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Created October 12, 2018 12:31
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@RestResource( urlMapping = '/tesselservices/*' )
global class TesselServices {
public static final String MODEL_ID = 'INSERT MODEL ID HERE';
global static String upload() {
RestRequest req = RestContext.request;
RestResponse res = Restcontext.response;
Blob picture = req.requestBody;
ContentVersion conVersion = new ContentVersion();
conVersion.Title = 'Content Version' +;
conVersion.PathOnClient = 'file_' + + '.jpg';
conVersion.VersionData = picture;
conVersion.Origin = 'H';
INSERT conVersion;
ContentDistribution cd = new ContentDistribution();
cd.Name = 'Content Dist ' +;
cd.ContentVersionId = conVersion.Id;
cd.PreferencesAllowOriginalDownload = TRUE;
cd.PreferencesAllowPDFDownload = TRUE;
cd.PreferencesAllowViewInBrowser = TRUE;
List<ContentDistribution> conDist = new List<ContentDistribution>();
conDist = [
SELECT ContentDownloadUrl
FROM ContentDistribution
WHERE Id = :cd.Id
return conDist[0].ContentDownloadUrl;
global static PredictionResponse authenticate() {
EinsteinAPI api = new EinsteinAPI();
PredictionResponse resp = api.predictImage( MODEL_ID, EncodingUtil.urlDecode( RestContext.request.params.get( 'img' ), 'UTF-8' ) );
return resp;
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