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Invoking External Commands in YaST

This document moved to a new location; this Gist is now a mirror.

Invoking External Commands in YaST

Best Practice: Yast::Execute

This is the method to use since about 2018. Don't use SCR .target.bash in new code.

Yast::Execute.on_target!("ls", "-l", arg)


Yast::Execute.locally!("ls", "-l", arg)

This does not use a shell to invoke the command, it does a simple fork() / execvp(). It does use $PATH, though. See below for security considerations.

Since this does not use a shell, there is no wildcard file globbing, no I/O redirection, no pipelined commands, no || or &&. But all that should be handled in Ruby code anyway; don't use | grep | awk etc. pipelines in YaST code, Ruby can do all that better and safer.

Under the hood, Yast::Execute uses the Cheetah Ruby Gem.

See also the Yast::Execute reference documentation and sources.

Legacy Method: SCR .target.bash

Much of the existing YaST code still uses SCR with .target.bash. This should not be used in new code anymore.

As the name implies, .target.bash uses a bash shell, and it starts external programs on the target, i.e. in a chroot environment (if needed, i.e. during installation or system upgrade) of the machine that is currently being installed or configured.

.target.bash in the Ruby Code

ret_code = SCR.Execute(path(".target.bash"), command)


result = SCR.Execute(path(".target.bash_output"), command)
ret_code = result["exit"]
stdout = result["stdout"]
stderr = result["stderr"]


output = SCR.Execute(path(".target.bash_output"), command)["stdout"]

(also available: .target.bash_background, .target.bash_input)

.target.bash: The System Agent

This uses the system agent which is registered for all SCR paths starting with .target.


`ag_system ()

This ultimately comes down to using the plain C stdlib system() function (man 3 system):

In the inst-sys, this uses a chroot jail:

.target.bash: Called with a Shell

system() executes the command with /bin/sh (not the user's login shell!) like this:

execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", command, (char *) 0);

(From man 3 system)

As a consequence, common shell mechanisms work:

  • I/O redirection with >somewhere / <somewhere, 2>&1
  • command pipelining with |
  • starting multiple commands with ;
  • logical operators like || and &&
  • file globbing with wildcards etc.

None of that would work if it were just fork() and exec() with the binary that is to be called.

Shell Startup Files

No startup files like ~/.bashrc, ~/.profile, /etc/profile are executed because it's not an interactive or a login shell, so there is no danger of $PATH being modified.

Since `system()` uses `/bin/sh`, the shell that is used can be either _bash_ or, in minimalistic environments, _dash_. It does _not_ take the user's login shell into account, so other shells like _zsh_, _tcsh_, _csh_, _ksh_ are irrelevant here.

Bash Startup Files

See man bash

For interactive login shells:

  • /etc/profile
  • ~/.bash_profile
  • ~/.bash_login
  • ~/.profile

For interactive shells:

  • /etc/bash.bashrc
  • ~/.bashrc

Dash Startup Files

See man dash

For login shells:

  • /etc/profile
  • ~/.profile

Shell Startup Files used from system()

None since a shell started from system() is neither a login shell nor an interactive shell.

Setting up a Safe $PATH

In the main process, explicitly set the PATH environment variable to contain only known safe locations for executing commands:


In particular, this should never contain . (the current directory) or any path that starts with ./ or any other relative path, and also no directories that commonly have write permissions for non-privileged users.

$PATH in the YaST Start-Up Scripts

All YaST code is started from the y2start script (part of package yast-ruby-bindings) which sets up $PATH among the first things that it does:

ENV["PATH"] = "/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin"

This environment is inherited by all child processes, so we have a safe $PATH everywhere.

Verifying $PATH

This is a little YaST Ruby script to show the value of `$PATH` using different methods:
require "yast"

p = ENV["PATH"]
puts "env PATH: #{p}"

result = Yast::SCR.Execute(Yast.path(".target.bash_output"), "echo $PATH")
stdout = result["stdout"]
puts "echo $PATH: #{stdout}"

result = Yast::SCR.Execute(Yast.path(".target.bash_output"), "printenv | grep '^PATH'")
stdout = result["stdout"]
puts "printenv | grep '^PATH': #{stdout}"

p = `echo $PATH`
puts "with backticks: #{p}"

Notice that this intentionally does not have a shell she-bang and no execute permissions, just like other YaST clients. The way to start this is:

/usr/lib/YaST2/bin/y2start ./yast_path_target_bash.rb qt

The output:

env PATH: /sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin
echo $PATH: /sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin
printenv | grep '^PATH': PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin
with backticks: /sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin

Executing similar code in irb to show that the shell environment (without using y2start) does indeed have a different $PATH:

[sh @ balrog-tw-dev] ~ 2 % irb
irb(main):001:0> require "yast"
=> true
irb(main):002:0> Yast::SCR.Execute(Yast.path(".target.bash_output"), "echo $PATH")["stdout"]
=> ".:/home/sh/util:/home/sh/perl:/usr/local/bin:/usr/lib64/qt5/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/opt/gnome/bin:/usr/share/YaST2/data/devtools/bin"

Use Absolute Paths or Rely on $PATH?

For calling external programs that are in any of the well-known secure locations (/bin, /usr/bin, /sbin, usr/sbin), use only the name without the path: cp, not /bin/cp; mkdir, not /bin/mkdir etc.: That makes it safe against being moved from one directory to another, e.g. during the usr-merge around 2022 where commands were moved from /bin to /usr/bin and from /sbin to /usr/sbin.

Even if there are compatibility symlinks (e.g. /bin/mkdir -> /usr/bin/mkdir or in other releases /bin -> /usr/bin), there is no guarantee that they will be there forever.

For calling external programs in other directories like /usr/lib/YaST2/bin/y2start, the full path still needs to be used, of course.

Other Methods of Calling External Programs

The standard Ruby methods should not be used in any YaST code anyway to make sure it supports a chroot environment that works inside the mounted installation target and affects paths there, not in the inst-sys (which is largely mounted read-only anyway).

But still, those standard Ruby methods also get the same $PATH, so they are safe as well:

  • Using backticks (see example above)
  • Using Ruby system()
  • Ruby gems using any of those

Further Reading

Copy link

Summary of the 2018 security audit: yast/

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