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Doxygen-Autodocs on GitHub Pages

Doxygen-Generated Autodocs on GitHub Pages

General Idea

GitHub offers hosting documentation on GitHub Pages. This can be done once for each GitHub user, for each GitHub organization, for each GitHub project.

If the process for building the autodocs is already in place (as is the case for libyui), it is just a matter of generating them, moving them to the right place, and deploying them to the project's GitHub Pages.

The Magic "gh-pages" Branch

GitHub pages use a special branch named gh-pages. Put an index.html or an file to a directory, commit it to that branch, and you'll get a page on the project's GitHub page. The URL is something like plus of course the directory hierarchy where the index.html or file is.

Manual Process

To generate and publish the C++ class documentation for the libyui base library in my fork, I did:

  • Clone the repo and go to the checkout:
git clone -o mine
cd libyui
  • Create a fresh empty branch named gh-pages (the exact branch name is important!):
git branch | grep -q "gh-pages" && git branch -D gh-pages
git branch gh-pages
git checkout gh-pages
  • Generate the autodocs:
make -C libyui -f Makefile.repo doc

The autodocs are now in ./libyui/build/doc/html.

  • Move the freshly generated autodocs to the desired directory and add them to the gh-pages branch:
rm -rf api-doc
mv libyui/build/doc/html api-doc
git add api-doc/**
git commit -am "Generated API doc"
git push -f mine gh-pages:gh-pages


This was implemented as a GitHub action with libyui/libyui#26: We already had a docker image from which to build libyui, so it was just a matter to add a new GitHub action that executes the above steps:

Some GitHub authentication token might be required to have push permissions in the actions.

Amazingly enough, no additional credentials were required to push to the gh-pages branch; but the Git committer needs to be identified with git config.

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shundhammer commented Apr 26, 2021

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The exact YML file for the GitHub action definition:

# This generates Doxygen autodocs for the C++ API (for the libyui base lib)
# and pushes them to the "gh-pages" branch which publishes them
# to the project's GitHub pages at
# See also
# GitHub actions syntax:

name: publish-api-doc

# Trigger this when a pull request is merged (which implies pushing to master).
      - master

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest


    - name: Git Checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v2

    - name: Create clean gh-pages branch
      run:  git checkout -b gh-pages

    - name: Generate autodocs for libyui base lib
      run:  make -C libyui -f Makefile.repo doc

    - name: Move generated autodocs to target directory
      run:  mv libyui/build/doc/html api-doc

    - name: Add generated autodocs to Git repo in the gh-pages branch
      run:  |
        git config --global ""
        git config --global  "$GITHUB_WORKFLOW GitHub action"
        git add api-doc
        git commit -am "Generated API doc"

    - name: Publish autodocs as GitHub pages
      run:  git push -f origin gh-pages:gh-pages

    - name: Result URLs
      run:  |
        REPO_OWNER=$(echo $GITHUB_REPOSITORY | cut -d '/' -f 1)
        REPO_NAME=$(echo $GITHUB_REPOSITORY | cut -d '/' -f 2)
        echo "Formatted API docs:  https://$$REPO_NAME/api-doc"
        echo ""
        echo "GitHub pages branch: $GITHUB_SERVER_URL/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY/tree/gh-pages" 

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This will also work:

name: Doxygen

      - master
      - gh-pages

# In that case do the job 'make_and_deploy_doxygen'
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    # which needs the following steps to be executed:
      # 1. Checkout current branch of GitHub repository.
      - name: Checkout current branch
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      # 2. Install doxygen and its auxiliary components.
      - name: Install doxygen and latex components
        run: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install -y doxygen graphviz texlive-full
      # 3. Create the doxygen pages.
      - name: Create the doxygen
        run: |
          git clone
          mkdir core/build && cd core/build
          cmake -DOPTION_BUILD_DOCS=ON ..
          make api-docs
      - name: Moving Files
        run: |
          mv ./core/build/docs/api-docs ./api

      # Deploy to GitHub Pages
      - name: Deploy
        uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          publish_dir: ./

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