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Created May 10, 2020 22:32
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/*Texture Bombing
The basic idea behind texture bombing is to divide UV space into a regular grid of cells.
We then place an image within each cell at a random location, using a noise or pseudo-random number function.
The final result is the composite of these images over the background.
color blend(
color a,
color b,
color x)
return ((a) * (1-(x)) + (b) * (x));
float polygon(
float s,
float t,
float innerRad,
float line)
float numSides = 6;
float x = s - 0.5, y = t - 0.5;
float R = sqrt(x * x + y * y);
float theta = atan2(y, x); // -PI to PI radians
if(theta < 0.0)
theta += 2 * M_PI; // 0 to 2PI radians
float interior = (2 * M_PI)/numSides;
float segment = floor(theta/interior);
float rotation = (segment * interior + interior/2);
point stPnt = point(s - 0.5, 0.5 - t, 0);
point origin = point(0, 0, 0);
point z_axis = point(0, 0, 1);
point rotPnt = rotate(stPnt, rotation, origin, z_axis);
return 1 - smoothstep(innerRad, innerRad + line/2, rotPnt[0]);
float disk(
float u,
float v,
float R,
float blur_x,
float erode,
point center)
point here = point (u, v, 0);
float dist = distance(center, here);
return 1 - smoothstep((R/2.0) + blur_x, (R/2.0) + erode, dist);
color rgb_to_lin(color input_color)
float r = input_color[0];
float g = input_color[1];
float b = input_color[2];
r = (r < 0.04045) ? r * 0.07739938 : pow((r + 0.055) * 0.947867299, 2.4);
g = (g < 0.04045) ? g * 0.07739938 : pow((g + 0.055) * 0.947867299, 2.4);
b = (b < 0.04045) ? b * 0.07739938 : pow((b + 0.055) * 0.947867299, 2.4);
return color(r, g, b);
color rgb_to_lin2(color input_color)
color out_color = 0;
for (int i = 0; i<3; i++)
if (input_color[i] <= 0.0)
out_color[i] = 0.0;
else if (input_color[i] >= 1.0)
out_color[i] = 1.0;
else if (input_color[i] < 0.04045)
out_color[i] = input_color[i] / 12.92;
out_color[i] = pow((input_color[i] + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
return out_color;
shader TBombing_shader_v02
int rfm_nodeid=902,
string rfm_classification="rendernode/RenderMan/pattern/TBombing_shader_v02",
int rfc_nodeid=1002, string rfc_description="Xpxrlayer",
string help = "RIS Custom OSL pattern version 0.2"
(string filename = "/home/v.lavrentev/project/OSL/texture/Stone01.tx"
string page = "Textures",
string widget = "fileInput"
int linearize = 0
string page = "Textures",
string widget = "checkBox",
string help = "sRGB to Lin"
string space = "object"
string page = "Textures",
string widget = "popup",
string options = "object|world|screen",
string help = "Transform a point coordinate system"
float scale = 0.12
string page = "Textures",
string label = "texture size"
float angle = 0
string page = "Textures",
string label = "texture rotate"
string noise_name = "cell"
string page = "Bombing",
string label = "noise type",
string widget = "popup",
string options = "cell|noise",
string help = "noise type"
float nscale = 1
string page = "Bombing",
string label = "noise size",
string help = "noise size ~1-10"
int layers = 1
string page = "Bombing",
string label = "bombing samples",
string help = "number of stamp iterations"
float OffsetX = 0.5
string page = "Bombing",
string label = "Сell Offset X"
float OffsetY = 0.5
string page = "Bombing",
string label = "Сell Offset Y"
float Radius = 1
string page = "Bombing.Mask",
string help = "Mask radius",
string help = "stamp radius"
float blur_x = 0
string page = "Bombing.Mask",
string label = "falloff",
string help = "Mask falloff"
float erode = 0
string page = "Bombing.Mask",
string help = "Mask erode"
color bg = 0.5
string page = "Bombing",
string label = "Background color"
float strength_u = 1
string page = "Triplanar",
string label = "Strength U"
float strength_v = 1
string page = "Triplanar",
string label = "Strength V"
vector X_clamp = vector(0, 1, 0)
string page = "Triplanar",
string label = "Normal clamp X"
vector Y_clamp = vector(0, 1, 0)
string page = "Triplanar",
string label = "Normal clamp Y"
vector Z_clamp = vector(0, 1, 0)
string page = "Triplanar",
string label = "Normal clamp Z"
output color color_out = 0
string widget = "null"
color triplanar[3] = {bg, bg, bg};
float mask[3];
color image[3];
// vector shift = vector(0, 0, 0);
color input = 0;
point Pos = transform(space, P); //transform(space, P);
vector NN = normalize(transform(space, N));
vector tex = vector(Pos * scale);
vector cell = floor(tex);
vector offs = tex - cell;
point center = point (OffsetX, OffsetY, 0.0);
vector Rt1 = 0;
vector Rt2 = 0;
vector Rt3 = 0;
for (int i = -1; i <= 0; i++ ){
for (int j = -1; j <= 0; j++ ){
for (int k = -1; k <= 0; k++ ){
vector cell_t = cell + vector( i, j, k );
vector curOffs = offs - vector( i, j, k );
vector randomUV = vector(cell_t[0] * 0.037, cell_t[1] * 0.119, cell_t[2] * 0.003);
for (int s = 0; s < layers; s++){
randomUV += (vector) noise(noise_name, randomUV * nscale);
vector tx_rnd = (vector) noise(noise_name, randomUV);
vector Tt = curOffs - tx_rnd; // + shift;
Rt1 = (vector) rotate(Tt, radians(angle), Tt[0], Tt[1]);
Rt2 = (vector) rotate(Tt, radians(angle), Tt[0], Tt[2]);
Rt3 = (vector) rotate(Tt, radians(angle), Tt[1], Tt[2]);
image[0] = (color) texture (filename, Rt1[0] * strength_u, Rt1[1] * strength_v);
image[1] = (color) texture (filename, Rt2[0] * strength_u, Rt2[2] * strength_v);
image[2] = (color) texture (filename, Rt3[1] * strength_u, Rt3[2] * strength_v);
mask[0] = disk(Rt1[0], Rt1[1], Radius, blur_x, erode, center);
mask[1] = disk(Rt2[0], Rt2[2], Radius, blur_x, erode, center);
mask[2] = disk(Rt3[1], Rt3[2], Radius, blur_x, erode, center);
for (int i = 0; i<3; i++)
triplanar[i] = blend(triplanar[i], image[i], mask[i]);
float nNx = clamp((1-clamp((1-abs(NN[0])) * (1/(1-X_clamp[0])),0,1)) * 1/X_clamp[1],0,1);
float nNy = clamp((1-clamp((1-abs(NN[1])) * (1/(1-Y_clamp[0])),0,1)) * 1/Y_clamp[1],0,1);
float nNz = clamp((1-clamp((1-abs(NN[2])) * (1/(1-Z_clamp[0])),0,1)) * 1/Z_clamp[1],0,1);
if (linearize)
color_out = rgb_to_lin( mix(mix(mix(input, triplanar[0], nNz), triplanar[1], nNy), triplanar[2], nNx) );
color_out = mix(mix(mix(input, triplanar[0], nNz), triplanar[1], nNy), triplanar[2], nNx);
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