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Last active December 12, 2022 20:40
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import json
class AutoFlatten:
def __init__(self, json_schema):
self.fields_in_json = self.get_fields_in_json(json_schema)
self.all_fields = {}
self.cols_to_explode = set()
self.structure = {}
self.order = []
self.bottom_to_top = {} = set()
def get_fields_in_json(self, json_schema):
This function takes in the schema in json format and returns the metadata of the schema
:param json_schema: [type : str] a string containing path to raw data
:return fields: [type : dict] contains metadata of the schema
a = json_schema.json()
schema_dict = json.loads(a)
fields = schema_dict['fields']
return fields
def is_leaf(self, data):
This function checks if the particular field in the schema is a leaf or not.
Types not considered as a leaf : struct, array
:param data: [type: dict] a dictionary containing metadata about a field
:return leaf: [type: bool] indicates whether a given field is a leaf or not
if isinstance(data['type'], str):
leaf = True if data['type'] != 'struct' else False
leaf = True if data['type']['type'] == 'map' else False
leaf = False
return leaf
def unnest_dict(self, json, cur_path):
This function unnests the dictionaries in the json schema recursively
and maps the hierarchical path to the field to the column name when it encounters a leaf node
:param json: [type: dict/list] contains metadata about a field
:param cur_path: [type: str] contains hierarchical path to that field, each parent separated by a '.'
if self.is_leaf(json):
self.all_fields[f"{cur_path}.{json['name']}"] = json['name']
if isinstance(json, list):
for i in range(len(json)):
self.unnest_dict(json[i], cur_path)
elif isinstance(json, dict):
if isinstance(json['type'], str):
cur_path = f"{cur_path}.{json['name']}" if json['type'] != 'struct' else cur_path
self.unnest_dict(json['type'], cur_path)
if json['type']['type'] == 'array':
cur_path = f"{cur_path}.{json['name']}"
if isinstance(json['type']['elementType'], dict):
self.unnest_dict(json['type']['elementType']['fields'], cur_path)
self.all_fields[f"{cur_path}"] = json['name']
elif json['type']['type'] == 'struct':
cur_path = f"{cur_path}.{json['name']}"
self.unnest_dict(json['type']['fields'], cur_path)
def get_structure(self, col_list):
This function gets the structure to the traversal to array field in the schema
:param col_list: [type: list] contains list of fields that are to be exploded
:return structure: [type: dict] contains the hierarchical mapping for array fields
structure = {'json' : {}}
for val in col_list:
arr = val.split('.')
a = structure['json']
for i in range(1,len(arr)):
if not a.__contains__(arr[i]):
a[arr[i]] = {}
a = a[arr[i]]
return structure
def extract_order(self, structure):
This function does a BFS traversal to obtain the order in which
the array type fields are to be exploded
:param structure: [type: dict] contains the hierarchical mapping for array fields
:return order: [type: list] contains the fields in order in which array explode has to take place
q = [('', structure['json'])]
order = []
while q:
key, a = q.pop(0)
for x in a.keys():
q.append((f"{key}.{x}", a[x]))
return order
def get_bottom_to_top(self, order, all_cols_in_explode_cols):
This function gets the mutually exclusive leaf fields in every array type column
:param order: [type: list] contains the fields in order in which array explode has to take place
:param all_cols_in_explode_cols: [type: set] contains all fields in array type fields
:return bottom_to_top: [type: dict] contains list of mutually exclusive leaf fields for every
array type / struct type (parent to array type) field
bottom_to_top = {}
for column in reversed(order):
x_cols = set(filter(lambda x: x.startswith(column), list(all_cols_in_explode_cols)))
bottom_to_top[column] = list(x_cols)
all_cols_in_explode_cols = all_cols_in_explode_cols.difference(x_cols)
return bottom_to_top
def compute(self):
This function performs the required computation and gets all the resources
needed for further process of selecting and exploding fields
self.unnest_dict(self.fields_in_json, '')
all_cols_in_explode_cols = set(filter(lambda x: x.startswith(tuple(self.cols_to_explode)), self.all_fields.keys())) = set(self.all_fields.keys()).difference(all_cols_in_explode_cols)
self.structure = self.get_structure([f"json{x}" for x in list(self.cols_to_explode)])
self.order = self.extract_order(self.structure)
self.bottom_to_top = self.get_bottom_to_top(self.order, all_cols_in_explode_cols)
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