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Created March 20, 2018 19:02
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
--{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
--{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
--{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
--{-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Typeable
import qualified Data.Text as T
newtype PID = PID Int deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
newtype VPID = VPID Int deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
class HasIntKey a where
asInt :: a -> Int
instance ToJSON PID where
toJSON (PID x) = object ["keyType" .= ("PID" :: String), "keyValue" .= x]
instance FromJSON PID where
parseJSON = withObject "PID" $ \o -> do
keyType <- o .: "keyType"
case keyType of
Just ("PID" :: String) -> PID <$> o .: "keyValue"
Nothing -> fail "Wrong key"
instance ToJSON VPID where
toJSON (VPID x) = object ["keyType" .= ("VPID" :: String), "keyValue" .= x]
instance FromJSON VPID where
parseJSON = withObject "VPID" $ \o -> do
keyType <- o .: "keyType"
case keyType :: Maybe String of
Just "VPID" -> VPID <$> o .: "keyValue"
Nothing -> fail "Wrong key"
instance HasIntKey PID where
asInt (PID x) = x
instance HasIntKey VPID where
asInt (VPID x) = x
data Component = Component
{ cKey :: TagInfo PID
, cDescription :: T.Text
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data TagInfo key = TagInfo
{ tagKey :: key
, tagDescription :: T.Text
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance (ToJSON key) => ToJSON (TagInfo key) where
toJSON (TagInfo key desc) = object ["tagKey" .= toJSON key, "tagDesc" .= desc]
instance (FromJSON key) => FromJSON (TagInfo key) where
parseJSON = withObject "TagInfo" $ \o -> do
TagInfo <$> o .: "tagKey"
<*> o .: "tagDesc"
data Component'
= forall key. (HasIntKey key, Eq key, Show key, Typeable key, ToJSON key, FromJSON key)
=> Component'
{ cKey' :: TagInfo key
, cDescription' :: T.Text
deriving instance Show (Component')
instance Eq Component' where
c1 == c2 = c1 `eqBy` c2
eqBy :: Component' -> Component' -> Bool
eqBy (Component' tag1 desc1) (Component' tag2 desc2) =
(\tag2Casted -> tag1 == tag2Casted)
$ cast tag2
instance ToJSON Component' where
toJSON (Component' tag desc) = object ["componentTag" .= toJSON tag, "componentDescription" .= desc]
instance FromJSON Component' where
parseJSON = withObject "Component'" $ \o -> do
Component' <$> o .: "componentTag"
<*> o .: "componentDescription"
--instance ToJSON Component' where
-- toJSON (Component' (TagInfo (PID _) _) cdescription) = object ["keyType" .= ("PID" :: String), "description" .= cdescription]
-- toJSON (Component' (TagInfo (VPID _) _) cdescription) = object ["keyType" .= ("VPID" :: String), "description" .= cdescription]
-- toJSON (Component' (TagInfo _ _) cdescription) = object ["keyType" .= ("Unknown Key" :: String), "description" .= cdescription]
main = pure ()
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