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Created June 30, 2021 08:47
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import qualified Data.Text as T
import Control.Monad
import Data.List (unfoldr, intercalate)
import Data.Bits (testBit)
import Data.Function ((&))
data Node = Sat -- all 1
| Unsat -- all 0
| Mixed Node Node -- mixed (left, right)
deriving (Show)
type Tree = Node
type IP = [Bit]
-- prefix = take len IP
type Prefix = [Bit]
data Bit = B0 | B1
deriving Show
splitOn :: String -> String -> [String]
splitOn sep text = map T.unpack $ T.splitOn (T.pack sep) (T.pack text)
parseIP :: String -> IP
parseIP ip = foldl (\y x -> y ++ toIPSeg x) [] $ map read $ splitOn "." ip
where toIPSeg :: Integer -> [Bit]
toIPSeg n = reverse $ map toBit $ map (testBit n) [0..7]
toBit False = B0
toBit True = B1
parseCidr :: String -> Prefix
parseCidr cidr = let [ip, len] = splitOn "/" cidr
in take (read len) $ parseIP ip
flipTree :: Tree -> Tree
flipTree Sat = Unsat
flipTree Unsat = Sat
flipTree (Mixed a b) = Mixed (flipTree a) (flipTree b)
addCidr :: Prefix -> Tree -> Tree
addCidr [] _ = Sat
addCidr _ Sat = Sat
addCidr (B0:p) Unsat = Mixed (addCidr p Unsat) Unsat
addCidr (B1:p) Unsat = Mixed Unsat (addCidr p Unsat)
addCidr (B0:p) (Mixed l r) = Mixed (addCidr p l) r
addCidr (B1:p) (Mixed l r) = Mixed l (addCidr p l)
delCidr :: Prefix -> Tree -> Tree
delCidr p = flipTree . addCidr p . flipTree
treeToPrefixes :: Tree -> Prefix -> [Prefix]
treeToPrefixes Sat p = [p]
treeToPrefixes Unsat _ = []
treeToPrefixes (Mixed l r) p = treeToPrefixes l (p ++ [B0]) ++
treeToPrefixes r (p ++ [B1])
optimizeTree :: Tree -> Tree
optimizeTree Sat = Sat
optimizeTree Unsat = Unsat
optimizeTree (Mixed l r) = case Mixed (optimizeTree l) (optimizeTree r) of
(Mixed Sat Sat) -> Sat
(Mixed Unsat Unsat) -> Unsat
(Mixed l r) -> Mixed l r
showPrefix :: Prefix -> String
showPrefix p = let n = length p
ip = rightPad B0 32 p
in showIP ip ++ "/" ++ show n
showIP :: IP -> String
showIP ip = intercalate "." $ map show $ map fromIPSeg $ chunk 8 ip
where chunk n [] = []
chunk n xs = (take n xs) : chunk n (drop n xs)
fromIPSeg seg = foldl (\y x -> y * 2 + x) 0 $ map fromBit seg
fromBit B0 = 0
fromBit B1 = 1
testValue = let net = Sat & delCidr (parseCidr "")
& delCidr (parseCidr "")
& delCidr (parseCidr "")
& addCidr (parseCidr "")
& addCidr (parseIP "")
in map showPrefix $ treeToPrefixes (optimizeTree net) []
leftPad :: a -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
leftPad e n xs | n == length xs = xs
leftPad e n xs = leftPad e n (e:xs)
rightPad :: a -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
rightPad e n xs | n == length xs = xs
rightPad e n xs = rightPad e n (xs++[e])
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