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Created September 14, 2013 06:10
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Yay, Overtone works with a local copy of SuperCollider on Windows. [lib.clj]( was the culprit!
;; commands to run in the REPL
(use 'overtone.core)
(definst foo [] (saw 220))
(kill foo)
;; voila!
(defn windows-sc-path
"Returns a string representing the path for SuperCollider on Windows,
or nil if not on Windows."
(when (windows-os?)
(let [p-files-x86 (System/getenv "PROGRAMFILES(X86)")
p-files-x86 (File. p-files-x86)
p-files-x86 (map str (.listFiles p-files-x86))
p-files (System/getenv "PROGRAMFILES")
p-files (File. p-files)
p-files (map str (.listFiles p-files))
parent-dir (map str (.listFiles (File. "..")))
joined (concat p-files p-files-x86 parent-dir) ;; join the output of the 3 directories
sc-files (filter #(.contains % "SuperCollider") joined)
recent-sc (last (sort (seq sc-files)))]
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