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Last active April 26, 2017 17:50
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President Orders
George Washington 1
John Adams 0.3
Thomas Jefferson 0.5
James Madison 0.1
James Monroe 0.1
John Quincy Adams 0.8
Andrew Jackson 1.5
Martin van Buren 1.3
William Henry Harrison 0
John Tyler 4.3
James K. Polk 4.5
Zachary Taylor 3.7
Millard Fillmore 4.5
Franklin Pierce 8.8
James Buchanan 4
Abraham Lincoln 11.7
Andrew Johnson 20.3
Ulysses S. Grant 27.1
Rutherford B. Hayes 23
James Garfield 11.1
Chester Arthur 27.7
Grover Cleveland - I 28.3
Benjamin Harrison 35.8
Grover Cleveland - II 35
William McKinley 40.8
Theodore Roosevelt 144.7
William Howard Taft 181
Woodrow Wilson 225.4
Warren G. Harding 216.6
Calvin Coolidge 215.2
Herbert Hoover 242
Franklin D. Roosevelt 290.8
Harry S. Truman 116.7
Dwight D. Eisenhower 60.5
John F. Kennedy 75.4
Lyndon B. Johnson 63
Richard Nixon 62.2
Gerald Ford 69
Jimmy Carter 80
Ronald Reagan 47.6
George H. W. Bush 41.5
Bill Clinton 83.5
George W. Bush 63.4
Barack Obama 76
Donald Trump 164.3
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