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shriram / homepage.html
Created January 7, 2024 14:21
Editable QuickLinks page
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<!-- Credits: mostly written by GPT-4. -->
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shriram / sort-lines.rkt
Last active July 30, 2020 12:02
Racket QuickScript for sorting lines in source files
#lang racket
;; I sometimes include a data file in my program source, and
;; find it useful to sort the data *in the source*
;; (e.g., to make it easier to find something, or just to
;; eliminate the cost of sorting each time the program runs).
;; This file provides four scripts. Each one accepts a *selection*
;; of lines. It does not "parse" the lines: e.g., if you have a
;; '( at the front of one of the lines, that will not be ignored