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Last active December 4, 2018 23:38
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Conda is a powerful package manager and environment manager that you use with command line commands at the Anaconda Prompt for Windows, or in a Terminal window for macOS or Linux.
Common Commands:
a. To see a list of all your environments, type:
conda info --envs
$conda info --envs
# conda environments:
base * /Users/Shravan/anaconda3
WASBuild /Users/Shravan/anaconda3/envs/WASBuild
casestudy1 /Users/Shravan/anaconda3/envs/casestudy1
b. Check the packages installed in casestudy1
First you can switch to casestudy1 environment by doing this:
$source activate casestudy1
Then list the installed packages by using this:
$conda list
To return back to base env, do this:
$source deactivate
c. Create a new environment deeplearning using casestudy1 as a template:
$ conda create --clone casestudy1 --name deeplearning
Source: /Users/Shravan/anaconda3/envs/casestudy1
Destination: /Users/Shravan/anaconda3/envs/deeplearning
Packages: 110
Files: 38
# To activate this environment, use
# $ conda activate deeplearning
# To deactivate an active environment, use
# $ conda deactivate
d. Create a conda environment from .yml file
conda env create -f cvcourse_macos.yml
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