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Created August 7, 2012 07:43
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set nocompatible
filetype off
set rtp+=~/.vim/vundle.git/
call vundle#rc()
Bundle 'quickrun.vim'
Bundle 'neocomplcache'
Bundle 'JavaScript-syntax'
Bundle 'pangloss/vim-javascript'
" View
filetype plugin indent on
set title
" 読み込み時の encode
set fileencodings=utf-8,euc-jp,cp932,sjis
" ruler をつける
set ruler
" 行番号を表示
set number
set showmatch
" backspace の動き方.
set backspace=2
" A syntax highlight is validated.
syntax on
" The highlight of a search-results character string is validated.
set hlsearch
set noequalalways
"colorscheme evening
colorscheme desert
" 別ファイルを開いたとき、編集中のファイルを隠す
:set hidden
" 全角スペースを視覚化
highlight ZenkakuSpace cterm=underline ctermfg=lightblue guibg=white
match ZenkakuSpace / /
" paste時のコメントとインデントを無効にする
autocmd FileType * set formatoptions-=ro
" indent
set smartindent
" タブサイズ
set tabstop=4
" The blank number used for each stage of an indent
set shiftwidth=4
" A tab is changed into a space.
set expandtab
"autocmd FileType php :set dictionary+=~/.vim/dict/UnitTest.dict
"set complete+=k
"autocmd FileType python set omnifunc=pythoncomplete#Complete
autocmd FileType javascript set omnifunc=javascriptcomplete#CompleteJS
autocmd FileType html set omnifunc=htmlcomplete#CompleteTags
autocmd FileType css set omnifunc=csscomplete#CompleteCSS
"autocmd FileType xml set omnifunc=xmlcomplete#CompleteTags
" map
map <C-j> <Down>
map <C-k> <Up>
map <C-h> <Left>
map <C-l> <Right>
map! <C-j> <Down>
map! <C-k> <Up>
map! <C-h> <Left>
map! <C-l> <Right>
nmap <Space>b :ls<CR>:buffer
nmap <Space>f :edit .<CR>
nmap <Space>v :vsplit<CR><C-w><C-w>:ls<CR>:buffer
nmap <Space>V :Vexplore!<CR><CR>
nmap <Space>p :set paste<CR>
nmap <Space>h :set filetype=html<CR>
nmap <Space>p :set filetype=php<CR>
vnoremap z/ <ESC>/\%V
"Disable AutoComplPop.
"let g:acp_enableAtStartup = 0
" Use neocomplcache.
"let g:neocomplcache_enable_at_startup = 1
" Use smartcase.
"let g:neocomplcache_enable_smart_case = 1
" Use camel case completion.
"let g:neocomplcache_enable_camel_case_completion = 1
" Use underbar completion.
"let g:neocomplcache_enable_underbar_completion = 1
" Set minimum syntax keyword length.
"let g:neocomplcache_min_syntax_length = 3
"let g:neocomplcache_lock_buffer_name_pattern = '\*ku\*'
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