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Last active April 21, 2021 08:41
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Lambda forwarder
import boto3
import traceback
import json
import os
import uuid
kinesis_client = boto3.client('kinesis')
config_file_path = 'sqs_to_kinesis_mapping.json'
dlq_stream_name = 'DLQStream'
def get_sqs_to_kinesis_mapping():
This function gets the mapping between the SQS queue and the respective Kinesis Data Stream
from sqs_to_kinesis_mapping json file.
:return sqs_to_kinesis_mapping: [type: dict] contains a 1-1 mapping between SQS queue arn to Kinesis Data Stream
with open(config_file_path) as json_file:
sqs_to_kinesis_mapping = json.load(json_file)
return sqs_to_kinesis_mapping
def extract_data(record):
This function performs the data extraction from the record dictionary
:param record: [type: dict] corresponds to a message from a list of messages read by lambda
:return data: [type: str] extracted data
body = json.loads(record['body'])
data = body['Message']
return data
def add_record(record, kinesis_records_all):
This function extracts the required data from the record dictionary and adds it to the list of records
to be pushed to the respective mapped Kinesis Data Stream based on the eventSourceARN.
If data extraction throws exception then the whole record dictionary is dumped as a string to
the "non_conformed" key in kinesis_records_all; eventually to be dumped in DLQStream.
:param record: [type: dict] corresponds to a message from a list of messages read by lambda
:param kinesis_records_all: [type: dict] contains sqs queue arns as keys mapped to a dict containing list of records
to be pushed and the name of the destination Kinesis Data Stream
:return kinesis_records_all: [type: dict] updated dict kinesis_records_all
#creating record_dict dictionary
record_dict = {}
#source arn
sqs_source_arn = record['eventSourceARN']
#Retrieving required data from record for 'Data' key. Value for 'Data' key can be as per your requirement.
data = extract_data(record)
record_dict['Data'] = data
record_dict['PartitionKey'] = str(uuid.uuid1())
#get sqs name
sqs_name = sqs_source_arn.split(":")[-1]
#appending to respective sqs_key in kinesis_records_all dictionary
#get eventid
eventId = json.loads(data)["eventId"]
print(f"Successfully processed eventId : {eventId} from SQS : {sqs_name}")
except Exception as e:
# dumping the whole record as is to non_conformed list
record_dict['Data'] = json.dumps(record)
record_dict['PartitionKey'] = str(uuid.uuid1())
# log exceptions
message = '\n'.join([str(e), str(traceback.print_exc())])
return kinesis_records_all
def push_to_kinesis(source, source_dict):
This function pushes the list of extracted records from a queue / non_conformed records to a particular
Kinesis Data Stream
:param source: [type: str] SQS queue ARN
:param source_dict: [type: dict] contains a list of records and the stream name where the records are to be pushed to
if source_dict['Records']:
response = kinesis_client.put_records(Records = source_dict['Records'], StreamName = source_dict['StreamName'])
records_pushed_message = ''
if response["ResponseMetadata"]["HTTPStatusCode"] == 200:
pushed_count = ' '.join(['Pushed', str(len(source_dict['Records'])), 'records'])
from_details = ' '.join(['from', source])
to_details = ' '.join(['to', source_dict['StreamName'], 'stream'])
records_pushed_message = ' '.join([pushed_count, to_details]) if source=='non_conformed' else ' '.join([pushed_count, from_details, to_details])
message = ' '.join(['\nResponse received from', source_dict['StreamName'], 'with HTTPStatusCode', str(response["ResponseMetadata"]["HTTPStatusCode"]), ".", records_pushed_message])
def lambda_handler(event, context):
kinesis_records_all = {}
sqs_to_kinesis_mapping = get_sqs_to_kinesis_mapping()
for sqs_key in sqs_to_kinesis_mapping.keys():
kinesis_records_all[sqs_key] = { 'Records': [], 'StreamName' : sqs_to_kinesis_mapping[sqs_key] }
#creating a key for non-conformed records
kinesis_records_all['non_conformed'] = { 'Records': [], 'StreamName' : dlq_stream_name }
for record in event['Records']:
kinesis_records_all = add_record(record, kinesis_records_all)
#pushing records retrieved from each sqs source to respective streams & non-conformed records to DLQ Stream
for source in kinesis_records_all.keys():
push_to_kinesis(source, kinesis_records_all[source])
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