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Coding sample #1 for DALI Lab application
# Simple retro snake game
# Instructions: Space to start, WASD to move, P to pause, Q to quit
# Author: Shreyas Agnihotri
# Credit to Dartmouth COSC department for cs1lib graphics library
# March 2018
from cs1lib import *
from point import *
import math
import random
# Global constants
BOX_WIDTH = 20 # Standard width of grid tile
# Global variables
box_list = [] # Represents snake body; array of points for top corner of each body piece
game_on = False
first_game = True
accepting_key = True # Records whether keyboard commands should be registered
score = 0
end_score = score
direction = "right" # Snake starts on left side of screen and moves right
paused = False
needs_food = True
food = Point(0, 0) # Top corner of grid square representing food (default top left square)
# Inserts points into snake body array (number determined by global constant)
def create_initial_snake():
global box_list
for i in range(START_BODY_LENGTH):
box_list.insert(0, Point(int(i * BOX_WIDTH), int(math.ceil((WINDOW_HEIGHT / BOX_WIDTH) / 2)) * BOX_WIDTH))
# Creates black background
def set_background():
set_clear_color(0, 0, 0) # black
# Draws orange circles at each point in body array
def draw_snake():
for box in box_list:
set_fill_color(.9, .52, .25) # orange
draw_circle(box.get_x() + int(BOX_WIDTH/2), box.get_y() + int(BOX_WIDTH/2), int(BOX_WIDTH/2))
# Draws cyan rectangle at current position of food
def draw_food():
set_fill_color(77/256, 255/256, 219/256) # cyan
draw_rectangle(food.get_x(), food.get_y(), BOX_WIDTH, BOX_WIDTH)
# Updates food coordinate to new location on grid outside of snake body
def update_food():
# Places food at snake head temporarily
food.set_coordinates(box_list[0].get_x(), box_list[0].get_y())
in_snake = True
# While food coordinate is within snake
counter = 0
# Sets food position to random box within game grid
food_x = BOX_WIDTH * random.randint(0, WINDOW_WIDTH / BOX_WIDTH - 1)
food_y = BOX_WIDTH * random.randint(0, WINDOW_HEIGHT / BOX_WIDTH - 1)
food.set_coordinates(food_x, food_y)
# Checks that food has not been placed inside snake body
for i in range(0, len(box_list), 1):
if(box_list[i].get_x() == food.get_x() and box_list[i].get_y() == food.get_y()):
counter = counter + 1
if(counter == 0):
in_snake = False
# Draws white grid lines across window
def draw_grid():
set_stroke_color(1, 1, 1) # white
# Vertical grid lines
for i in range(1, int(WINDOW_WIDTH/BOX_WIDTH) + 1):
line_x = BOX_WIDTH * i
draw_line(line_x, 0, line_x, WINDOW_HEIGHT)
#Horizontal grid lines
for i in range(1, int(WINDOW_HEIGHT/BOX_WIDTH) + 1):
line_y = BOX_WIDTH * i
draw_line(0, line_y, WINDOW_WIDTH, line_y)
# Processes user-inputted key-press and implements appropriate command
def press(key):
global direction, paused, accepting_key, game_on, end_score
# Gameplay controls
if(not paused and accepting_key): # Check that game is accepting key to avoid double-commands within one frame
# Changes direction based on key press, if direction change is valid
# Snake cannot immediately reverse direction (i.e. from down to up)
if(key == "w" and direction != "down"): # W key moves snake up
direction = "up"
accepting_key = False
elif(key == "a" and direction != "right"): # A key moves snake left
direction = "left"
accepting_key = False
elif(key == "s" and direction != "up"): # S key moves snake down
direction = "down"
accepting_key = False
elif(key == "d" and direction != "left"): # D key moves snake right
direction = "right"
accepting_key = False
# Game menu controls
if(key == "p"): # P key pauses/unpauses game
paused = not paused
if key == "q": # Q key quits program
if key == " ": # Space key starts game
game_on = True
# Shifts points in snake body array by 1 grid unit
def update_snake():
# Shifts every snake unit to take on position of the next
for i in range(len(box_list)-1, 0, -1):
temp_x = box_list[i-1].get_x()
temp_y = box_list[i-1].get_y()
# Moves head by one unit based on current snake direction
head_x = box_list[0].get_x()
head_y = box_list[0].get_y()
if(direction == "right"):
box_list[0].set_coordinates(head_x + BOX_WIDTH, head_y)
if (direction == "left"):
box_list[0].set_coordinates(head_x - BOX_WIDTH, head_y)
if(direction == "down"):
box_list[0].set_coordinates(head_x, head_y + BOX_WIDTH)
if(direction == "up"):
box_list[0].set_coordinates(head_x, head_y - BOX_WIDTH)
# Checks if snake has collided with food; if so, adds unit to snake body
def check_eaten():
global score, needs_food
# Check if snake head is at same position as food
if(box_list[0].get_x() == food.get_x() and box_list[0].get_y() == food.get_y()):
needs_food = True
score += 1
# Store coordinates of current snake tail
end_x = box_list[len(box_list) - 1].get_x()
end_y = box_list[len(box_list) - 1].get_y()
# If single-length snake, add new body unit to opposite side of head (compared to moving direction)
if(len(box_list) == 1):
if(direction == "up"):
box_list.append(Point(end_x, end_y + BOX_WIDTH))
elif(direction == "down"):
box_list.append(Point(end_x, end_y - BOX_WIDTH))
elif(direction == "left"):
box_list.append(Point(end_x + BOX_WIDTH, end_y))
elif(direction == "right"):
box_list.append(Point(end_x - BOX_WIDTH, end_y))
# If not single-length snake, could have corner in body)
# Add new body unit to opposite side of last and second-to-last units (compared to moving direction)
next_x = box_list[len(box_list)-2].get_x()
next_y = box_list[len(box_list)-2].get_y()
(x, y) = (end_x - next_x, end_y - next_y)
if(x == 0 and y > 0):
box_list.append(Point(end_x, end_y + BOX_WIDTH))
elif(x == 0 and y < 0):
box_list.append(Point(end_x, end_y - BOX_WIDTH))
elif(x > 0 and y == 0):
box_list.append(Point(end_x + BOX_WIDTH, end_y))
elif(x < 0 and y == 0):
box_list.append(Point(end_x - BOX_WIDTH, end_y))
# Checks if snake has collided with a wall; if so, ends game
def check_wall():
global game_on, first_game, end_score
head_x = box_list[0].get_x()
head_y = box_list[0].get_y()
# Check head location for right, left, bottom, and top wall
if(head_x == WINDOW_WIDTH - BOX_WIDTH and direction == "right"):
game_on = False
first_game = False
end_score = score
if(head_x == 0 and direction == "left"):
game_on = False
first_game = False
end_score = score
if (head_y == WINDOW_HEIGHT - BOX_WIDTH and direction == "down"):
game_on = False
first_game = False
end_score = score
if (head_y == 0 and direction == "up"):
game_on = False
first_game = False
end_score = score
# Checks if snake has collided with its own body; if so, ends game
def check_contact():
global game_on, first_game, end_score
head_x = box_list[0].get_x()
head_y = box_list[0].get_y()
# Check that no unit in snake body is at same position as head
for i in range(1, len(box_list), 1):
if (box_list[i].get_x() == head_x and box_list[i].get_y() == head_y):
game_on = False
first_game = False
end_score = score
# Creates, draws, and updates game for every frame
def game():
global needs_food, accepting_key, score, box_list, first_game, direction
if not game_on:
# Lists score if a game has already been playes
if not first_game:
game_over_message_x = int(WINDOW_WIDTH * 2 / 5) - WINDOW_WIDTH/BOX_WIDTH
game_over_message_y = WINDOW_HEIGHT/2 - WINDOW_HEIGHT/10
draw_text("Game over! Your score was: " + str(end_score), game_over_message_x, game_over_message_y)
# Resets all variables to defaults and prints starting instructions
score = 0
box_list = []
direction = "right"
needs_food = True
set_stroke_color(1, 1, 1)
start_instructions_x = int(WINDOW_WIDTH * 2/5)
start_instructions_y = WINDOW_HEIGHT/2
control_instructions_x = int(WINDOW_WIDTH * 29/90)
control_instructions_y = WINDOW_HEIGHT/2 + WINDOW_HEIGHT/BOX_WIDTH
draw_text("Press space to begin!", start_instructions_x, start_instructions_y)
draw_text("WASD to move, P to pause, Q to quit", control_instructions_x, control_instructions_y)
if game_on:
# Updates positions
if(not paused):
accepting_key = True
needs_food = False
# Draws game interface
# Handles gameplay
# Displays score
draw_text("Score: " + str(score), WINDOW_WIDTH - 75, BOX_WIDTH)
start_graphics(game, width=WINDOW_WIDTH, height=WINDOW_HEIGHT, key_press=press, framerate=FRAME_RATE)
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