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Created July 9, 2019 01:57
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ceph disk list for ceph nautilus
# run "ceph-volume simple scan" to generate OSD json files, these files will be placed in /etc/ceph/osd/
for i in `ls $JSON_PATH`; do
OSD_ID=`cat $JSON_PATH$i | jq '.whoami'`
DATA_PATH=`cat $JSON_PATH$i | jq -r '.data.path'`
DB_PATH=`cat $JSON_PATH$i | jq -r '."block.db".path'`
WAL_PATH=`cat $JSON_PATH$i | jq -r '."block.wal".path'`
#echo $DB_PATH
DB_REAL=`readlink -f $DB_PATH`
WAL_REAL=`readlink -f $WAL_PATH`
echo " db: $DB_REAL"
echo " wal: $WAL_REAL"
echo "============================="
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