb, this.cyb, this.xb,this.yb);
ctx.moveTo(this.xa, this.ya);
var wave1 = CANVAS.layers.add({ id : 'wave1' });
CANVAS.layers.add({ id : 'wave1bg'}).add({
id : 'item',
events : {
onDraw : function(ctx)
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.1)';
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(this.cxa, this.cya, this.exa, this.eya);
ctx.lineTo(this.exb, this.eyb);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(this.cxb, this.cyb, this.xb,this.yb);
ctx.moveTo(this.xa, this.ya);
/* this is the on of the wave outline items, the dropshadows
* are removed for performances reasons
* */
id : 'item',
xa : -10,
exa : 610,
ya : $random(120,160),
eya : $random(120,160),
cxa : $random(0,600),
cya : $random(40,160),
xb : -10,
exb : 610,
yb : $random(240,280),
eyb : $random(240,280),
cxb : $random(0,600),
cyb : $random(160,260),
events : {
onDraw : function(ctx){
ctx.strokeStyle = '#fff';
//ctx.shadowOffsetX = 0;
//ctx.shadowBlur = 10;
//ctx.shadowColor = "rgba(255,255,255,0.9)";
//ctx.shadowOffsetY = 4;
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(this.cxa, this.cya, this.exa, this.eya);
//ctx.shadowOffsetY = -4;
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(this.cxb, this.cyb, this.exb, this.eyb);
/* here the outline properties are passed to the wave shape item.
* This will not throw an error (undefined) as the outline is on
* layer lower in the stack so it's onDraw-function is executed
* first and can pass the values before the wave shape is drawn */
var props = ['xa','exa','ya','eya','cxa','cya','xb','exb','yb','eyb','cxb','cyb'];
var bg = CANVAS.layers.get('wave0bg').get('item');
for(var i = 0, p; p = props[i]; i++)
bg[p] = this[p];
/* and another outline item */
id : 'item',
xa : -10,
exa : 610,
ya : $random(120,160),
eya : $random(120,160),
cxa : $random(0,600),
cya : $random(40,160),
xb : -10,
exb : 610,
yb : $random(240,280),
eyb : $random(240,280),
cxb : $random(0,600),
cyb : $random(160,260),
events : {
onDraw : function(ctx){
ctx.strokeStyle = '#fff';
//ctx.shadowOffsetX = 0;
//ctx.shadowBlur = 10;
//ctx.shadowColor = "rgba(255,255,255,0.9)";
//ctx.shadowOffsetY = 4;
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(this.cxa, this.cya, this.exa, this.eya);
//ctx.shadowOffsetY = -4;
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(this.cxb, this.cyb, this.exb, this.eyb);
var props = ['xa','exa','ya','eya','cxa','cya','xb','exb','yb','eyb','cxb','cyb'];
var bg = CANVAS.layers.get('wave1bg').get('item');
for(var i = 0, p; p = props[i]; i++)
bg[p] = this[p];
/* this item is the object that rotates and changes it's shape.
* The two properties p0 and p1 are the control points of the
* bezier curve and are animated with Cmorph while the scale
* of the item is animated as well and the rotation is updated
* each time the item is drawn.
* */
CANVAS.layers.add({ id : 'front' }).add({
id : 'item',
x : 300,
y : 200,
p0 : {x : 100, y :100},
p1 : {x : 100, y :-100},
scale : 1,
rotation : 0,
events : {
onDraw : function(ctx)
this.rotation = this.rotation == 360?0:++this.rotation;
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,255,0.4)';
for(var i = 0; i < 6; i++)
ctx.translate(this.x, this.y);
ctx.rotate(((360 / 6) * i + this.rotation) * Math.PI / 180);
(this.p0.x - 100) * this.scale,
(this.p0.y - 100) * this.scale
this.p0.x * this.scale,
this.p0.y * this.scale,
this.p1.x * this.scale,
this.p1.y * this.scale,
(this.p0.x - 100) * this.scale,
(this.p0.y - 100) * this.scale
/* this is the white ghosting rectangle that bounces around in the
* background. It stores it's own previous states and draws them
* with decreasing alpha values. The alpha is 1 for the state at
* the center of array that holds the past states and both directs
* seem to fade away. The animation is completly done in the onDraw
* function as using a Cmorph would give choppy results here because
* the Cmorph and onDraw function are not in sync and the past states
* would not appear to be so smooth.
* */
CANVAS.layers.addAfter({ id : 'bounce' }, 'background').add({
id : 'item',
x : $random(50,550),
y : $random(50,350),
w : 50,
h : 50,
states : [],
scale : 1,
maxstates : 200,
rotation : 0,
xd : 1,
yd : 1,
rd : 1,
sd : 1,
events : {
onDraw : function(ctx)
var w = this.w * this.scale
var h = this.h * this.scale;
w : w,
h : h,
x : this.x - w * .5,
y : this.y - h * .5,
rot : this.rotation
if(this.states.length > this.maxstates)this.states.shift();
for(var i = this.states.length - 1, state; state = this.states[i]; i-=4)
ctx.translate(state.x, state.y);
ctx.rotate(state.rot * Math.PI / 180);
var alpha = i > this.maxstates / 2?(this.maxstates - i) / (this.maxstates / 2):i / this.maxstates;
ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,'+(alpha)+')';
ctx.strokeRect(state.w * -0.5,state.h * -0.5,state.w,state.h);
this.x += this.xd;
this.y += this.yd;
this.rotation += this.rd;
this.scale += * 0.01;
if(this.scale <= .5) = 1;
if(this.scale >= 3) = -1;
if(this.xd == 1 && this.x >= 598){
this.xd = -1;
this.rd = this.rd == 1?-1:1;
if(this.xd == -1 && this.x <= h)
this.xd = 1;
this.rd = this.rd == 1?-1:1;
if(this.yd == 1 && this.y >= 400){
this.yd = -1;
this.rd = this.rd == 1?-1:1;
if(this.yd == -1 && this.y <= w)
this.yd = 1;
this.rd = this.rd == 1?-1:1;
/* several perpetual Cmorph instances which modify
* their targets and durations upon completion and start again
* */
new Cmorph(CANVAS.layers.get('front').get('item').p0,{
duration : 3000,
transition : 'elastic:in:out',
onComplete : function()
this.options.duration = $random(1000,5000);
x : $random(30,200),
y : $random(30,200)
x : $random(30,200),
y : $random(30,200)
new Cmorph(CANVAS.layers.get('front').get('item'),{
duration : 2000,
transition : 'back:in:out',
onComplete : function()
this.options.duration = $random(1000,5000);
scale : this.item.scale > 1?$random(0.5,1):$random(1,3)
scale : 1.4
new Cmorph(CANVAS.layers.get('wave1').get('item'),{
duration : $random(2000,4000),
transition : 'linear',
onComplete : function()
ya : $random(120,160),
eya : $random(120,160),
cxa : $random(0,600),
cya : $random(40,160),
yb : $random(240,280),
eyb : $random(240,280),
cxb : $random(0,600),
cyb : $random(160,260)
ya : $random(120,160),
eya : $random(120,160),
cxa : $random(0,600),
cya : $random(40,160),
yb : $random(240,280),
eyb : $random(240,280),
cxb : $random(0,600),
cyb : $random(160,260)
new Cmorph(CANVAS.layers.get('wave0').get('item'),{
duration : $random(4000,8000),
transition : 'linear',
onComplete : function()
ya : $random(120,160),
eya : $random(120,160),
cxa : $random(0,600),
cya : $random(40,160),
yb : $random(240,280),
eyb : $random(240,280),
cxb : $random(0,600),
cyb : $random(160,260)
ya : $random(120,160),
eya : $random(120,160),
cxa : $random(0,600),
cya : $random(40,160),
yb : $random(240,280),
eyb : $random(240,280),
cxb : $random(0,600),
cyb : $random(160,260)
CANVAS.layers.add( {
id : 'Text'
} ).add({
id : 'content',
events : {
onDraw : function(ctx){
ctx.font = "bold 22px sans-serif";
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,1)';
ctx.fillText("Surabhi, I maybe a geek, but I can do stuff like this :)", 20, 370);
CANVAS.addThread(new Thread({
id : 'myThread',
onExec : function(){
CANVAS.init({ canvasElement : 'canvas' });
// setting the lineWidth globally
CANVAS.ctx.lineWidth = 0.5;
/* you can add a CanvasItem to a new Layer instantly.
* Again, only objects are passed
* */
CANVAS.layers.add( {
id : 'background'
} ).add({
id : 'content',
x : 0,
y : 0,
w : 600,
h : 400,
events : {
onDraw : function(ctx){
ctx.fillStyle = '#aaf';
ctx.fillRect(this.x,this.y, this.w, this.h);
/* the next item receives no initial properties because they
* will be passed by the onDraw-function of another item (wave0/item)
* */
var wave0 = CANVAS.layers.add({ id : 'wave0' });
CANVAS.layers.add({ id : 'wave0bg'}).add({
id : 'item',
events : {
onDraw : function(ctx)
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.1)';
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(this.cxa, this.cya, this.exa, this.eya);
ctx.lineTo(this.exb, this.eyb);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(this.cxb, this.cyb, this.xb,this.yb);
ctx.moveTo(this.xa, this.ya);
var wave1 = CANVAS.layers.add({ id : 'wave1' });
CANVAS.layers.add({ id : 'wave1bg'}).add({
id : 'item',
events : {
onDraw : function(ctx)
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.1)';
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(this.cxa, this.cya, this.exa, this.eya);
ctx.lineTo(this.exb, this.eyb);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(this.cxb, this.cyb, this.xb,this.yb);
ctx.moveTo(this.xa, this.ya);
/* this is the on of the wave outline items, the dropshadows
* are removed for performances reasons
* */
id : 'item',
xa : -10,
exa : 610,
ya : $random(120,160),
eya : $random(120,160),
cxa : $random(0,600),
cya : $random(40,160),
xb : -10,
exb : 610,
yb : $random(240,280),
eyb : $random(240,280),
cxb : $random(0,600),
cyb : $random(160,260),
events : {
onDraw : function(ctx){
ctx.strokeStyle = '#fff';
//ctx.shadowOffsetX = 0;
//ctx.shadowBlur = 10;
//ctx.shadowColor = "rgba(255,255,255,0.9)";
//ctx.shadowOffsetY = 4;
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(this.cxa, this.cya, this.exa, this.eya);
//ctx.shadowOffsetY = -4;
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(this.cxb, this.cyb, this.exb, this.eyb);
/* here the outline properties are passed to the wave shape item.
* This will not throw an error (undefined) as the outline is on
* layer lower in the stack so it's onDraw-function is executed
* first and can pass the values before the wave shape is drawn */
var props = ['xa','exa','ya','eya','cxa','cya','xb','exb','yb','eyb','cxb','cyb'];
var bg = CANVAS.layers.get('wave0bg').get('item');
for(var i = 0, p; p = props[i]; i++)
bg[p] = this[p];
/* and another outline item */
id : 'item',
xa : -10,
exa : 610,
ya : $random(120,160),
eya : $random(120,160),
cxa : $random(0,600),
cya : $random(40,160),
xb : -10,
exb : 610,
yb : $random(240,280),
eyb : $random(240,280),
cxb : $random(0,600),
cyb : $random(160,260),
events : {
onDraw : function(ctx){
ctx.strokeStyle = '#fff';
//ctx.shadowOffsetX = 0;
//ctx.shadowBlur = 10;
//ctx.shadowColor = "rgba(255,255,255,0.9)";
//ctx.shadowOffsetY = 4;
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(this.cxa, this.cya, this.exa, this.eya);
//ctx.shadowOffsetY = -4;
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(this.cxb, this.cyb, this.exb, this.eyb);
var props = ['xa','exa','ya','eya','cxa','cya','xb','exb','yb','eyb','cxb','cyb'];
var bg = CANVAS.layers.get('wave1bg').get('item');
for(var i = 0, p; p = props[i]; i++)
bg[p] = this[p];
/* this item is the object that rotates and changes it's shape.
* The two properties p0 and p1 are the control points of the
* bezier curve and are animated with Cmorph while the scale
* of the item is animated as well and the rotation is updated
* each time the item is drawn.
* */
CANVAS.layers.add({ id : 'front' }).add({
id : 'item',
x : 300,
y : 200,
p0 : {x : 100, y :100},
p1 : {x : 100, y :-100},
scale : 1,
rotation : 0,
events : {
onDraw : function(ctx)
this.rotation = this.rotation == 360?0:++this.rotation;
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,255,0.4)';
for(var i = 0; i < 6; i++)
ctx.translate(this.x, this.y);
ctx.rotate(((360 / 6) * i + this.rotation) * Math.PI / 180);
(this.p0.x - 100) * this.scale,
(this.p0.y - 100) * this.scale
this.p0.x * this.scale,
this.p0.y * this.scale,
this.p1.x * this.scale,
this.p1.y * this.scale,
(this.p0.x - 100) * this.scale,
(this.p0.y - 100) * this.scale
/* this is the white ghosting rectangle that bounces around in the
* background. It stores it's own previous states and draws them
* with decreasing alpha values. The alpha is 1 for the state at
* the center of array that holds the past states and both directs
* seem to fade away. The animation is completly done in the onDraw
* function as using a Cmorph would give choppy results here because
* the Cmorph and onDraw function are not in sync and the past states
* would not appear to be so smooth.
* */
CANVAS.layers.addAfter({ id : 'bounce' }, 'background').add({
id : 'item',
x : $random(50,550),
y : $random(50,350),
w : 50,
h : 50,
states : [],
scale : 1,
maxstates : 200,
rotation : 0,
xd : 1,
yd : 1,
rd : 1,
sd : 1,
events : {
onDraw : function(ctx)
var w = this.w * this.scale
var h = this.h * this.scale;
w : w,
h : h,
x : this.x - w * .5,
y : this.y - h * .5,
rot : this.rotation
if(this.states.length > this.maxstates)this.states.shift();
for(var i = this.states.length - 1, state; state = this.states[i]; i-=4)
ctx.translate(state.x, state.y);
ctx.rotate(state.rot * Math.PI / 180);
var alpha = i > this.maxstates / 2?(this.maxstates - i) / (this.maxstates / 2):i / this.maxstates;
ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,'+(alpha)+')';
ctx.strokeRect(state.w * -0.5,state.h * -0.5,state.w,state.h);
this.x += this.xd;
this.y += this.yd;
this.rotation += this.rd;
this.scale += * 0.01;
if(this.scale <= .5) = 1;
if(this.scale >= 3) = -1;
if(this.xd == 1 && this.x >= 598){
this.xd = -1;
this.rd = this.rd == 1?-1:1;
if(this.xd == -1 && this.x <= h)
this.xd = 1;
this.rd = this.rd == 1?-1:1;
if(this.yd == 1 && this.y >= 400){
this.yd = -1;
this.rd = this.rd == 1?-1:1;
if(this.yd == -1 && this.y <= w)
this.yd = 1;
this.rd = this.rd == 1?-1:1;
/* several perpetual Cmorph instances which modify
* their targets and durations upon completion and start again
* */
new Cmorph(CANVAS.layers.get('front').get('item').p0,{
duration : 3000,
transition : 'elastic:in:out',
onComplete : function()
this.options.duration = $random(1000,5000);
x : $random(30,200),
y : $random(30,200)
x : $random(30,200),
y : $random(30,200)
new Cmorph(CANVAS.layers.get('front').get('item'),{
duration : 2000,
transition : 'back:in:out',
onComplete : function()
this.options.duration = $random(1000,5000);
scale : this.item.scale > 1?$random(0.5,1):$random(1,3)
scale : 1.4
new Cmorph(CANVAS.layers.get('wave1').get('item'),{
duration : $random(2000,4000),
transition : 'linear',
onComplete : function()
ya : $random(120,160),
eya : $random(120,160),
cxa : $random(0,600),
cya : $random(40,160),
yb : $random(240,280),
eyb : $random(240,280),
cxb : $random(0,600),
cyb : $random(160,260)
ya : $random(120,160),
eya : $random(120,160),
cxa : $random(0,600),
cya : $random(40,160),
yb : $random(240,280),
eyb : $random(240,280),
cxb : $random(0,600),
cyb : $random(160,260)
new Cmorph(CANVAS.layers.get('wave0').get('item'),{
duration : $random(4000,8000),
transition : 'linear',
onComplete : function()
ya : $random(120,160),
eya : $random(120,160),
cxa : $random(0,600),
cya : $random(40,160),
yb : $random(240,280),
eyb : $random(240,280),
cxb : $random(0,600),
cyb : $random(160,260)
ya : $random(120,160),
eya : $random(120,160),
cxa : $random(0,600),
cya : $random(40,160),
yb : $random(240,280),
eyb : $random(240,280),
cxb : $random(0,600),
cyb : $random(160,260)
CANVAS.layers.add( {
id : 'Text'
} ).add({
id : 'content',
events : {
onDraw : function(ctx){
ctx.font = "bold 22px sans-serif";
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,1)';
ctx.fillText("Surabhi, I maybe a geek, but I can do stuff like this :)", 20, 370);
CANVAS.addThread(new Thread({
id : 'myThread',
onExec : function(){
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