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Last active February 1, 2017 13:22
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This is a script to be used together with Phantomjs to automatically login to CHT wifi access-points.
var url = '';
var fs = require('fs');
var file ='credential', 'r');
var credentials ='\n');
// How often (in milliseconds) the program should check the login status.
var checkInterval = 5000;
// How long (in millisecond) should be program wait after the submit button
// on the login form is pressed before closing the page object.
var waitTimeout = 5000;
// Config object with the credentials that is necessary to login to the
// wifi acess-point.
var loginConfig = {
loginType: 2,
username: credentials[0],
passwd: credentials[1]
// Regular expressions used to check what webpage is currently displayed in the
// page object.
var loginUrl = new RegExp('https:\\/\\/\\/auth\\/auth_login');
var successUrl = new RegExp('http:\\/\\/\\/auth\\/auth_success');
function fillCredential (page) {
page.evaluate(function (config) {
var optionIndex = config.loginType - 1;
var inputUsername = document.getElementsByName('cht_user')[optionIndex];
var inputPasswd = document.getElementsByName('passwd')[optionIndex];
inputUsername.value = config.username;
inputPasswd.value = config.passwd;
}, loginConfig);
console.log('Submit button clicked...');
function checkStatus (status) {
// Unless there is a problem with the Wifi connection, the status should
// alway be 'success'.
if (status !== 'success') {
console.log('Something is wrong with the wifi connection!');
function login() {
var page = require('webpage').create();
var timerId = 0;
// Since the browser is redirected to the login page, using callback from
// `page.on` won't work, as the callback will be fired before arriving at
// the page with the login form.
// We need to rely on `page.onLoadFinished` to check the page's url and
// determine what to do next.
page.onLoadFinished = function() {
// If the current page is the one with login form, then fill in the
// credentials and click the submit button.
if (page.url.match(loginUrl)) {
console.log('Filling the credentials...');
// Close the page object after the `waitTimeout` millisecond.
// This servers two purpose, first it keeps a reference to the
// page object so it won't be GCed (which is the most import
// reason), second it make sure the page object is closed to
// release the memory.
timerId = setTimeout(function() {
}, waitTimeout);
// If the current page is one of the successful page (meaning login
// has succeed), print a success message and close the page object.
} else if (page.url.match(successUrl) || page.url === url) {
console.log('Login Success, now at ' + page.url);
} else {
console.log('Currently at ' + page.url);
}, checkStatus);
// Check the login status at an interval, and login if necessary.
setInterval(login, checkInterval);
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