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Last active August 3, 2022 10:53
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Load Balancers


  • Devices responsible for distributing network (Layer 4) or application traffic (Layer 7).
    • Layer 4: distributes requests of transport and network layer protocols ie UDP, TCP, IP FTP
    • Layer 7: distributes requests of application layer protocols ie HTTP
  • abstracts the fleet of servers as one big server to the outside world (in other words, POC is the load balancer instead of the server itself) or "service virtualisation"


  • scalability: since the actual server is not the POC, we can modify the number of servers servicing traffic easily
  • availability/reliability: only sends traffic to servers that are healthy
  • performance: reduces load on a single server
  • predictability: confidence and control of the system


  • distributes traffic to servers based on an algo (eg - round robin, least response time)
  • for Layer 7, it also distrbutes depending on the application specific data (ie request headers, cookies, request params)


In the early days of commercial internet, startups didnt have the capital to afford dedicated web servers and settled for PC based servers which could not handle the amount of traffic received. And so the hunt for a cost effective solution began!

  • DNS round robin:
    • DNS can resolve incoming requests for a domain name to multiple IP addresses in different order.
    • ^ basic solution where the domain name served as virtual POC
    • scalability: handled well with limitation
      • as load increases, all that was needed was add a new server, include IP address in the DNS records and done!
      • DNS response have a maximum length restricting the number of servers that can be added
    • availability: since DNS has no way to knowing server health, IP addresses of unhealthy servers are also returned
  • Software based:
    • built directly into application software or the OS of the application server, everyone built their own solution
    • eg:
      • each server in a cluster also listens to a cluster IP; requests connect to the clutser IP
      • whichever server first achnowledges the request routes the request to an actual server IP
      • this routing could be done on various logic, like whichever server has the least amount of active sessions
    • scalability: scalable to a limit; as each server needs to be in contact with all others, network traffic increased exponentially on addition of even a single server
    • availability: increased dramatically but was limited due to limited scalability
  • Network based:
    • application independent, hosted outside of application servers
    • virtual server address (POC); incoming requests would get forwarded to one of the actual servers
    • employed health monitors (although not as comprehensive as software based) to determine if particular server was fit to serve an incoming request
    • scalability, availability and predicatability all improved dramtically

Changed the course of HA discussion from "uptime" to what does "available" mean (response time metrics).


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