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Last active February 24, 2020 08:04
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import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urllib import quote
import os
HEADERS = {'user-agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.67 Safari/537.36'}
class Zomato(object):
def __init__(self, url):
self.url = url.split('/?')[0].split('#')[0].split('info')[0]
print self.url
self.soup = self.get_soup()
self.res_id = self.get_res_id()
def get_soup(self):
resp = requests.get(self.url, headers=HEADERS)
return BeautifulSoup(resp.content)
def get_res_id(self):
soup = self.soup
meta_tag = soup.find('meta', {'name':'twitter:app:url:iphone'})
return meta_tag.get('content').strip('zomato://r/').strip()
def get_basics(self):
soup = self.soup
metas = soup.findAll('meta')
metas = filter(lambda x: x.get('property') and 'og:' in x.get('property'), metas)
data = {}
for item in metas:
if not 'locale' in item.get('property'):
data[item.get('property').strip('og:')] = item.get('content')
data['url'] = data['url'].split('?ztype')[0]
return data
def get_photos(self, user_type='zomato', max_count=100):
import json
total_count = 0
photos = []
zomato_filter = lambda photo: photo['user_id'] == 1
no_zomato_filter = lambda photo: photo['user_id'] !=1
user_filter = zomato_filter if user_type=='zomato' else no_zomato_filter if user_type=='nozomato' else lambda photo:True
soup = self.soup.find('div', {'class':'res-photo-thumbnails'})
photo_hrefs = soup.findAll('a', {'class':'res-info-thumbs'})
if not photo_hrefs:
return {'total_count':total_count, 'zomato_count':0, 'photos':photos, 'current_count':len(photos)}
#first_photo_id = photo_hrefs[0].get('data-photo_id')
first_photo_id = 'r_MTg5MzQ5NTQ5Mj'
url = '{photo_id}&type=res&res_id={res_id}&offset=0'
photos_resp = requests.get(url.format(photo_id=first_photo_id, res_id=self.res_id))
photos_resp_json = json.loads(photos_resp.content)
new_photos = [item for item in photos_resp_json['data'] if user_filter(item)]
photos += new_photos
total_count += photos_resp_json['total_photos_count']
max_count = min(total_count, max_count)
if photos:
while len(photos)<max_count or not new_photos:
photo_id = photos[-1]['image_id']
photos_resp = requests.get(url.format(photo_id=photo_id, res_id=self.res_id))
photos_resp_json = json.loads(photos_resp.content)
new_photos = [item for item in photos_resp_json['data'] if user_filter]
photos += new_photos
return {'total_count':total_count, 'photos':photos[:max_count], 'current_count':len(photos[:max_count])}
def get_menu(self):
url = os.path.join(self.url,'menu?page={page_num}')
page_num = 1
resp = requests.get(url.format(page_num=page_num))
if resp.status_code == 404:
return []
soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.content)
get_pic_url = lambda x: x.find('div', {'id':'menu-image'}).find('img').get('src')
menus = [get_pic_url(soup)]
return []
while True:
page_num +=1
resp = requests.get(url.format(page_num=page_num))
if not resp.status_code == 404:
soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.content)
menus += [get_pic_url(soup)]
return menus
def get_highlights(self):
highlight_div = self.soup.find('div', {'class':'res-info-highlights column alpha'})
feature_divs = highlight_div.findAll('div', {'class':'res-info-feature-text'})
return [item.contents[0].strip() for item in feature_divs]
def get_phone(self):
telephone_span = self.soup.find('span', {'class':'tel'})
spans = telephone_span.findAll('span')
if not spans:
return []
return [item.contents[0].strip() for item in spans]
def get_reviews(self):
all_itemprops = filter(lambda item:item.get('itemprop')=='description', self.soup.findAll())
reviews = [item.contents[1].contents for item in all_itemprops]
return [''.join([item for item in review if type(item).__name__=='NavigableString']).strip() for review in reviews]
def get_cover(self):
soup = self.soup
div = soup.find('div', {'class':'res-imagery le-header res-imagery-dark imagery item-to-hide-parent'})
if div:
return div.get('style').split('url("')[1].split()[0].strip('"')
return None
def get_location(self):
soup = self.soup
coordinates = soup.find('div', {'id':'res-map-canvas'}).contents[1].get('data-original').split('')[1].split('&')[0].split(',')
all_itemprops = filter(lambda item:item.get('itemprop'), soup.findAll())
for item in all_itemprops:
if item.get('itemprop') == 'addressLocality':
locality = item.contents[0].strip()
if item.get('itemprop') == 'addressCountry':
country = item.contents[0].strip()
if item.get('itemprop') == 'address':
address = item.contents[0].strip()
city = item.contents[2].strip()
return {'city':city,
def get_rating(self):
soup = self.soup
rating_div = soup.find('div', {'itemprop':'ratingValue'})
rating = rating_div.contents[0].strip()
rating_count = soup.find('span', {'itemprop':'ratingCount'}).contents[0].strip()
return {
def get_cuisines(self):
soup = self.soup
all_itemprops = filter(lambda item:item.get('itemprop')=='servesCuisine', soup.findAll())
return [item.contents[0].strip() for item in all_itemprops]
def get_cost(self):
soup = self.soup
all_itemprops = filter(lambda item:item.get('itemprop')=='priceRange', soup.findAll())
itemprop = all_itemprops[0]
price_value = [int(i.strip()) for i in itemprop.contents[0].contents if type(i).__name__=='NavigableString'][0]
price_content = itemprop.contents[0].find('span').contents[0].strip().replace('.', '')
description = itemprop.contents[1].strip()
if len(itemprop.contents)>2:
message = itemprop.contents[2].contents[0].strip()
return {'price_value':price_value,
if __name__ == '__main__':
urls = [
for url in urls:
z = Zomato(url)
#print z.get_basics()
#print z.get_res_id()
#print z.get_photos(user_type='zomato', max_count=10)
#print z.get_menu()
#print z.get_reviews()
#print z.get_cover()
#print z.get_location()
#print z.get_rating()
#print z.get_cuisines()
#print z.get_cost()
print z.get_highlights()
print z.get_phone()
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