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Created October 13, 2012 04:59
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Percentage of Happy Twitter Users
import tweepy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from time import time
#number of statuses logged
status_count = 0
#set up auth
auth1 = tweepy.auth.OAuthHandler('Consumer Key','Consumer Secret')
auth1.set_access_token('Auth Key','Auth Secret')
#create the api
api = tweepy.API(auth1)
class StreamListener(tweepy.StreamListener):
#these defs override the default ones
def on_status(self, status):
global status_count
statustext = status.text
#increment status_count
status_count += 1.0
#if it has been longer than 10 seconds
time_now = time()
if time_now - start_time > timeout_duration:
#end stream
return False
#create empty array to store calculated percents
percents = []
#how long to run the stream for each emotion
timeout_duration = 10
#times the stream has been run - aesthetic
time_run = 0
#times to run code
times_to_run = 20
#init average percentage
average_percentage = 0
#run x times
for c in range(0,times_to_run-1):
time_run += 1
print time_run
#Get smile faces
print "Gathering Smilies..."
start_time = time()
#create listener, start, and set filters
l = StreamListener()
streamer = tweepy.Stream(auth=auth1, listener=l, timeout = timeout_duration)
setTerms = [':)', '(:', ':]', '[:']
streamer.filter(None, setTerms)
#when that finishes, set the happy_count equal to the number of statuses
#and reset status_count
happy_count = status_count
status_count = 0
print "Gathering Unhappy Faces..."
start_time = time()
#create lister2
l2 = StreamListener()
streamer2 = tweepy.Stream(auth=auth1, listener=l2, timeout= timeout_duration)
setTerms2 = [':(','):',':[',']:']
streamer2.filter(None, setTerms2)
#set sad_count to number of logged statuses
sad_count = status_count
print "Happy: ", happy_count, " Sad: ", sad_count
percent = (happy_count/(happy_count+sad_count)) * 100.0
print "Percentage Happy = ", percent
average_percentage += percent
print "AVERAGE PERCENTAGE OF PEOPLE THAT ARE HAPPY: ", average_percentage/times_to_run
#write to file for posterity - overwritten each time the script is called
f = open('twitter_over_time.txt', 'w')
for per in percents:
#plot with matplotlib
plt.ylabel("Percent of Users with ':)' in Their Status")
plt.xlabel("Time in 20 Second Increments")
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