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Created June 20, 2017 21:58
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Quick script to go through JPEGS and copy files created after a certain date to a new subdirectory
import subprocess
import sys
import os
from datetime import datetime
from time import sleep
from shutil import copy2, rmtree
import re
import json
# Note: for this to run, exiftool must be installed. If not, go to to grab it
JPGPAT = re.compile('\.jpg$', re.IGNORECASE)
newdir = 'NewPics'
countinrow, countskip = 0, 0
def getdatefromuser():
"""Get the cutoff date from user (stdin), return a date object for use in the main execution block"""
date_str = raw_input("\nEnter the date cutoff in mm/dd/yyyy format: ")
date_sub = date_str.replace('-', '/')
return datetime.strptime(date_sub, '%m/%d/%Y')
def rmdir(d):
"""Remove old directory if it exists, then create or recreate it. Sleep so user can see progress"""
print "Trying to remove old", d, "directory"
except OSError:
print "No directory", d, ". Skipping removal."
print 'Created new directory', d
def findcreatedate(f):
"""Finds when the JPEG file f was created"""
exifdata = subprocess.check_output(['exiftool', '-j', '-TAG', '-CreateDate', f])
except OSError as e:
print "exiftool may not be installed. Please go check."
print "Here is the error thrown: {}".format(e)
data = json.loads(exifdata)
if isinstance(data, list) and len(data) == 1:
edata = data[0]
return datetime.strptime(edata[u'CreateDate'], '%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S')
print "exiftool returned malformed data. Please investigate"
print data
def fileparse(f):
"""Parses the files list. Uses findcreatedate to determine whether or not to copy file
global countinrow, countskip, userdate, newdir
if # We have a jpg or JPG file
if findcreatedate(f) > userdate: # Test file's creation date against date passed into function
if countskip != 0: # If this is the first time (locally) we've found a file that needs to be copied, reset j
print "\n",
countskip = 0
dest = os.path.join(newdir, f)
copy2(f, dest)
print "\r{} being copied".format(f),
countinrow += 1 # increment our count of files that have been copied in a row
countskip += 1 # otherwise, increment our count of files skipped
print "\r{} files parsed after last success".format(countskip),
def main():
global countinrow, userdate
print "Locating exiftool:\n"
subprocess.check_call(['which', 'exiftool'])
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
print "Error: for this to run, exiftool must be installed. If not, go to to grab it"
print e
userdate = getdatefromuser() # get cutoff date from user, split it to pass in later to fileparse
rmdir(newdir) # set up our copy directory
files = (f for f in os.listdir(os.getcwd()))
for f in files:
fileparse(f) # work through the list of files, copying or skipping as needed
print "\n{} files copied".format(countinrow)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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