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Last active October 3, 2022 06:57
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/* eslint-disable prefer-const */
import md5 from 'blueimp-md5'
import bigInt from 'big-integer'
class MyRsa {
constructor () {
// this.n = BigInt('0x8686980c0f5a24c4b9d43020cd2c22703ff3f450756529058b1cf88f09b8602136477198a6e2683149659bd122c33592fdb5ad47944ad1ea4d36c6b172aad6338c3bb6ac6227502d010993ac967d1aef00f0c8e038de2e4d3bc2ec368af2e9f10a6f1eda4f7262f136420c07c331b871bf139f74f3010e3c4fe57df3afb71683')
// this.e = BigInt('0x10001')
this.n = bigInt('8686980c0f5a24c4b9d43020cd2c22703ff3f450756529058b1cf88f09b8602136477198a6e2683149659bd122c33592fdb5ad47944ad1ea4d36c6b172aad6338c3bb6ac6227502d010993ac967d1aef00f0c8e038de2e4d3bc2ec368af2e9f10a6f1eda4f7262f136420c07c331b871bf139f74f3010e3c4fe57df3afb71683', 16)
this.e = bigInt('10001', 16)
a2hex (byteArray) {
var hexString = ''
var nextHexByte
for (var i = 0; i < byteArray.length; i++) {
nextHexByte = byteArray[i].toString(16)
if (nextHexByte.length < 2) {
nextHexByte = '0' + nextHexByte
hexString += nextHexByte
return hexString
hex2a (hex) {
var str = ''
for (var i = 0; i < hex.length; i += 2) {
str += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hex.substr(i, 2), 16))
return str
pkcs1pad2 (s, n) {
if (n < s.length + 11) {
return null
var ba = []
var i = s.length - 1
while (i >= 0 && n > 0) {
ba[--n] = s.charCodeAt(i--)
ba[--n] = 0
while (n > 2) { // random non-zero pad
ba[--n] = 0xff
ba[--n] = 2
ba[--n] = 0
var c = this.a2hex(ba)
return bigInt(c, 16)
pkcs1unpad2 (a) {
var b = a.toString(16)
if (b.length % 2 !== 0) {
b = '0' + b
var c = this.hex2a(b)
var i = 1
while (c.charCodeAt(i) !== 0) {
return c.slice(i + 1)
encrypt (text) {
var m = this.pkcs1pad2(text, 0x80)
var c = m.modPow(this.e, this.n)
var h = c.toString(16)
while (h.length < 0x80 * 2) {
h = '0' + h
return h
decrypt (text) {
var ba = []
var i = 0
while (i < text.length) {
ba[i] = text.charCodeAt(i)
i += 1
var a = bigInt(this.a2hex(ba), 16)
var c = a.modPow(this.e, this.n)
var d = this.pkcs1unpad2(c)
return d
class Secret {
constructor () {
this.rsa = new MyRsa()
this.kts = [240, 229, 105, 174, 191, 220, 191, 138, 26, 69, 232, 190, 125, 166, 115, 184, 222, 143, 231, 196, 69, 218, 134, 196, 155, 100, 139, 20, 106, 180, 241, 170, 56, 1, 53, 158, 38, 105, 44, 134, 0, 107, 79, 165, 54, 52, 98, 166, 42, 150, 104, 24, 242, 74, 253, 189, 107, 151, 143, 77, 143, 137, 19, 183, 108, 142, 147, 237, 14, 13, 72, 62, 215, 47, 136, 216, 254, 254, 126, 134, 80, 149, 79, 209, 235, 131, 38, 52, 219, 102, 123, 156, 126, 157, 122, 129, 50, 234, 182, 51, 222, 58, 169, 89, 52, 102, 59, 170, 186, 129, 96, 72, 185, 213, 129, 156, 248, 108, 132, 119, 255, 84, 120, 38, 95, 190, 232, 30, 54, 159, 52, 128, 92, 69, 44, 155, 118, 213, 27, 143, 204, 195, 184, 245]
this.keyS = [0x29, 0x23, 0x21, 0x5E]
this.keyL = [120, 6, 173, 76, 51, 134, 93, 24, 76, 1, 63, 70]
xor115Enc (src, srclen, key, keylen) {
let i, j, k, mod4, ref, ref1, ref2, ret
mod4 = srclen % 4
ret = []
if (mod4 !== 0) {
for (i = j = 0, ref = mod4; (ref >= 0 ? j < ref : j > ref); i = ref >= 0 ? ++j : --j) {
ret.push(src[i] ^ key[i % keylen])
for (i = k = ref1 = mod4, ref2 = srclen; (ref1 <= ref2 ? k < ref2 : k > ref2); i = ref1 <= ref2 ? ++k : --k) {
ret.push(src[i] ^ key[(i - mod4) % keylen])
return ret
getkey (length, key) {
let i
if (key != null) {
return (() => {
let j, ref, results
results = []
for (i = j = 0, ref = length; (ref >= 0 ? j < ref : j > ref); i = ref >= 0 ? ++j : --j) {
results.push(((key[i] + this.kts[length * i]) & 0xff) ^ this.kts[length * (length - 1 - i)])
return results
if (length === 12) {
return this.keyL.slice(0)
return this.keyS.slice(0)
asymEncode (src, srclen) {
let i, j, m, ref, ret
m = 128 - 11
ret = ''
for (i = j = 0, ref = Math.floor((srclen + m - 1) / m); (ref >= 0 ? j < ref : j > ref); i = ref >= 0 ? ++j : --j) {
ret += this.rsa.encrypt(this.bytesToString(src.slice(i * m, Math.min((i + 1) * m, srclen))))
return window.btoa(this.rsa.hex2a(ret))
asymDecode (src, srclen) {
let i, j, m, ref, ret
m = 128
ret = ''
for (i = j = 0, ref = Math.floor((srclen + m - 1) / m); (ref >= 0 ? j < ref : j > ref); i = ref >= 0 ? ++j : --j) {
ret += this.rsa.decrypt(this.bytesToString(src.slice(i * m, Math.min((i + 1) * m, srclen))))
return this.stringToBytes(ret)
symEncode (src, srclen, key1, key2) {
let k1, k2, ret
k1 = this.getkey(4, key1)
k2 = this.getkey(12, key2)
ret = this.xor115Enc(src, srclen, k1, 4)
ret = this.xor115Enc(ret, srclen, k2, 12)
return ret
symDecode (src, srclen, key1, key2) {
let k1, k2, ret
k1 = this.getkey(4, key1)
k2 = this.getkey(12, key2)
ret = this.xor115Enc(src, srclen, k2, 12)
ret = this.xor115Enc(ret, srclen, k1, 4)
return ret
bytesToString (buf) {
let i, j, len, ret
ret = ''
for (j = 0, len = buf.length; j < len; j++) {
i = buf[j]
ret += String.fromCharCode(i)
return ret
stringToBytes (str) {
let i, j, ref, ret
ret = []
for (i = j = 0, ref = str.length; (ref >= 0 ? j < ref : j > ref); i = ref >= 0 ? ++j : --j) {
return ret
encode (str, timestamp) {
const key = this.stringToBytes(md5(`!@###@#${timestamp}DFDR@#@#`))
let temp = this.stringToBytes(str)
temp = this.symEncode(temp, temp.length, key, null)
temp = key.slice(0, 16).concat(temp)
return {
data: this.asymEncode(temp, temp.length),
decode (str, key) {
let temp = this.stringToBytes(window.atob(str))
temp = this.asymDecode(temp, temp.length)
return this.bytesToString(this.symDecode(temp.slice(16), temp.length - 16, key, temp.slice(0, 16)))
export default new Secret()
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