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Created April 8, 2019 17:45
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#include "/home/shrimo/project/osl/OpenShadingLanguage-master/src/shaders/stdosl.h"
shader osl_triplanar(
string filename = ""
[[ string widget = "filename" ]],
string mapping = "world"
[[ string widget = "popup",
string options = "world|object" ]],
color input = color(0),
vector rotation = vector(0.0,0.0,0.0),
float xtile = 1.0,
float xmin = 0.0
[[ float min = 0.0,
float max = 1.0 ]],
float xmax = 1.0
[[ float min = 0.0,
float max = 1.0 ]],
float ytile = 1.0,
float ymin = 0.0
[[ float min = 0.0,
float max = 1.0 ]],
float ymax = 1.0
[[ float min = 0.0,
float max = 1.0 ]],
float ztile = 1.0,
float zmin = 0.0
[[ float min = 0.0,
float max = 1.0 ]],
float zmax = 1.0
[[ float min = 0.0,
float max = 1.0 ]],
int use_breakup = 0
[[ string widget = "checkBox" ]],
float breakup_input = 0.0,
float breakup_exponent = 1.0,
output color outRGB = color(0),
output float outA = 0.0,
output color outAreaMask = 0.0,
point PP = transform(mapping, P);
vector NN = normalize(transform(mapping, N));
//set up rotations (the dumb way without matrices)
color pRotX = rotate(PP, (rotation[0]/57.2958), point(0.0,0.0,0.0), point(1.0,0.0,0.0));
color pRotXY = rotate(pRotX, (rotation[1]/57.2958), point(0.0,0.0,0.0), point(0.0,1.0,0.0));
color pRotXYZ = rotate(pRotXY, (rotation[2]/57.2958), point(0.0,0.0,0.0), point(0.0,0.0,1.0));
color nRotX = rotate(NN, (rotation[0]/57.2958), point(0.0,0.0,0.0), point(1.0,0.0,0.0));
color nRotXY = rotate(nRotX, (rotation[1]/57.2958), point(0.0,0.0,0.0), point(0.0,1.0,0.0));
color nRotXYZ = rotate(nRotXY, (rotation[2]/57.2958), point(0.0,0.0,0.0), point(0.0,0.0,1.0));
//create Normal-masks with min/max values
float nNx = clamp((1-clamp((1-abs(nRotXYZ[0])) * (1/(1-xmin)),0,1)) * 1/xmax,0,1);
float nNy = clamp((1-clamp((1-abs(nRotXYZ[1])) * (1/(1-ymin)),0,1)) * 1/ymax,0,1);
float nNz = clamp((1-clamp((1-abs(nRotXYZ[2])) * (1/(1-zmin)),0,1)) * 1/zmax,0,1);
float Nx, Ny, Nz;
//Use breakup ("softlight" blend-mode)
if ( use_breakup == 0 ){
Nx = nNx;
Ny = nNy;
Nz = nNz;
} else {
float breakup = clamp(breakup_input,0,1);
Nx = clamp(pow(nNx*(2*breakup+(nNx*(1-breakup*nNx))), breakup_exponent),0,1);
Ny = clamp(pow(nNy*(2*breakup+(nNy*(1-breakup*nNy))), breakup_exponent),0,1);
Nz = clamp(pow(nNz*(2*breakup+(nNz*(1-breakup*nNz))), breakup_exponent),0,1);
//layering (X over Y over Z)
outRGB = mix(mix(mix(input,(color) texture(filename, pRotXYZ[0]*ztile, pRotXYZ[1]*ztile, "wrap", "periodic"),Nz), (color) texture(filename, pRotXYZ[0]*ytile, pRotXYZ[2]*ytile, "wrap", "periodic"), Ny), (color) texture(filename, pRotXYZ[1]*xtile, pRotXYZ[2]*xtile, "wrap", "periodic"), Nx);
//combine output alpha ("screen" blendmode)
outA = clamp((Nx+Ny+Nz)-(Nx*Ny*Nz),0,1);
outAreaMask = mix(mix(mix(input,color(0,0,1),Nz), color(0,1,0),Ny), color(1,0,0),Nx);
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