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Created May 24, 2021 15:55
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Scrolly Path with Cassie Evans! | @keyframers 4.1
<div id="page">
<h1 class="page-title">
<div class='revealer'>
<div class='revealer-inner'>Cassie Evans</div>
<div class='page-title-secondary revealer'>
<div class='revealer-inner'>Keyframers</div>
<img src="" alt="" class="banner">
<h2 class="title revealer">
<div class="revealer-inner">Bestsellers</div>
<div class="grid">
<figcaption class='revealer'>
<div class='revealer-inner'>This shirt</div>
<div class="revealer">
<img class='revealer-img' src="" alt="" />
<figcaption class='revealer'>
<div class='revealer-inner'>And this dress</div>
<div class="revealer">
<img class='revealer-img' src="" alt="" />
<figcaption class='revealer'>
<div class='revealer-inner'>Also this blouse</div>
<div class="revealer">
<img class='revealer-img' src='' alt=''>
<figcaption class='revealer'>
<div class='revealer-inner'>The table, actually</div>
<div class="revealer">
<img class='revealer-img' src='' alt=''>
<figcaption class='revealer'>
<div class='revealer-inner'>Whatever she's holding</div>
<div class="revealer">
<img class='revealer-img' src='' alt=''>
<figcaption class='revealer'>
<div class='revealer-inner'>Harmless spray</div>
<div class="revealer">
<img class='revealer-img' src='' alt=''>
<span class="spacer1"></span>
<span class="spacer2"></span>
<span class="spacer3"></span>
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Scrolly Path with Cassie Evans! | @keyframers 4.1

Cassie Evans, the amazing animator and SVG magician now working at GreenSock, joins David Khourshid & Stephen Shaw to build a fancy scroll animation using SVG paths and GSAP!

🎥 Video: 💡 Inspiration: 💻 Code: (coming soon)

➡️ Learn more about Cassie & GSAP

Like what we're doing? Support @keyframers so we can keep live coding awesome animations!

A Pen by @keyframers on CodePen.


@import url("");
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