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Last active October 20, 2022 11:48
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Mine Git aliases that I'm very used to.
# Commit + amend = CommEnd
git config --global alias.commend 'commit --amend --no-edit'
# Useful for temporary work saving - git stash is not safe
git config --global alias.tempo 'commit -m tempo --all --no-verify'
# Commend + Please = Code Review
git config --global alias.please 'push --force-with-lease'
# Undo last commit changes - used with git tempo
git config --global alias.uncommit 'reset HEAD~1'
# Short status
git config --global 'status --branch --short'
# Short commit command
git config --global 'commit'
# Short checkout
git config --global 'checkout'
# Push and create branch on upstream - useful for new branches
git config --global alias.pushon 'push -u origin HEAD'
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