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Created April 6, 2023 08:09
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Prettifying Code through Command Line Using Prettier
// ! // Importing Modules //
import path from "path";
import prettier from "prettier";
import glob from "glob";
import minimist from "minimist";
import shell from "shelljs";
import fs from "fs";
import chalk from "chalk";
try {
// * // Get Working Directory Path //
const __dirname = shell.pwd().toString();
// * // Default Ignore //
const defaultIgnore = ["node_modules", "Temp", ".git", ".husky", ".env", ".eslintignore", ".eslintrc", ".gitignore", ".prettierignore", ".prettierrc", "package-lock.json", "package.json", "tsconfig.json"];
// * // Extenstions to Include //
const extensions = ["js", "jsx", "ts", "tsx", "json"];
// * // Ignore files //
const ignoreInfo =
.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, ".prettierignore"), "utf8")
.filter((a) => a !== "") || defaultIgnore;
// * // Custom Prettier Configs //
const config = prettier.resolveConfig.sync(__dirname) || {
singleQuote: false,
printWidth: 1000,
proseWrap: "always",
tabWidth: 2,
useTabs: true,
semi: true,
trailingComma: "none",
bracketSpacing: true
// % // Function to Fetch All Folder //
const getValidFolderAndFiles = (rootPath) => {
if (!(typeof rootPath === "string" && rootPath !== "")) {
return [];
} else {
let allDirs = fs.readdirSync(rootPath);
allDirs = allDirs.filter((file) => {
const isDir = fs.statSync(path.join(rootPath, file)).isDirectory();
const isIgnored = defaultIgnore.includes(file);
const hasValidExtension = extensions.includes(path.extname(path.join(rootPath, file)).substring(1));
// ! // Check for Valid Directory to be included //
if (isDir && !isIgnored) {
return true;
// ! // Ignorable Directories //
if (!isDir && isIgnored) {
return false;
// ! // Check for Valid Extension Files //
if (!isDir && hasValidExtension) {
return true;
// * // Default Return //
return false;
// ! // Return Directory Data //
return allDirs || [];
// % // Function to Prettify Code //
const prettify = (dirs = []) => {
// @ // Iterate loop on directories //
for (let directory of dirs) {
console.time(`\n${chalk.gray.bold(`Formatted ${chalk.cyan.bold(directory)} in `)}`);
// ! // Check for Ignore Folders //
if (ignoreInfo.includes(directory)) {
console.log(`[ ⚠️ ] Ignoring "${directory}" folder as per .prettierignore file contents.`);
} else {
// * // Get Complete Directory Path //
let completePath = path.join(__dirname, directory);
let isDirectory = fs.statSync(completePath).isDirectory();
let patterns = isDirectory ? => `${directory}/**/*.${ext}`) : directory;
// ! // Check for Folder Exists //
if (fs.existsSync(completePath)) {
// * // Get all files //
let files = => glob.sync(pattern, { ignore: ignoreInfo })).flat(Infinity);
// @ // Iterate over the array and format each file individually //
files.forEach((file) => {
const startTime =;
const code = fs.readFileSync(file, "utf8");
let formattedCode = prettier.format(code, { ...config, filepath: file, ignore: ignoreInfo });
// ! // Check for Changes //
if (code === formattedCode) {
} else {
fs.writeFileSync(file, formattedCode, "utf-8");
let str = `${chalk.white.bold(file)} ${chalk.white.bold(":")} ${chalk.yellowBright.bold(`${( - startTime).toFixed(2).toString()} ms`)}`;
} else {
console.error(`"${directory}" does not exists.`));
console.timeEnd(`\n${chalk.gray.bold(`Formatted ${chalk.cyan.bold(directory)} in `)}`);
// * // Parse the directory from the command arguments //
const args = minimist(process.argv.slice(2));
const dirs = args["_"];
const allDirs = getValidFolderAndFiles(__dirname);
// ! // Check for Config Error //
if (!config) {
console.error("[ ❌ ] Error: No Prettier Configurations Found.");
// ! // Check for Folders //
if (dirs.length === 0) {
// * // Prettify All Files in the Root Directory //
prettify(allDirs || []);
} else {
// * // Prettify Files //
} catch (error) {
console.log("Error"), chalk.bold.white(":"), chalk.gray.bold(`${error.message}`));
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Install prettier and nodemon to the execute the above script.

npm i prettier@latest #

To Execute the above file, run the below command :

node pretty.js {folder_name}

Example :

node pretty.js build

Author : @shreesharma07

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