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Last active June 5, 2017 12:03
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CentOS 6 Python bootstrap, necessary for Packer and Vagrant if you wish to provision with Python-based provisioners such as Ansible
#!/usr/bin/env bash
function bootstrap_python() {
local PYTHON_PROFILE_PATH='/etc/profile.d/';
local CACHE_PYTHON_PROFILE_PATH='/vagrant/.vagrant/cache/';
# To save doing this on every provision, check if the file already exists.
if [ -e "${PYTHON_PROFILE_PATH}" ] ; then
echo "Profile found at ${PYTHON_PROFILE_PATH}, skipping setup";
return 0;
echo 'Upgrading packages...';
yum upgrade -y;
echo 'Installing development tools, OpenSSL, etc...'
yum groupinstall -y 'Development tools' || return 1;
yum install -y zlib-devel bzip2-devel openssl-devel xz-libs wget || return 1;
echo 'Installing CentOS SCL...';
yum install -y centos-release-scl;
# While the libselinux-python isn't strictly necessary, the number of times I smack into this
# building *anything* with Ansible means I include it here.
echo 'Installing Python 2.7...';
yum install -y python27 libselinux-python || return 1;
echo 'Cleaning up...';
yum clean all 2>&1 >/dev/null;
echo "Adding Python 2.7 to global profile at ${PYTHON_PROFILE_PATH}";
if [ "${CACHE_PYTHON_PROFILE}" = true ]; then
if [ -e "${CACHE_PYTHON_PROFILE_PATH}" ]; then
return 0;
wget \
--secure-protocol TLSv1 \
'' || return 1;
if [ "${CACHE_PYTHON_PROFILE}" = true ]; then
# Cache the python 2.7 path locally so we can reuse it - useful for
# rebuilding Vagrant or multi-machine to avoid calling out each time.
mkdir -p "$(dirname ${CACHE_PYTHON_PROFILE_PATH})" 2>&1 >/dev/null ;
return 0;
#!/usr/bin/env bash
source /opt/rh/python27/enable;
# Add this to your Provisioning somewhere.
$bootstrap_script = ''
# CentOS 6.8 doesn't come with Python 2.7, so we need to tweak this
config.vm.provision 'bootstrap',
type: 'shell',
path: $bootstrap_script
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