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Last active August 28, 2019 06:36
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def brute_force_knapsack(x_weights, x_prices, x_capacity):
item_count = x_weights.shape[0]
picks_space = 2 ** item_count
best_price = -1
best_picks = np.zeros(item_count)
for p in range(picks_space):
picks = [int(c) for c in f"{p:0{item_count}b}"]
price =, picks)
weight =, picks)
if weight <= x_capacity and price > best_price:
best_price = price
best_picks = picks
return best_picks
def create_knapsack(item_count=5):
x_weights = np.random.randint(1, 45, item_count)
x_prices = np.random.randint(1, 99, item_count)
x_capacity = np.random.randint(1, 99)
y = brute_force_knapsack(x_weights, x_prices, x_capacity)
return x_weights, x_prices, x_capacity, y
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