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Created November 26, 2021 03:46
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NTU SDI 4.3: Mongo DB aggregation pipelines with restaurants sample data
// region Setup database client
const { MongoClient } = require( 'mongodb' );
// Server to connect to
const uri = "mongodb://localhost:27017";
const dbServer = new MongoClient( uri );
// endregion Setup database client
// region Connect to the database and test querying
(async () => {
await dbServer.connect();
const db = dbServer.db( 'sample_restaurants' );
const restaurants = db.collection( 'restaurants' );
console.log( '\n-----------------------------------------------\n' );
// region $match and $project demo
const pipeline = [
// $match address.zipcode => 10466, cuisine => Chinese
{ $match: { "address.zipcode": "10466", "cuisine": "Chinese" } },
// $project name to restaurant_name
{ $project: { restaurant_name: '$name', _id: false } },
{$limit: 10},
const restaurantDocs = await restaurants.aggregate( pipeline ).toArray();
console.log( 'Chinese restaurants in 10466: \n', restaurantDocs );
// endregion $match and $project demo
console.log( '\n-----------------------------------------------\n' );
// region $group demo
const groupPipeline = [
// Find number of restaurants by cuisine
{ $group: { _id: '$cuisine', noOfOccurences: { $count: {} } } },
// Additional feature, order cuisines by popularity
{ $sort: { noOfOccurences: -1 } },
// Top five most popular cuisines in our database
{$limit: 5}
const cousineCount = await restaurants.aggregate( groupPipeline ).toArray();
console.log( 'Restaurant count by cuisine: \n', cousineCount );
// endregion $group demo
console.log( '\n-----------------------------------------------\n' );
// region $sort demo
// Get first 10 alphabetically arranged restaurants
const first10Pipeline = [
// Filter out empty name docs
{ $match: { 'name': {$ne: ''} } },
// Sort by name
{ $sort: { 'name': 1 } },
// Limit to 10 results
{ $limit: 10 },
// Project restaurants name
{ $project: { 'restaurant_name': '$name', _id: 0 } }
const first10RestaurantDocs = await restaurants.aggregate( first10Pipeline ).toArray();
console.log( 'First 10 sorted restaurants: \n', first10RestaurantDocs );
// endregion $sort demo
// endregion Connect to the database and test querying
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