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Created April 6, 2019 10:32
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PS C:\projects\uplift-contrib\uplift-vagrant\crm-dev> vagrant destroy --force; vagrant up
Using http-server on:
vagrant-uplift: vagrant-uplift v0.2.1902.49
Using http-server on:
vagrant-uplift: vagrant-uplift v0.2.1902.49
vagrant-uplift: crm: synced folders config
vagrant-uplift: crm: 4Gb RAM, 4 CPU
vagrant-uplift: crm: setting hostname: crm
vagrant-uplift: - private network: ip: gateway:
vagrant-uplift: - fixing secondary network interface: ip: dns:
vagrant-uplift: crm: [+] provision checkpoint: dsc-soe
vagrant-uplift: crm: [+] provision checkpoint: dc-join
vagrant-uplift: crm: [+] provision checkpoint: dsc-shortcuts
vagrant-uplift: crm: [+] provision checkpoint: sql-complete-image
vagrant-uplift: crm: [+] provision checkpoint: sql-optimize
vagrant-uplift: crm: [+] provision checkpoint: crm-ps-modules
vagrant-uplift: crm: [+] provision checkpoint: crm-cred-ssp
vagrant-uplift: crm: [+] provision checkpoint: crm-local-admin-group
vagrant-uplift: crm: [+] provision checkpoint: crm-ssl-self-signed-cert
vagrant-uplift: crm: [+] provision checkpoint: sql-rs-config
vagrant-uplift: crm: [+] provision checkpoint: crm-sql-accounts
vagrant-uplift: crm: [+] provision checkpoint: crm-install-media
vagrant-uplift: crm: [+] provision checkpoint: crm-install-provision
vagrant-uplift: crm: [+] provision checkpoint: crm-default-webs
vagrant-uplift: crm: [+] provision checkpoint: crm-default-webs-shortcuts
vagrant-uplift: crm: synced folders config
vagrant-uplift: crm: 4Gb RAM, 4 CPU
vagrant-uplift: crm: setting hostname: crm
vagrant-uplift: - private network: ip: gateway:
vagrant-uplift: - fixing secondary network interface: ip: dns:
vagrant-uplift: crm: [+] provision checkpoint: dsc-soe
vagrant-uplift: crm: [+] provision checkpoint: dc-join
vagrant-uplift: crm: [+] provision checkpoint: dsc-shortcuts
vagrant-uplift: crm: [+] provision checkpoint: sql-complete-image
vagrant-uplift: crm: [+] provision checkpoint: sql-optimize
vagrant-uplift: crm: [+] provision checkpoint: crm-ps-modules
vagrant-uplift: crm: [+] provision checkpoint: crm-cred-ssp
vagrant-uplift: crm: [+] provision checkpoint: crm-local-admin-group
vagrant-uplift: crm: [+] provision checkpoint: crm-ssl-self-signed-cert
vagrant-uplift: crm: [+] provision checkpoint: sql-rs-config
vagrant-uplift: crm: [+] provision checkpoint: crm-sql-accounts
vagrant-uplift: crm: [+] provision checkpoint: crm-install-media
vagrant-uplift: crm: [+] provision checkpoint: crm-install-provision
vagrant-uplift: crm: [+] provision checkpoint: crm-default-webs
vagrant-uplift: crm: [+] provision checkpoint: crm-default-webs-shortcuts
==> crm: Forcing shutdown of VM...
==> crm: Destroying VM and associated drives...
There was an error while executing `VBoxManage`, a CLI used by Vagrant
for controlling VirtualBox. The command and stderr is shown below.
Command: ["showvminfo", "0878b7ce-93fc-4bed-9db2-fbadfbad280a", "--machinereadable"]
Stderr: VBoxManage.exe: error: Could not find a registered machine with UUID {0878b7ce-93fc-4bed-9db2-fbadfbad280a}
VBoxManage.exe: error: Details: code VBOX_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND (0x80bb0001), component VirtualBoxWrap, interface IVirtualBox, callee IUnknown
VBoxManage.exe: error: Context: "FindMachine(Bstr(VMNameOrUuid).raw(), machine.asOutParam())" at line 2621 of file VBoxManageInfo.cpp
Using http-server on:
vagrant-uplift: vagrant-uplift v0.2.1902.49
vagrant-uplift: dc: synced folders config
vagrant-uplift: dc: 2Gb RAM, 2 CPU
vagrant-uplift: dc: setting hostname: dc
vagrant-uplift: dc: private dc network
vagrant-uplift: - ip:, gateway:
vagrant-uplift: dc: [+] provision checkpoint: dsc-soe
vagrant-uplift: dc: [+] provision checkpoint: dc-creation
vagrant-uplift: dc: [+] provision checkpoint: dsc-shortcuts
vagrant-uplift: dc: [+] provision checkpoint: crm-ps-modules
vagrant-uplift: dc: [+] provision checkpoint: crm-domain-users
vagrant-uplift: crm: synced folders config
vagrant-uplift: crm: 4Gb RAM, 4 CPU
vagrant-uplift: crm: setting hostname: crm
vagrant-uplift: - private network: ip: gateway:
vagrant-uplift: - fixing secondary network interface: ip: dns:
vagrant-uplift: crm: [-] provision checkpoint: dsc-soe
vagrant-uplift: crm: dsc soe config
vagrant-uplift: - pester test: soe.dsc.modules.Tests.ps1
vagrant-uplift: - pester test: soe.dsc.os.Tests.ps1
vagrant-uplift: crm: [-] provision checkpoint: dc-join
vagrant-uplift: crm: domain join
vagrant-uplift: - dc_ip:
vagrant-uplift: crm: [-] provision checkpoint: dsc-shortcuts
vagrant-uplift: crm: dsc soe shortcuts
vagrant-uplift: crm: [-] provision checkpoint: sql-complete-image
vagrant-uplift: crm: SQL 2016: image completion
vagrant-uplift: - pester test: sql16.dsc.Tests.ps1
vagrant-uplift: crm: [-] provision checkpoint: sql-optimize
vagrant-uplift: crm: SQL 2016: optimization
vagrant-uplift: crm: [-] provision checkpoint: crm-ps-modules
vagrant-uplift: crm: [-] provision checkpoint: crm-cred-ssp
vagrant-uplift: crm: [-] provision checkpoint: crm-local-admin-group
vagrant-uplift: crm: [-] provision checkpoint: crm-ssl-self-signed-cert
vagrant-uplift: crm: [-] provision checkpoint: sql-rs-config
vagrant-uplift: crm: [-] provision checkpoint: crm-sql-accounts
vagrant-uplift: crm: [-] provision checkpoint: crm-install-media
vagrant-uplift: crm: [-] provision checkpoint: crm-install-provision
vagrant-uplift: crm: [-] provision checkpoint: crm-default-webs
vagrant-uplift: crm: [-] provision checkpoint: crm-default-webs-shortcuts
Bringing machine 'dc' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
Bringing machine 'crm' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> dc: Checking if box 'SubPointSolutions/win-2016-datacenter-soe-latest' version '1902.18' is up to date...
==> dc: Machine already provisioned. Run `vagrant provision` or use the `--provision`
==> dc: flag to force provisioning. Provisioners marked to run always will still run.
==> crm: Importing base box 'SubPointSolutions/win-2016-datacenter-app-sql16-sp2'...
==> crm: Matching MAC address for NAT networking...
==> crm: Setting the name of the VM: crm-dev_crm_1554540728086_69817
==> crm: Fixed port collision for 3389 => 3389. Now on port 2200.
==> crm: Fixed port collision for 5985 => 55985. Now on port 2201.
==> crm: Fixed port collision for 5986 => 55986. Now on port 2202.
==> crm: Fixed port collision for 22 => 2222. Now on port 2203.
==> crm: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
==> crm: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
crm: Adapter 1: nat
crm: Adapter 2: hostonly
==> crm: Forwarding ports...
crm: 3389 (guest) => 2200 (host) (adapter 1)
crm: 5985 (guest) => 2201 (host) (adapter 1)
crm: 5986 (guest) => 2202 (host) (adapter 1)
crm: 22 (guest) => 2203 (host) (adapter 1)
==> crm: Running 'pre-boot' VM customizations...
==> crm: Booting VM...
==> crm: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
crm: WinRM address:
crm: WinRM username: vagrant
crm: WinRM execution_time_limit: PT2H
crm: WinRM transport: plaintext
==> crm: Machine booted and ready!
==> crm: Checking for guest additions in VM...
crm: The guest additions on this VM do not match the installed version of
crm: VirtualBox! In most cases this is fine, but in rare cases it can
crm: prevent things such as shared folders from working properly. If you see
crm: shared folder errors, please make sure the guest additions within the
crm: virtual machine match the version of VirtualBox you have installed on
crm: your host and reload your VM.
crm: Guest Additions Version: 5.2.22
crm: VirtualBox Version: 6.0
==> crm: Setting hostname...
==> crm: Configuring and enabling network interfaces...
==> crm: Running provisioner: shell...
crm: Running: C:/Users/Administrator/.vagrant.d/gems/2.4.4/gems/vagrant-uplift-0.2.1902.49/lib/scripts/vagrant/uplift.vagrant.core/uplift.fix-second-network.ps1 as c:\tmp\vagrant-shell.ps1
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:58:39.703 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Fixing up network settings...
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:58:39.764 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Running as: CRM\vagrant
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:58:39.764 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Uplift environmanet variables:
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:58:39.855 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_BOX_METADATA_GIT_BRANCH]: dev
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:58:39.885 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_BOX_METADATA_GIT_COMMIT]: 3ef49c1
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:58:39.901 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : - ip :
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:58:39.901 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : - subnet: 192.168.16
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:58:40.919 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Set IP address to of interface Ethernet 2
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:58:40.995 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Checking exit code: 0 with allowed values: 0 1
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:58:40.995 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [+] exit code is: 0 within allowed values: 0 1
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:58:40.995 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Set DNS server address to of interface Ethernet 2
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:58:41.178 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Checking exit code: 0 with allowed values: 0 1
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:58:41.178 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [+] exit code is: 0 within allowed values: 0 1
==> crm: Running provisioner: shell...
crm: Running: script: soe.dsc.ps1
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:59:01.557 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Running windows SOE config...
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:59:01.650 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Running as: CRM\vagrant
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:59:01.650 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Uplift environmanet variables:
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:59:01.728 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_BOX_METADATA_GIT_BRANCH]: dev
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:59:01.728 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_BOX_METADATA_GIT_COMMIT]: 3ef49c1
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:59:01.744 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_DSC_CHECK]: 1
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:59:01.744 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Disabling Firewalls...
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:59:03.255 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [~] cannot find env variable by name: UPLF_SOE_TIME_ZONE_NAME - , will try default value if provided
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:59:03.255 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : - using default value
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:59:03.255 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_SOE_TIME_ZONE_NAME]: AUS Eastern Standard Time
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:59:03.307 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [~] cannot find env variable by name: UPLF_DSC_CONFIG_PATH - default value, will try default value if provided
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:59:03.307 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : - using default value
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:59:03.323 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_DSC_CONFIG_PATH]: C:/_uplift_dsc
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:59:03.323 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [~] ensuring folder: C:/_uplift_dsc for config: Configure_WinSOE
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:59:03.374 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [~] previous configuration dose not exist: C:/_uplift_dsc\Configure_WinSOE
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:59:03.374 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Compiling new configuration: Configure_WinSOE
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:59:05.776 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Starting configuration: Configure_WinSOE
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:59:14.428 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Completed in: 8571
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:59:14.428 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Testing configuration: Configure_WinSOE
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:59:21.100 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Expecting DSC [Configure_WinSOE] in a desired state
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:59:21.100 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [+] DSC: Configure_WinSOE is in a desired state
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:59:21.209 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : ResourcesInDesiredState
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:59:21.225 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [+] [User]Vagrant
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:59:21.225 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [+] [TimeZone]TimeZone
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:59:21.225 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [+] [WindowsFeature]ADDSInstall
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:59:21.240 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [+] [WindowsFeature]ADDSRSAT
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:59:21.240 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [+] [WindowsFeature]RSAT
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:59:21.240 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [+] [Registry]WindowsUpdate_NoAutoUpdate
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:59:21.240 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [+] [Registry]WindowsUpdate_AUOptions
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:59:21.240 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [+] [Registry]Windows_RemoteConnections
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:59:21.240 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [+] [Registry]IEEscKey::[xIEEsc]Disable_IEEsc
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:59:21.240 : INFO : CRM/vagrant :
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 08:59:21.240 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : ResourcesNotInDesiredState
crm: PSComputerName ResourcesInDesiredState ResourcesNotInDesiredState InDesiredState
crm: -------------- ----------------------- -------------------------- --------------
crm: localhost {[User]Vagrant, [TimeZone]T... True
==> crm: Running provisioner: file...
crm: C:/Users/Administrator/.vagrant.d/gems/2.4.4/gems/vagrant-uplift-0.2.1902.49/lib/scripts/vagrant/uplift.vagrant.win12soe/tests/soe.dsc.modules.Tests.ps1 => c:/windows/temp/tests/soe.dsc.modules.Tests.ps1
==> crm: Running provisioner: shell...
crm: Running: script: c:/windows/temp/tests/soe.dsc.modules.Tests.ps1
crm: Executing all tests in 'c:/windows/temp/tests/soe.dsc.modules.Tests.ps1'
crm: Executing script c:/windows/temp/tests/soe.dsc.modules.Tests.ps1
crm: Describing PowerShell DCS
crm: Context Modules
crm: [+] cChoco 800ms
crm: [+] cFirewall 116ms
crm: [+] SharePointDSC 64ms
crm: [+] MS_xVisualStudio 37ms
crm: [+] xActiveDirectory 18ms
crm: [+] xSQLServer 21ms
crm: [+] xDSCFirewall 23ms
crm: [+] xNetworking 21ms
crm: [+] xTimeZone 20ms
crm: [+] xWebAdministration 21ms
crm: [+] xPendingReboot 20ms
crm: [+] xComputerManagement 20ms
crm: [+] Pester 23ms
crm: [+] xSystemSecurity 19ms
crm: [+] DSCR_Shortcut 21ms
crm: [+] PSWindowsUpdate 41ms
crm: Tests completed in 1.29s
crm: Tests Passed: 16, Failed: 0, Skipped: 0, Pending: 0, Inconclusive: 0
==> crm: Running provisioner: file...
crm: C:/Users/Administrator/.vagrant.d/gems/2.4.4/gems/vagrant-uplift-0.2.1902.49/lib/scripts/vagrant/uplift.vagrant.win12soe/tests/soe.dsc.os.Tests.ps1 => c:/windows/temp/tests/soe.dsc.os.Tests.ps1
==> crm: Running provisioner: shell...
crm: Running: script: c:/windows/temp/tests/soe.dsc.os.Tests.ps1
crm: Executing all tests in 'c:/windows/temp/tests/soe.dsc.os.Tests.ps1'
crm: Executing script c:/windows/temp/tests/soe.dsc.os.Tests.ps1
crm: Describing OS
crm: Context Settings
crm: [+] AUS Eastern Standard Time 786ms
crm: [+] NoAutoUpdate = 1 183ms
crm: [+] AUOptions = 1 12ms
crm: Context Features
crm: [+] AD-Domain-Services 1.32s
crm: [+] RSAT-ADDS-Tools 360ms
crm: [+] RSAT 354ms
crm: Context Firewall
crm: [+] domain is OFF 56ms
crm: [+] public is OFF 12ms
crm: [+] private is OFF 12ms
crm: Context Tools
crm: [+] choco is installed 29ms
crm: [+] 7zip is installed 9ms
crm: [+] git is installed 8ms
crm: [+] curl is installed 8ms
crm: [+] wget is installed 9ms
crm: [+] pwsh is installed 8ms
crm: Tests completed in 3.18s
crm: Tests Passed: 15, Failed: 0, Skipped: 0, Pending: 0, Inconclusive: 0
==> crm: Running provisioner: uplift_checkpoint...
==> crm: Running provisioner: shell...
crm: Running: C:/Users/Administrator/.vagrant.d/gems/2.4.4/gems/vagrant-uplift-0.2.1902.49/lib/scripts/vagrant/uplift.vagrant.dcjoin/dc.join.dsc.ps1 as c:\tmp\vagrant-shell.ps1
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:00:36.035 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Running windows SOE config...
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:00:36.113 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Running as: CRM\vagrant
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:00:36.113 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Uplift environmanet variables:
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:00:36.175 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_BOX_METADATA_GIT_BRANCH]: dev
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:00:36.175 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_BOX_METADATA_GIT_COMMIT]: 3ef49c1
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:00:36.175 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_DC_DOMAIN_HOST_IP]:
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:00:36.175 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_DC_DOMAIN_NAME]: uplift
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:00:36.175 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_DC_JOIN_USER_NAME]: admin
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:00:36.175 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_DC_JOIN_USER_PASSWORD]: ******
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:00:36.191 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_DC_DOMAIN_NAME]: uplift
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:00:36.207 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_DC_JOIN_USER_NAME]: admin
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:00:36.207 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_DC_JOIN_USER_PASSWORD]: ******
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:00:36.207 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_DC_DOMAIN_HOST_IP]:
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:00:36.207 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Joining computer [CRM] to domain [uplift] under user [admin]
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:00:36.207 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Running as :[CRM/vagrant] on CRM
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:00:36.425 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Importing ActiveDirectory module...
crm: WARNING: Error initializing default drive: 'Unable to find a default server with Active Directory Web Services
crm: running.'.
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:00:36.628 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Joining current computer to domain...
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:00:36.831 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : ipconfig /flushdns
crm: Windows IP Configuration
crm: Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache.
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:00:36.846 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : pinging dc:
crm: Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
crm: Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
crm: Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
crm: Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
crm: Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
crm: Ping statistics for
crm: Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
crm: Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
crm: Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:00:39.905 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Deleting old computer from the domain...
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:00:39.936 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Fetching computer from Active Directory: CRM
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:00:40.280 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Removing computer from Active Directory: CRM
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:00:40.327 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Removed computer from Active Directory: CRM
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:00:40.327 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Joining computer to the domain...
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:00:40.327 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Joining computer [CRM] to domain [uplift]
crm: WARNING: The changes will take effect after you restart the computer crm.
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:00:58.260 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Joining completed, a reboot is required
==> crm: Running provisioner: reload...
==> crm: Attempting graceful shutdown of VM...
==> crm: Clearing any previously set forwarded ports...
==> crm: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
==> crm: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
crm: Adapter 1: nat
crm: Adapter 2: hostonly
==> crm: Forwarding ports...
crm: 3389 (guest) => 2200 (host) (adapter 1)
crm: 5985 (guest) => 2201 (host) (adapter 1)
crm: 5986 (guest) => 2202 (host) (adapter 1)
crm: 22 (guest) => 2203 (host) (adapter 1)
==> crm: Running 'pre-boot' VM customizations...
==> crm: Booting VM...
==> crm: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
crm: WinRM address:
crm: WinRM username: vagrant
crm: WinRM execution_time_limit: PT2H
crm: WinRM transport: plaintext
==> crm: Machine booted and ready!
==> crm: Checking for guest additions in VM...
crm: The guest additions on this VM do not match the installed version of
crm: VirtualBox! In most cases this is fine, but in rare cases it can
crm: prevent things such as shared folders from working properly. If you see
crm: shared folder errors, please make sure the guest additions within the
crm: virtual machine match the version of VirtualBox you have installed on
crm: your host and reload your VM.
crm: Guest Additions Version: 5.2.22
crm: VirtualBox Version: 6.0
==> crm: Setting hostname...
==> crm: Configuring and enabling network interfaces...
==> crm: Machine already provisioned. Run `vagrant provision` or use the `--provision`
==> crm: flag to force provisioning. Provisioners marked to run always will still run.
==> crm: Running provisioner: shell...
crm: Running: script: dc.join.hostname.ps1
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:02:31.302 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : host name: crm
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:02:31.334 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : full name: crm.uplift.local
==> crm: Running provisioner: uplift_checkpoint...
==> crm: Running provisioner: shell...
crm: Running: script: soe.shortcuts.dsc.ps1
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:02:46.895 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Running DSC Configure_Shortcuts...
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:02:47.067 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [~] cannot find env variable by name: UPLF_DSC_CONFIG_PATH - default value, will try default value if provided
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:02:47.083 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : - using default value
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:02:47.083 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_DSC_CONFIG_PATH]: C:/_uplift_dsc
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:02:47.098 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [~] ensuring folder: C:/_uplift_dsc for config: SOE_Shortcuts
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:02:47.130 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [~] previous configuration dose not exist: C:/_uplift_dsc\SOE_Shortcuts
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:02:47.145 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Compiling new configuration: SOE_Shortcuts
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:02:48.958 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Starting configuration: SOE_Shortcuts
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:02:49.708 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Completed in: 747
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:02:49.708 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Testing configuration: SOE_Shortcuts
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:02:50.083 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Expecting DSC [SOE_Shortcuts] in a desired state
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:02:50.083 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [+] DSC: SOE_Shortcuts is in a desired state
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:02:50.286 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : ResourcesInDesiredState
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:02:50.333 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [+] [cShortcut]IE_Desktop
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:02:50.333 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [+] [cShortcut]PowerShell_ISE_Desktop
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:02:50.333 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [+] [cShortcut]PowerShell_6_Desktop
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:02:50.349 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [+] [cShortcut]ADUsers
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:02:50.349 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [+] [cShortcut]ServerManager
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:02:50.349 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [+] [cShortcut]Services
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:02:50.349 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [+] [cShortcut]SQL16SSMS
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:02:50.349 : INFO : CRM/vagrant :
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:02:50.349 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : ResourcesNotInDesiredState
crm: PSComputerName ResourcesInDesiredState ResourcesNotInDesiredState InDesiredState
crm: -------------- ----------------------- -------------------------- --------------
crm: localhost {[cShortcut]IE_Desktop, [cS... True
==> crm: Running provisioner: uplift_checkpoint...
==> crm: Running provisioner: shell...
crm: Running: C:/Users/Administrator/.vagrant.d/gems/2.4.4/gems/vagrant-uplift-0.2.1902.49/lib/scripts/vagrant/uplift.vagrant.sql12/sql.complete.dsc.ps1 as c:\tmp\vagrant-shell.ps1
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:03:07.302 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Executing CompleteImage action...
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:03:07.645 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [~] server needs completion
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:03:07.801 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [!] domain joined vm detected, WILL ADD CRM\vagrant user as SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:03:07.801 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : syAdmnUsers: "vagrant" "CRM\vagrant" "uplift\vagrant"
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:03:07.817 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : SQL DIR : C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\130\Setup Bootstrap\SQLServer2016\
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:03:07.848 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Started process.....
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:03:07.864 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Waiting for exit...
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:07:52.176 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Finished running PrepareImage
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:07:52.176 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Res ExitCode: 0
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:07:52.317 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [~] cannot find env variable by name: UPLF_DSC_CONFIG_PATH - default value, will try default value if provided
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:07:52.317 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : - using default value
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:07:52.317 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_DSC_CONFIG_PATH]: C:/_uplift_dsc
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:07:52.333 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [~] ensuring folder: C:/_uplift_dsc for config: SqlDSC
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:07:52.364 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [~] previous configuration dose not exist: C:/_uplift_dsc\SqlDSC
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:07:52.364 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Compiling new configuration: SqlDSC
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:07:53.989 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Starting configuration: SqlDSC
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:07:57.629 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Completed in: 3633
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:07:57.645 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Testing configuration: SqlDSC
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:07:58.067 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Expecting DSC [SqlDSC] in a desired state
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:07:58.067 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [+] DSC: SqlDSC is in a desired state
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:07:58.270 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : ResourcesInDesiredState
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:07:58.270 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [+] [Service]MSSQLSERVER
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:07:58.286 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [+] [Service]SQLSERVERAGENT
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:07:58.286 : INFO : CRM/vagrant :
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:07:58.286 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : ResourcesNotInDesiredState
crm: PSComputerName ResourcesInDesiredState ResourcesNotInDesiredState InDesiredState
crm: -------------- ----------------------- -------------------------- --------------
crm: localhost {[Service]MSSQLSERVER, [Ser... True
==> crm: Running provisioner: file...
crm: C:/Users/Administrator/.vagrant.d/gems/2.4.4/gems/vagrant-uplift-0.2.1902.49/lib/scripts/vagrant/uplift.vagrant.sql12/tests/sql16.dsc.Tests.ps1 => c:/windows/temp/tests/sql16.dsc.Tests.ps1
==> crm: Running provisioner: shell...
crm: Running: script: c:/windows/temp/tests/sql16.dsc.Tests.ps1
crm: Executing all tests in 'c:/windows/temp/tests/sql16.dsc.Tests.ps1'
crm: Executing script c:/windows/temp/tests/sql16.dsc.Tests.ps1
crm: Describing SQL Server 2016 minimal configuration
crm: Context SQL Server
crm: [+] MSSQL service is running 834ms
crm: [+] MSSQL AGENT service is running 104ms
crm: Context SQL Tools
crm: [+] ssms.exe is installed 72ms
crm: Tests completed in 1.01s
crm: Tests Passed: 3, Failed: 0, Skipped: 0, Pending: 0, Inconclusive: 0
==> crm: Running provisioner: uplift_checkpoint...
==> crm: Running provisioner: shell...
crm: Running: C:/Users/Administrator/.vagrant.d/gems/2.4.4/gems/vagrant-uplift-0.2.1902.49/lib/scripts/vagrant/uplift.vagrant.sql12/sql.optimize.dsc.ps1 as c:\tmp\vagrant-shell.ps1
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:38.223 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Optimizing SQL Server...
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:38.302 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Running as: CRM\vagrant
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:38.302 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Uplift environmanet variables:
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:38.364 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_BOX_METADATA_GIT_BRANCH]: dev
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:38.364 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_BOX_METADATA_GIT_COMMIT]: 3ef49c1
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:38.364 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_DSC_CHECK]: 1
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:38.364 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_DSC_VERBOSE]: 1
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:38.379 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_SQL_INSTANCE_NAME]: MSSQLSERVER
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:38.379 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_SQL_MAX_MEMORY]: 4096
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:38.379 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_SQL_MIN_MEMORY]: 1024
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:38.379 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_SQL_SERVER_NAME]: crm
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:38.442 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_SQL_SERVER_NAME]: crm
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:38.442 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_SQL_INSTANCE_NAME]: MSSQLSERVER
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:38.442 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_SQL_MIN_MEMORY]: 1024
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:38.442 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_SQL_MAX_MEMORY]: 4096
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:38.504 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [~] cannot find env variable by name: UPLF_DSC_CONFIG_PATH - default value, will try default value if provided
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:38.504 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : - using default value
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:38.504 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_DSC_CONFIG_PATH]: C:/_uplift_dsc
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:38.520 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [~] ensuring folder: C:/_uplift_dsc for config: Optimize_SQL
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:38.551 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [~] previous configuration dose not exist: C:/_uplift_dsc\Optimize_SQL
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:38.551 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Compiling new configuration: Optimize_SQL
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:40.145 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Starting configuration: Optimize_SQL
crm: VERBOSE: Perform operation 'Invoke CimMethod' with following parameters, ''methodName' =
crm: SendConfigurationApply,'className' = MSFT_DSCLocalConfigurationManager,'namespaceName' =
crm: root/Microsoft/Windows/DesiredStateConfiguration'.
crm: VERBOSE: An LCM method call arrived from computer CRM with user sid S-1-5-21-1228697943-3987529966-1527995123-1000.
crm: VERBOSE: [CRM]: LCM: [ Start Set ]
crm: VERBOSE: [CRM]: LCM: [ Start Resource ] [[SqlServerMemory]SQLServerMaxMemory]
crm: VERBOSE: [CRM]: LCM: [ Start Test ] [[SqlServerMemory]SQLServerMaxMemory]
crm: VERBOSE: [CRM]: [[SqlServerMemory]SQLServerMaxMemory] Testing the values of the minimum and
crm: maximum memory server configuration option set to be used by the instance.
crm: VERBOSE: [CRM]: [[SqlServerMemory]SQLServerMaxMemory] Information: PowerShell module
crm: SqlServer not found, trying to use older SQLPS module.
crm: VERBOSE: [CRM]: [[SqlServerMemory]SQLServerMaxMemory] Importing PowerShell module 'SQLPS'
crm: with version '1.0' from path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL
crm: Server\130\Tools\PowerShell\Modules\SQLPS\SQLPS.psd1'.
crm: VERBOSE: [CRM]: [[SqlServerMemory]SQLServerMaxMemory] Connected to SQL instance 'crm'.
crm: VERBOSE: [CRM]: [[SqlServerMemory]SQLServerMaxMemory] Getting the value for minimum and
crm: maximum SQL server memory.
crm: VERBOSE: [CRM]: [[SqlServerMemory]SQLServerMaxMemory] 2019-04-06_20-08-41: Current maximum
crm: server memory used by the instance is 2147483647MB. Expected 4096MB.
crm: VERBOSE: [CRM]: [[SqlServerMemory]SQLServerMaxMemory] 2019-04-06_20-08-41: Current minimum
crm: server memory used by the instance is 0MB. Expected 1024MB.
crm: VERBOSE: [CRM]: LCM: [ End Test ] [[SqlServerMemory]SQLServerMaxMemory] in 1.0780 seconds.
crm: VERBOSE: [CRM]: LCM: [ Start Set ] [[SqlServerMemory]SQLServerMaxMemory]
crm: VERBOSE: [CRM]: [[SqlServerMemory]SQLServerMaxMemory] Found PowerShell module Sqlps already
crm: imported in the session.
crm: VERBOSE: [CRM]: [[SqlServerMemory]SQLServerMaxMemory] Connected to SQL instance 'crm'.
crm: VERBOSE: [CRM]: [[SqlServerMemory]SQLServerMaxMemory] Setting the minimum and maximum memory
crm: used by the instance.
crm: VERBOSE: [CRM]: [[SqlServerMemory]SQLServerMaxMemory] 2019-04-06_20-08-41: Maximum memory
crm: used by the instance has been limited to 4096MB.
crm: VERBOSE: [CRM]: [[SqlServerMemory]SQLServerMaxMemory] 2019-04-06_20-08-41: Minimum memory
crm: used by the instance is set to 1024MB.
crm: VERBOSE: [CRM]: LCM: [ End Set ] [[SqlServerMemory]SQLServerMaxMemory] in 0.2340 seconds.
crm: VERBOSE: [CRM]: LCM: [ End Resource ] [[SqlServerMemory]SQLServerMaxMemory]
crm: VERBOSE: [CRM]: LCM: [ End Set ]
crm: VERBOSE: [CRM]: LCM: [ End Set ] in 1.4850 seconds.
crm: VERBOSE: Operation 'Invoke CimMethod' complete.
crm: VERBOSE: Time taken for configuration job to complete is 1.624 seconds
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:41.801 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Completed in: 1647
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:41.801 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Testing configuration: Optimize_SQL
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:41.942 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Expecting DSC [Optimize_SQL] in a desired state
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:42.176 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : ResourcesInDesiredState
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:42.192 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [+] [SqlServerMemory]SQLServerMaxMemory
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:42.192 : INFO : CRM/vagrant :
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:42.192 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : ResourcesNotInDesiredState
crm: PSComputerName ResourcesInDesiredState ResourcesNotInDesiredState InDesiredState
crm: -------------- ----------------------- -------------------------- --------------
crm: localhost {[SqlServerMemory]SQLServer... True
==> crm: Running provisioner: uplift_checkpoint...
==> crm: Running provisioner: shell...
crm: Running: script: crm-ps-modules
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:58.396 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Configuring CRM PowerShell modules
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:58.473 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Running as: CRM\vagrant
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:58.473 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Uplift environmanet variables:
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:58.536 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_BOX_METADATA_GIT_BRANCH]: dev
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:58.536 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_BOX_METADATA_GIT_COMMIT]: 3ef49c1
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:58.551 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Installing DSC modules: System.Collections.Hashtable System.Collections.Hashtable
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:58.615 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [1/5] ensuring package: Dynamics365Configuration 1.0
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:08:58.615 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : checking if package exists: Dynamics365Configuration 1.0
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:09:01.082 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : package does not exist (PS), installing: Dynamics365Configuration 1.0
crm: Name Version Source Summary
crm: ---- ------- ------ -------
crm: Dynamics365Configuration 1.0 PSGallery A module to ease infrastructure as code tasks for D...
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:09:09.957 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [1/5] finished ensuring package: Dynamics365Configuration 1.0
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:09:09.973 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [1/5] ensuring package: CertificateDsc
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:09:09.973 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : checking if package exists: CertificateDsc
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:09:11.442 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : package does not exist (PS), installing: CertificateDsc
crm: CertificateDsc PSGallery This module includes DSC resources that simplify ad...
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:09:16.629 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [1/5] finished ensuring package: CertificateDsc
==> crm: Running provisioner: uplift_checkpoint...
==> crm: Running provisioner: shell...
crm: Running: script: crm-cred-ssp
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:09:32.035 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [~] Installing CRM specific image settings
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:09:32.114 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Running as: CRM\vagrant
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:09:32.114 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Uplift environmanet variables:
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:09:32.176 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_BOX_METADATA_GIT_BRANCH]: dev
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:09:32.176 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_BOX_METADATA_GIT_COMMIT]: 3ef49c1
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:09:32.176 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [~] Reconfiguring WinRM settings, MaxMemoryPerShellMB="0"
crm: Winrs
crm: AllowRemoteShellAccess = true
crm: IdleTimeout = 7200000
crm: MaxConcurrentUsers = 2147483647
crm: MaxShellRunTime = 2147483647
crm: MaxProcessesPerShell = 2147483647
crm: MaxMemoryPerShellMB = 0
crm: MaxShellsPerUser = 2147483647
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:09:32.395 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [~] cannot find env variable by name: UPLF_DSC_CONFIG_PATH - default value, will try default value if provided
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:09:32.395 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : - using default value
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:09:32.395 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_DSC_CONFIG_PATH]: C:/_uplift_dsc
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:09:32.410 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [~] ensuring folder: C:/_uplift_dsc for config: CRM_ImageConfiguration
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:09:32.443 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [~] previous configuration dose not exist: C:/_uplift_dsc\CRM_ImageConfiguration
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:09:32.443 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Compiling new configuration: CRM_ImageConfiguration
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:09:34.067 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Starting configuration: CRM_ImageConfiguration
crm: WARNING: [CRM]: [] A reboot is required to progress further. Please reboot the system.
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:09:34.598 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Completed in: 517
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:09:34.598 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Testing configuration: CRM_ImageConfiguration
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:09:34.723 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [+] No check for DSC [CRM_ImageConfiguration] is done. Skipping.
crm: PSComputerName ResourcesInDesiredState ResourcesNotInDesiredState InDesiredState
crm: -------------- ----------------------- -------------------------- --------------
crm: localhost {[xCredSSP]CredSSPServer} {[xCredSSP]CredSSPClient} False
==> crm: Running provisioner: reload...
==> crm: Attempting graceful shutdown of VM...
==> crm: Clearing any previously set forwarded ports...
==> crm: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
==> crm: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
crm: Adapter 1: nat
crm: Adapter 2: hostonly
==> crm: Forwarding ports...
crm: 3389 (guest) => 2200 (host) (adapter 1)
crm: 5985 (guest) => 2201 (host) (adapter 1)
crm: 5986 (guest) => 2202 (host) (adapter 1)
crm: 22 (guest) => 2203 (host) (adapter 1)
==> crm: Running 'pre-boot' VM customizations...
==> crm: Booting VM...
==> crm: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
crm: WinRM address:
crm: WinRM username: vagrant
crm: WinRM execution_time_limit: PT2H
crm: WinRM transport: plaintext
==> crm: Machine booted and ready!
==> crm: Checking for guest additions in VM...
crm: The guest additions on this VM do not match the installed version of
crm: VirtualBox! In most cases this is fine, but in rare cases it can
crm: prevent things such as shared folders from working properly. If you see
crm: shared folder errors, please make sure the guest additions within the
crm: virtual machine match the version of VirtualBox you have installed on
crm: your host and reload your VM.
crm: Guest Additions Version: 5.2.22
crm: VirtualBox Version: 6.0
==> crm: Setting hostname...
==> crm: Configuring and enabling network interfaces...
==> crm: Machine already provisioned. Run `vagrant provision` or use the `--provision`
==> crm: flag to force provisioning. Provisioners marked to run always will still run.
==> crm: Running provisioner: uplift_checkpoint...
==> crm: Running provisioner: shell...
crm: Running: script: crm-local-admin-group
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:11:04.871 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Configuring CRM local admin group...
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:11:04.944 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Running as: CRM\vagrant
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:11:04.947 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Uplift environmanet variables:
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:11:05.019 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_BOX_METADATA_GIT_BRANCH]: dev
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:11:05.021 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_BOX_METADATA_GIT_COMMIT]: 3ef49c1
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:11:05.127 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [~] cannot find env variable by name: UPLF_DSC_CONFIG_PATH - default value, will try default value if provided
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:11:05.130 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : - using default value
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:11:05.132 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_DSC_CONFIG_PATH]: C:/_uplift_dsc
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:11:05.145 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [~] ensuring folder: C:/_uplift_dsc for config: Configure_CRMLocalAdminGroup
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:11:05.178 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [~] previous configuration dose not exist: C:/_uplift_dsc\Configure_CRMLocalAdminGroup
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:11:05.180 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Compiling new configuration: Configure_CRMLocalAdminGroup
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:11:06.899 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Starting configuration: Configure_CRMLocalAdminGroup
crm: WARNING: [CRM]: [[Group]AdminGroup] The group member does not exist or cannot be resolved:
crm: WinNT://S-1-5-21-2694795824-2130936527-3274263290-512.
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:11:14.617 : ERROR : CRM/vagrant : Exception calling ".ctor" with "2" argument(s): "The server could not be contacted."
==> crm: Running provisioner: uplift_checkpoint...
==> crm: Running provisioner: shell...
crm: Running: script: crm-ssl-self-signed-cert
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:11:30.811 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Creating self-signed cert for CRM...
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:11:30.883 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Running as: CRM\vagrant
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:11:30.885 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Uplift environmanet variables:
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:11:30.954 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_BOX_METADATA_GIT_BRANCH]: dev
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:11:30.956 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_BOX_METADATA_GIT_COMMIT]: 3ef49c1
crm: Directory: C:\
crm: Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
crm: ---- ------------- ------ ----
crm: d----- 4/6/2019 8:11 PM certs
==> crm: Running provisioner: uplift_checkpoint...
==> crm: Running provisioner: shell...
crm: Running: script: sql-rs-config
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:11:47.133 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Running RS config...
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:11:47.204 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Running as: CRM\vagrant
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:11:47.206 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Uplift environmanet variables:
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:11:47.276 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_BOX_METADATA_GIT_BRANCH]: dev
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:11:47.278 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_BOX_METADATA_GIT_COMMIT]: 3ef49c1
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:11:47.387 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [~] cannot find env variable by name: UPLF_DSC_CONFIG_PATH - default value, will try default value if provided
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:11:47.390 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : - using default value
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:11:47.392 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_DSC_CONFIG_PATH]: C:/_uplift_dsc
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:11:47.403 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [~] ensuring folder: C:/_uplift_dsc for config: Configure_SqlRS
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:11:47.436 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [~] previous configuration dose not exist: C:/_uplift_dsc\Configure_SqlRS
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:11:47.437 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Compiling new configuration: Configure_SqlRS
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:11:49.075 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Starting configuration: Configure_SqlRS
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:11:49.797 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Completed in: 714
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:11:49.799 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Testing configuration: Configure_SqlRS
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:11:49.930 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [+] No check for DSC [Configure_SqlRS] is done. Skipping.
crm: PSComputerName ResourcesInDesiredState ResourcesNotInDesiredState InDesiredState
crm: -------------- ----------------------- -------------------------- --------------
crm: localhost {[SqlRS]ReportingServicesCo... True
==> crm: Running provisioner: uplift_checkpoint...
==> crm: Running provisioner: shell...
crm: Running: script: crm-sql-accounts
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:06.722 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Configring SQL accounts for CRM...
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:06.795 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Running as: CRM\vagrant
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:06.797 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Uplift environmanet variables:
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:06.869 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_BOX_METADATA_GIT_BRANCH]: dev
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:06.871 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_BOX_METADATA_GIT_COMMIT]: 3ef49c1
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:06.978 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [~] cannot find env variable by name: UPLF_DSC_CONFIG_PATH - default value, will try default value if provided
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:06.980 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : - using default value
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:06.983 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_DSC_CONFIG_PATH]: C:/_uplift_dsc
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:06.995 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [~] ensuring folder: C:/_uplift_dsc for config: Configure_CRM_SQLUsers
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:07.030 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [~] previous configuration dose not exist: C:/_uplift_dsc\Configure_CRM_SQLUsers
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:07.031 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Compiling new configuration: Configure_CRM_SQLUsers
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:09.087 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Starting configuration: Configure_CRM_SQLUsers
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:16.494 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Completed in: 7399
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:16.496 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Testing configuration: Configure_CRM_SQLUsers
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:21.358 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Expecting DSC [Configure_CRM_SQLUsers] in a desired state
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:21.360 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [+] DSC: Configure_CRM_SQLUsers is in a desired state
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:21.578 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : ResourcesInDesiredState
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:21.595 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [+] [SqlServerLogin]Add_AdministratorsGroup::[Configure_CRM_SQLUsers]::[Configure_CRM_SQLUsers]
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:21.597 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [+] [SqlServerRole]Grant_AdministratorsGroup_Db_Creator::[Configure_CRM_SQLUsers]::[Configure_CRM_SQLUsers]
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:21.599 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [+] [SqlServerRole]Grant_AdministratorsGroup_SecurityAdmin::[Configure_CRM_SQLUsers]::[Configure_CRM_SQLUsers]
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:21.601 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [+] [SqlServerRole]Grant_AdministratorsGroup_SysAdmin::[Configure_CRM_SQLUsers]::[Configure_CRM_SQLUsers]
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:21.602 : INFO : CRM/vagrant :
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:21.603 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : ResourcesNotInDesiredState
crm: PSComputerName ResourcesInDesiredState ResourcesNotInDesiredState InDesiredState
crm: -------------- ----------------------- -------------------------- --------------
crm: localhost {[SqlServerLogin]Add_Admini... True
==> crm: Running provisioner: uplift_checkpoint...
==> crm: Running provisioner: shell...
crm: Running: script: crm-install-media
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:37.857 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Downloading CRM resource...
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:37.927 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Running as: CRM\vagrant
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:37.929 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Uplift environmanet variables:
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:37.999 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_BOX_METADATA_GIT_BRANCH]: dev
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:38.001 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_BOX_METADATA_GIT_COMMIT]: 3ef49c1
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:38.003 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_CRM_RESOURCE_NAME]: ms-dynamics-crm90-server-en
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:38.004 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_HTTP_ADDR]:
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:38.031 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_CRM_RESOURCE_NAME]: ms-dynamics-crm90-server-en
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:38.035 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_HTTP_ADDR]:
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:38.049 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [~] cannot find env variable by name: UPLF_LOCAL_REPOSITORY_PATH - , will try default value if provided
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:38.052 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : - using default value
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:38.053 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_LOCAL_REPOSITORY_PATH]: c:/_uplift_resources
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:38.057 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Downloading resource: ms-dynamics-crm90-server-en
crm: uplift v0.2.1902.44
crm: 2019-04-06 20:12:39.721 : Downloading local resource: ms-dynamics-crm90-server-en
crm: 2019-04-06 20:12:39.735 : [+] Remote resource:
crm: 2019-04-06 20:12:39.737 : - server :
crm: 2019-04-06 20:12:39.738 : - url :
crm: 2019-04-06 20:12:39.740 : - meta :
crm: 2019-04-06 20:12:39.742 :
crm: 2019-04-06 20:12:39.743 : [+] Local resource:
crm: 2019-04-06 20:12:39.745 : - repo : c:/_uplift_resources
crm: 2019-04-06 20:12:39.747 : - resource : c:\_uplift_resources\ms-dynamics-crm90-server-en
crm: 2019-04-06 20:12:39.748 : - latestt : c:\_uplift_resources\ms-dynamics-crm90-server-en\latest
crm: 2019-04-06 20:12:39.750 :
crm: 2019-04-06 20:12:39.751 : [+] Download options:
crm: 2019-04-06 20:12:39.753 : - force :
crm: 2019-04-06 20:12:39.754 : - skip unpack :
crm: 2019-04-06 20:12:39.761 : [~] latest is NOT OK, will download it
crm: 2019-04-06 20:12:39.913 : [~] fetching metadata:
crm: 2019-04-06 20:12:39.956 : [~] checking if /download-staging is OK
crm: 2019-04-06 20:12:39.972 : [~] downloading files...
crm: 2019-04-06 20:12:39.974 : [1/2] downloading: CRM9.0-Server-ENU-amd64.exe.sha256
crm: 2019-04-06 20:12:40.122 : [2/2] downloading: CRM9.0-Server-ENU-amd64.exe
crm: 2019-04-06 20:12:48.310 : [~] checksum validation: c:\_uplift_resources\ms-dynamics-crm90-server-en\download-staging\CRM9.0-Server-ENU-amd64.exe
crm: 2019-04-06 20:12:52.152 : [+] checksum validation ok!
crm: 2019-04-06 20:12:52.156 : [~] preparing /latest
crm: 2019-04-06 20:12:52.175 : - testing type of file before moving to /latest (skipUnpack = )
crm: 2019-04-06 20:12:52.176 : - moving non-unpackable file to /latest
crm: 2019-04-06 20:12:52.184 : [~] cleaning up /download-staging
crm: 2019-04-06 20:12:52.196 : [+] local resource path: c:\_uplift_resources\ms-dynamics-crm90-server-en\latest
crm: 2019-04-06 20:12:52.197 : [+] completed transfer for local resource: ms-dynamics-crm90-server-en
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:52.222 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Unpacking resource: ms-dynamics-crm90-server-en
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:52.245 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Looking for 'exe' file in folder: c:/_uplift_resources\ms-dynamics-crm90-server-en\latest
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:12:52.280 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : - found: C:\_uplift_resources\ms-dynamics-crm90-server-en\latest\CRM9.0-Server-ENU-amd64.exe
==> crm: Running provisioner: uplift_checkpoint...
==> crm: Running provisioner: shell...
crm: Running: script: crm-install-provision
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:14:00.304 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Running CRM privision...
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:14:00.374 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Running as: CRM\vagrant
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:14:00.376 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Uplift environmanet variables:
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:14:00.449 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_BOX_METADATA_GIT_BRANCH]: dev
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:14:00.451 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_BOX_METADATA_GIT_COMMIT]: 3ef49c1
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:14:00.453 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_CRM_LICENCE_KEY]: ******
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:14:00.455 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_CRM_RESOURCE_NAME]: ms-dynamics-crm90-server-en
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:14:00.457 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_HTTP_ADDR]:
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:14:03.945 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : CRM module version: Dynamics365Configuration 1.0
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:14:03.969 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_CRM_RESOURCE_NAME]: ms-dynamics-crm90-server-en
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:14:03.971 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_CRM_LICENCE_KEY]: ******
crm: UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:14:04.006 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Skipping -LogFilePullToOutput option, v1.0.0.0 module or older
crm: Version of software to be installed:
crm: 04/06/2019 20:14:10 Saving configuration temporary to C:\Users\_CRMAD~1\AppData\Local\Temp\1b188d3b-1915-41d0-b0a6-bffd69665308.xml
crm: 04/06/2019 20:14:10 Starting C:\_uplift_resources\ms-dynamics-crm90-server-en\latest\unpacked\SetupServer.exe
crm: 04/06/2019 20:14:10 Started installation job, log will be saved in C:\Users\_CRMAD~1\AppData\Local\Temp\CRMInstallationLog_2019-04-06-20-14-10Z.txt
crm: 04/06/2019 20:14:10 Waiting until CRM installation job is done
crm: 04/06/2019 20:15:11 Job is complete, output:
crm: Start-Process 'C:\_uplift_resources\ms-dynamics-crm90-server-en\latest\unpacked\SetupServer.exe' -ArgumentList '/Q /config C:\Users\_CRMAD~1\AppData\Local\Temp\1b188d3b-1915-41d0-b0a6-bffd69665308.xml /L C:\Users\_CRMAD~1\AppData\Local\Temp\CRMInstallationLog_2019-04-06-20-14-10Z.txt' -Wait;
crm: Installation job finished but the product is still not installed. Current product version installed is 'Could not load Microsoft.Crm.PowerShell PSSnapin'
crm: Installation job finished but the product is still not installed. Current product version installed is 'Could not load
crm: Microsoft.Crm.PowerShell PSSnapin'
crm: At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Dynamics365Configuration\1.0\Install-Dynamics365Server.psm1:323 char:13
crm: + Throw "Installation job finished but the product is still ...
crm: + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
crm: + CategoryInfo : OperationStopped: (Installation jo...Shell PSSnapin':String) [], RuntimeException
crm: + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Installation job finished but the product is still not installed. Current product versio
crm: n installed is 'Could not load Microsoft.Crm.PowerShell PSSnapin'
The following WinRM command responded with a non-zero exit status.
Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed!
$env:UPLF_CRM_RESOURCE_NAME = "ms-dynamics-crm90-server-en"; $env:UPLF_HTTP_ADDR = ""; $env:UPLF_CRM
_LICENCE_KEY = "KKNV2-4YYK8-D8HWD-GDRMW-29YTW"; powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -OutputFormat Text -file "c:\tmp\vagr
Stdout from the command:
UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:14:00.304 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Running CRM privision...
UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:14:00.374 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Running as: CRM\vagrant
UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:14:00.376 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Uplift environmanet variables:
UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:14:00.449 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_BOX_METADATA_GIT_BRANCH]: dev
UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:14:00.451 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_BOX_METADATA_GIT_COMMIT]: 3ef49c1
UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:14:00.453 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_CRM_LICENCE_KEY]: ******
UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:14:00.455 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_CRM_RESOURCE_NAME]: ms-dynamics-crm90-server-e
UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:14:00.457 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_HTTP_ADDR]:
UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:14:03.945 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : CRM module version: Dynamics365Configuration 1.0
UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:14:03.969 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_CRM_RESOURCE_NAME]: ms-dynamics-crm90-server-en
UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:14:03.971 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : [ENV:UPLF_CRM_LICENCE_KEY]: ******
UPLIFT : 04-06-2019 20:14:04.006 : INFO : CRM/vagrant : Skipping -LogFilePullToOutput option, v1.0.0.0 module or olde
Version of software to be installed:
04/06/2019 20:14:10 Saving configuration temporary to C:\Users\_CRMAD~1\AppData\Local\Temp\1b188d3b-1915-41d0-b0a6-bffd6
04/06/2019 20:14:10 Starting C:\_uplift_resources\ms-dynamics-crm90-server-en\latest\unpacked\SetupServer.exe
04/06/2019 20:14:10 Started installation job, log will be saved in C:\Users\_CRMAD~1\AppData\Local\Temp\CRMInstallationL
04/06/2019 20:14:10 Waiting until CRM installation job is done
04/06/2019 20:15:11 Job is complete, output:
Start-Process 'C:\_uplift_resources\ms-dynamics-crm90-server-en\latest\unpacked\SetupServer.exe' -ArgumentList '/Q /conf
ig C:\Users\_CRMAD~1\AppData\Local\Temp\1b188d3b-1915-41d0-b0a6-bffd69665308.xml /L C:\Users\_CRMAD~1\AppData\Local\Temp
\CRMInstallationLog_2019-04-06-20-14-10Z.txt' -Wait;
Installation job finished but the product is still not installed. Current product version installed is 'Could not load M
icrosoft.Crm.PowerShell PSSnapin'
Stderr from the command:
Installation job finished but the product is still not installed. Current product version installed is 'Could not load
Microsoft.Crm.PowerShell PSSnapin'
At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Dynamics365Configuration\1.0\Install-Dynamics365Server.psm1:323 char:13
+ Throw "Installation job finished but the product is still ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : OperationStopped: (Installation jo...Shell PSSnapin':String) [], RuntimeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Installation job finished but the product is still not installed. Current product versio
n installed is 'Could not load Microsoft.Crm.PowerShell PSSnapin'
PS C:\projects\uplift-contrib\uplift-vagrant\crm-dev>
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