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Created July 17, 2017 19:24
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# DRAW implementation
class draw_model():
def __init__(self):
# First we download the MNIST dataset into our local machine.
self.mnist = input_data.read_data_sets("data/", one_hot=True)
print "------------------------------------"
print "MNIST Dataset Succesufully Imported"
print "------------------------------------"
self.n_samples = self.mnist.train.num_examples
# We set up the model parameters
# ------------------------------
# image width,height
self.img_size = 28
# read glimpse grid width/height
self.attention_n = 5
# number of hidden units / output size in LSTM
self.n_hidden = 256
# QSampler output size
self.n_z = 10
# MNIST generation sequence length
self.sequence_length = 10
# training minibatch size
self.batch_size = 64
# workaround for variable_scope(reuse=True)
self.share_parameters = False
# Build our model
self.images = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 784]) # input (batch_size * img_size)
self.e = tf.random_normal((self.batch_size, self.n_z), mean=0, stddev=1) # Qsampler noise
self.lstm_enc = tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMCell(self.n_hidden, state_is_tuple=True) # encoder Op
self.lstm_dec = tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMCell(self.n_hidden, state_is_tuple=True) # decoder Op
# Define our state variables
self.cs = [0] * self.sequence_length # sequence of canvases, self.logsigma, self.sigma = [0] * self.sequence_length, [0] * self.sequence_length, [0] * self.sequence_length
# Initial states
h_dec_prev = tf.zeros((self.batch_size, self.n_hidden))
enc_state = self.lstm_enc.zero_state(self.batch_size, tf.float32)
dec_state = self.lstm_dec.zero_state(self.batch_size, tf.float32)
# Construct the unrolled computational graph
x = self.images
for t in range(self.sequence_length):
# error image + original image
c_prev = tf.zeros((self.batch_size, self.img_size**2)) if t == 0 else self.cs[t-1]
x_hat = x - tf.sigmoid(c_prev)
# read the image
r = self.read_basic(x,x_hat,h_dec_prev)
#sanity check
print r.get_shape()
# encode to guass distribution[t], self.logsigma[t], self.sigma[t], enc_state = self.encode(enc_state, tf.concat(1, [r, h_dec_prev]))
# sample from the distribution to get z
z = self.sampleQ([t],self.sigma[t])
#sanity check
print z.get_shape()
# retrieve the hidden layer of RNN
h_dec, dec_state = self.decode_layer(dec_state, z)
#sanity check
print h_dec.get_shape()
# map from hidden layer
self.cs[t] = c_prev + self.write_basic(h_dec)
h_dec_prev = h_dec
self.share_parameters = True # from now on, share variables
# Loss function
self.generated_images = tf.nn.sigmoid(self.cs[-1])
self.generation_loss = tf.reduce_mean(-tf.reduce_sum(self.images * tf.log(1e-10 + self.generated_images) + (1-self.images) * tf.log(1e-10 + 1 - self.generated_images),1))
kl_terms = [0]*self.sequence_length
for t in xrange(self.sequence_length):
mu2 = tf.square([t])
sigma2 = tf.square(self.sigma[t])
logsigma = self.logsigma[t]
kl_terms[t] = 0.5 * tf.reduce_sum(mu2 + sigma2 - 2*logsigma, 1) - self.sequence_length*0.5 # each kl term is (1xminibatch)
self.latent_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.add_n(kl_terms))
self.cost = self.generation_loss + self.latent_loss
# Optimization
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-3, beta1=0.5)
grads = optimizer.compute_gradients(self.cost)
for i,(g,v) in enumerate(grads):
if g is not None:
grads[i] = (tf.clip_by_norm(g,5),v)
self.train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(grads)
self.sess = tf.Session()
# Our training function
def train(self):
for i in xrange(20000):
xtrain, _ = self.mnist.train.next_batch(self.batch_size)
cs, gen_loss, lat_loss, _ =[self.cs, self.generation_loss, self.latent_loss, self.train_op], feed_dict={self.images: xtrain})
print "iter %d genloss %f latloss %f" % (i, gen_loss, lat_loss)
if i % 500 == 0:
cs = 1.0/(1.0+np.exp(-np.array(cs))) # x_recons=sigmoid(canvas)
for cs_iter in xrange(10):
results = cs[cs_iter]
results_square = np.reshape(results, [-1, 28, 28])
print results_square.shape
# Eric Jang's main functions
# --------------------------
# locate where to put attention filters on hidden layers
def attn_window(self, scope, h_dec):
with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=self.share_parameters):
parameters = dense(h_dec, self.n_hidden, 5)
# center of 2d gaussian on a scale of -1 to 1
gx_, gy_, log_sigma2, log_delta, log_gamma = tf.split(1,5,parameters)
# move gx/gy to be a scale of -imgsize to +imgsize
gx = (self.img_size+1)/2 * (gx_ + 1)
gy = (self.img_size+1)/2 * (gy_ + 1)
sigma2 = tf.exp(log_sigma2)
# distance between patches
delta = (self.img_size - 1) / ((self.attention_n-1) * tf.exp(log_delta))
# returns [Fx, Fy, gamma]
return self.filterbank(gx,gy,sigma2,delta) + (tf.exp(log_gamma),)
# Construct patches of gaussian filters
def filterbank(self, gx, gy, sigma2, delta):
# 1 x N, look like [[0,1,2,3,4]]
grid_i = tf.reshape(tf.cast(tf.range(self.attention_n), tf.float32),[1, -1])
# individual patches centers
mu_x = gx + (grid_i - self.attention_n/2 - 0.5) * delta
mu_y = gy + (grid_i - self.attention_n/2 - 0.5) * delta
mu_x = tf.reshape(mu_x, [-1, self.attention_n, 1])
mu_y = tf.reshape(mu_y, [-1, self.attention_n, 1])
# 1 x 1 x imgsize, looks like [[[0,1,2,3,4,...,27]]]
im = tf.reshape(tf.cast(tf.range(self.img_size), tf.float32), [1, 1, -1])
# list of gaussian curves for x and y
sigma2 = tf.reshape(sigma2, [-1, 1, 1])
Fx = tf.exp(-tf.square((im - mu_x) / (2*sigma2)))
Fy = tf.exp(-tf.square((im - mu_x) / (2*sigma2)))
# normalize area-under-curve
Fx = Fx / tf.maximum(tf.reduce_sum(Fx,2,keep_dims=True),1e-8)
Fy = Fy / tf.maximum(tf.reduce_sum(Fy,2,keep_dims=True),1e-8)
return Fx, Fy
# read operation without attention
def read_basic(self, x, x_hat, h_dec_prev):
return tf.concat(1,[x,x_hat])
# read operation with attention
def read_attention(self, x, x_hat, h_dec_prev):
Fx, Fy, gamma = self.attn_window("read", h_dec_prev)
# apply parameters for patch of gaussian filters
def filter_img(img, Fx, Fy, gamma):
Fxt = tf.transpose(Fx, perm=[0,2,1])
img = tf.reshape(img, [-1, self.img_size, self.img_size])
# apply the gaussian patches
glimpse = tf.batch_matmul(Fy, tf.batch_matmul(img, Fxt))
glimpse = tf.reshape(glimpse, [-1, self.attention_n**2])
# scale using the gamma parameter
return glimpse * tf.reshape(gamma, [-1, 1])
x = filter_img(x, Fx, Fy, gamma)
x_hat = filter_img(x_hat, Fx, Fy, gamma)
return tf.concat(1, [x, x_hat])
# encoder function for attention patch
def encode(self, prev_state, image):
# update the RNN with our image
with tf.variable_scope("encoder",reuse=self.share_parameters):
hidden_layer, next_state = self.lstm_enc(image, prev_state)
# map the RNN hidden state to latent variables
with tf.variable_scope("mu", reuse=self.share_parameters):
mu = dense(hidden_layer, self.n_hidden, self.n_z)
with tf.variable_scope("sigma", reuse=self.share_parameters):
logsigma = dense(hidden_layer, self.n_hidden, self.n_z)
sigma = tf.exp(logsigma)
return mu, logsigma, sigma, next_state
def sampleQ(self, mu, sigma):
return mu + sigma*self.e
# decoder function
def decode_layer(self, prev_state, latent):
# update decoder RNN using our latent variable
with tf.variable_scope("decoder", reuse=self.share_parameters):
hidden_layer, next_state = self.lstm_dec(latent, prev_state)
return hidden_layer, next_state
# write operation without attention
def write_basic(self, hidden_layer):
# map RNN hidden state to image
with tf.variable_scope("write", reuse=self.share_parameters):
decoded_image_portion = dense(hidden_layer, self.n_hidden, self.img_size**2)
return decoded_image_portion
# write operation with attention
def write_attention(self, hidden_layer):
with tf.variable_scope("writeW", reuse=self.share_parameters):
w = dense(hidden_layer, self.n_hidden, self.attention_n**2)
w = tf.reshape(w, [self.batch_size, self.attention_n, self.attention_n])
Fx, Fy, gamma = self.attn_window("write", hidden_layer)
Fyt = tf.transpose(Fy, perm=[0,2,1])
wr = tf.batch_matmul(Fyt, tf.batch_matmul(w, Fx))
wr = tf.reshape(wr, [self.batch_size, self.img_size**2])
return wr * tf.reshape(1.0/gamma, [-1, 1])
model = draw_model()
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