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A Cloudflare script, built with Fruition, to allow my custom domain to point to my personal Notion site and inject custom CSS and JS.
/* Step 1: enter your domain name like */
const MY_DOMAIN = '';
* Step 2: enter your URL slug to page ID mapping
* The key on the left is the slug (without the slash)
* The value on the right is the Notion page ID
const SLUG_TO_PAGE = {
'': 'efeed215401648448d7e45cc2da31b17',
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'resume': 'feee1d403da543c2b69a88b9c9d64020',
'currently': '9101659191f04b6ab2e1aa181c08f601',
'how-i-built-this': '360b9b15109543ff957c3bf55a372c0d',
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'portfolio/projects/blabl': '55cf474769f84874a15bf1893e651064',
'portfolio/projects/the-gratefull-bed-company': '71cd9f230c5641b5b5c49062fa3d57a0',
'portfolio/projects/death-penalty-paper': 'fb3a2868b52a4c17a2556eaba76119a8',
'portfolio/projects/nba-players-by-home-state': '054f8391eeb641308e54e98893ddd711',
'portfolio/projects/habit-tracker': '77fd7a8e2fe64d5d816f9dab3bd7c295',
'portfolio/projects/kpmg-tax-dashboard': '62dbc18676d845979320df278fa6c857',
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'resume/experience/kpmg': 'b8686fe07f914b5eaae627ffa248c126',
'resume/experience/nj-state-assembly': 'edb98b4c51714b41806e9eda57b9cb23'
/* Step 3: enter your page title and description for SEO purposes */
const PAGE_TITLE = 'Shreyas Agnihotri';
const PAGE_DESCRIPTION = 'Personal website of Shreyas Agnihotri';
/* Step 3.5: enter site metadata for favicon, OpenGraph, and Twitter */
/* UPDATE 9/2/21: None of this seems to work, not worth fixing for now */
const FAVICON_URL = '';
const IOS_ICON_URL = '';
const OG_URL = '';
const OG_TYPE = 'website';
const OG_IMAGE_URL = '';
const META_TWITTER_CARD = 'summary';
const META_TWITTER_SITE = '@shreysadilla';
const META_TWITTER_URL = '';
/* Step 4: enter a Google Font name, you can choose from */
const GOOGLE_FONT = 'IBM Plex Sans';
/* Step 5: enter any custom scripts you'd like */
<script async src=""></script>
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
function gtag() {
gtag('js', new Date());
gtag('config', 'UA-146941175-1');
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border-radius: 0.5rem !important;
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/* Projects & Ventures */
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padding-left: calc((100vw - 900px)/2 - 25px) !important;
padding-right: calc((100vw - 900px)/2 - 25px) !important;
/* Professional Experiences */
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padding-left: calc((100vw - 900px)/2 - 25px) !important;
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const PAGE_TO_SLUG = {};
const slugs = [];
const pages = [];
Object.keys(SLUG_TO_PAGE).forEach(slug => {
const page = SLUG_TO_PAGE[slug];
PAGE_TO_SLUG[page] = slug;
addEventListener('fetch', event => {
function generateSitemap() {
let sitemap = '<urlset xmlns="">';
(slug) =>
(sitemap +=
'<url><loc>https://' + MY_DOMAIN + '/' + slug + '</loc></url>')
sitemap += '</urlset>';
return sitemap;
const corsHeaders = {
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request.headers.get('Access-Control-Request-Method') !== null &&
request.headers.get('Access-Control-Request-Headers') !== null) {
// Handle CORS pre-flight request.
return new Response(null, {
headers: corsHeaders
} else {
// Handle standard OPTIONS request.
return new Response(null, {
headers: {
async function fetchAndApply(request) {
if (request.method === 'OPTIONS') {
return handleOptions(request);
let url = new URL(request.url);
url.hostname = '';
if (url.pathname === '/robots.txt') {
return new Response('Sitemap: https://' + MY_DOMAIN + '/sitemap.xml');
if (url.pathname === '/sitemap.xml') {
let response = new Response(generateSitemap());
response.headers.set('content-type', 'application/xml');
return response;
let response;
if (url.pathname.startsWith('/app') && url.pathname.endsWith('js')) {
response = await fetch(url.toString());
let body = await response.text();
response = new Response(body.replace(/, MY_DOMAIN).replace(/, MY_DOMAIN), response);
response.headers.set('Content-Type', 'application/x-javascript');
return response;
} else if ((url.pathname.startsWith('/api'))) {
// Forward API
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body: url.pathname.startsWith('/api/v3/getPublicPageData') ? null : request.body,
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'content-type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',
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method: 'POST',
response = new Response(response.body, response);
response.headers.set('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
return response;
} else if (slugs.indexOf(url.pathname.slice(1)) > -1) {
const pageId = SLUG_TO_PAGE[url.pathname.slice(1)];
return Response.redirect('https://' + MY_DOMAIN + '/' + pageId, 301);
} else {
response = await fetch(url.toString(), {
body: request.body,
headers: request.headers,
method: request.method,
response = new Response(response.body, response);
return appendJavascript(response, SLUG_TO_PAGE);
class MetaRewriter {
element(element) {
if (PAGE_TITLE !== '') {
if (element.getAttribute('property') === 'og:title' ||
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element.setAttribute('content', PAGE_DESCRIPTION);
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element.setAttribute('content', OG_IMAGE_URL);
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element.setAttribute('href', FAVICON_URL);
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element.setAttribute('href', FAVICON_URL);
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element.setAttribute('href', IOS_ICON_URL);
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element.setAttribute('content', META_TWITTER_CARD);
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element.setAttribute('content', META_TWITTER_SITE);
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element.setAttribute('content', META_TWITTER_IMAGE);
if (element.getAttribute('name') === 'twitter:url') {
element.setAttribute('content', META_TWITTER_URL);
class HeadRewriter {
element(element) {
if (GOOGLE_FONT !== '') {
element.append(`<link href="${GOOGLE_FONT.replace(' ', '+')}:Regular,Bold,Italic&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">
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html: true
div.notion-topbar > div > div:nth-child(3) { display: none !important; }
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div.notion-topbar-mobile > div:nth-child(4) { display: none !important; }
div.notion-topbar-mobile > div:nth-child(5) { display: none !important; }
div.notion-topbar > div > div:nth-child(1n).toggle-mode { display: block !important; }
div.notion-topbar-mobile > div:nth-child(1n).toggle-mode { display: block !important; }
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html: true
class BodyRewriter {
constructor(SLUG_TO_PAGE) {
element(element) {
window.CONFIG.domainBaseUrl = 'https://${MY_DOMAIN}';
const SLUG_TO_PAGE = ${JSON.stringify(this.SLUG_TO_PAGE)};
const PAGE_TO_SLUG = {};
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const pages = [];
const el = document.createElement('div');
let redirected = false;
Object.keys(SLUG_TO_PAGE).forEach(slug => {
const page = SLUG_TO_PAGE[slug];
PAGE_TO_SLUG[page] = slug;
function getPage() {
return location.pathname.slice(-32);
function getSlug() {
return location.pathname.slice(1);
function updateSlug() {
const slug = PAGE_TO_SLUG[getPage()];
if (slug != null) {
history.replaceState(history.state, '', '/' + slug);
function onDark() {
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el.className = 'toggle-mode';
el.addEventListener('click', toggle);
const observer = new MutationObserver(function() {
if (redirected) return;
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const mobileNav = document.querySelector('.notion-topbar-mobile');
if (nav && nav.firstChild && nav.firstChild.firstChild
|| mobileNav && mobileNav.firstChild) {
redirected = true;
addDarkModeButton(nav ? 'web' : 'mobile');
const onpopstate = window.onpopstate;
window.onpopstate = function() {
if (slugs.includes(getSlug())) {
const page = SLUG_TO_PAGE[getSlug()];
if (page) {
history.replaceState(history.state, 'bypass', '/' + page);
onpopstate.apply(this, [];
observer.observe(document.querySelector('#notion-app'), {
childList: true,
subtree: true,
const replaceState = window.history.replaceState;
window.history.replaceState = function(state) {
if (arguments[1] !== 'bypass' && slugs.includes(getSlug())) return;
return replaceState.apply(window.history, arguments);
const pushState = window.history.pushState;
window.history.pushState = function(state) {
const dest = new URL(location.protocol + + arguments[2]);
const id = dest.pathname.slice(-32);
if (pages.includes(id)) {
arguments[2] = '/' + PAGE_TO_SLUG[id];
return pushState.apply(window.history, arguments);
const open =; = function() {
arguments[1] = arguments[1].replace('${MY_DOMAIN}', '');
return open.apply(this, [];
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html: true
async function appendJavascript(res, SLUG_TO_PAGE) {
return new HTMLRewriter()
.on('title', new MetaRewriter())
.on('meta', new MetaRewriter())
.on('head', new HeadRewriter())
.on('body', new BodyRewriter(SLUG_TO_PAGE))
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