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Created July 9, 2019 20:57
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def adaboost_fit(X,y, M=10, learning_rate = 1):
#Initialization of utility variables
N = len(y)
estimator_list, y_predict_list, estimator_error_list, estimator_weight_list, sample_weight_list = [], [],[],[],[]
#Initialize the sample weights
sample_weight = np.ones(N) / N
for m in range(M):
#Fit a classifier
#estimator = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth = 1, max_leaf_nodes=2), y, sample_weight=sample_weight)
#y_predict = estimator.predict(X)
w, b = train_axis_aligned_lin_classifier(X,y, weights=sample_weight)
y_predict_temp = np.sign(,w) + b).flatten()
sign_test = []
for sign in [-1, 1]:
incorrect = (sign * y_predict_temp != y)
sign_test.append((sign, np.sum(incorrect)))
sign_test.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
sign = sign_test[0][0]
y_predict = sign*y_predict_temp
incorrect = (y_predict != y)
#Estimator error
estimator_error = np.mean( np.average(incorrect, weights=sample_weight, axis=0))
#Boost estimator weights
estimator_weight = learning_rate * np.log((1. - estimator_error) / estimator_error)
#Boost sample weights
sample_weight *= np.exp(estimator_weight * incorrect * ((sample_weight > 0) | (estimator_weight < 0)))
#Save iteration values
#Convert to np array for convenience
#estimator_list = np.array(estimator_list)
y_predict_list = np.array(y_predict_list)
estimator_error_list = np.array(estimator_error_list)
estimator_weight_list = np.array(estimator_weight_list)
sample_weight_list = np.array(sample_weight_list)
preds = (np.array([np.sign((y_predict_list[:,point] * estimator_weight_list).sum()) for point in range(N)]))
print('Accuracy = ', (preds == y).sum() / N)
return estimator_list, estimator_weight_list, sample_weight_list
estimator_list, estimator_weight_list, sample_weight_list = adaboost_fit(X,Y, M=15, learning_rate = 1)
def ada_boost_class_fun(X):
temp_pred = np.array( [ (e[0]*np.sign(,e[1]) + e[2]).flatten()).T* w for e, w in zip(estimator_list,estimator_weight_list )] ) / estimator_weight_list.sum()
return np.sign(temp_pred.sum(axis = 0))
for i in range(4):
print('Happy Birthday to you!')
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